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I got consultation at Banobagi, JW, JK, GNG, View and I chose…

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Hi all!

Last year I have learned about this forum and after reading many people's reviews, I finally decided to come to Korea. All this time I can only read other people’s reviews but this time I’m going to write my own review. Last week I came to Korea and got 5 consultations. I'm going to have nose job. In Singapore, plastic surgery is so expensive so I came to Korea because it’s much prettier and cheaper. I’m going to stay in Seoul for about 2 weeks, so I am thinking about going to get skin treatment as well.

I take notes from other people’s review and googled plastic surgery clinics but there’s too many information! Many of those clinics have instagram and so I looked at their before and after pictures one by one.

And I got consultations at five clinics. I'll leave a brief review.

Banobagi : In the forum there’s many good reviews and almost no bad reviews. I got a consultation with Dr. Lee. I felt a little bit rushed because he was busy, but I managed to talk about all of my concerns, showed all the photos I compiled and he told me that he will be able to make the nose I wanted. The consultant was kind and good at English. I didn't feel like I was pushed. Compared to all the clinics I went, Banobagi has the most patients. In the 1st floor and 2nd floor I saw a lot of Korean patients. I was surprised.

JK : It felt calm and tidy. Actually, I don't think I've seen many reviews about JK in this forum. But I came here because I think it was a safe hospital without bad review. I heard that they have many foreign patients. I saw UAE auntie and her family in the lobby. I had a nose surgery consultation with Dr. Kim and he told me that I will look pretty if I have a nose job.
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JW : One of the most famous clinic for nose surgery. There are many good reviews, but also many bad ones. A lot of people said that Dr. Suh is famous for nose surgery, but the results are not as good as they used to be. JW was slow to respond to my email and it was very difficult to get consultation with them. They are not really on my list, but I went there because they’re renowned for nose. When I went to the clinic, I was told that I could get consultation with Dr. Lee, so I had consultation with him. He was kind and a good listener. However, there were not many pictures of Dr. Lee's nose surgery result. There were not many people in the clinic.

View : This place is not really famous in this forum but I saw them in let me in so that’s why I went. The whole building, all 15 stories belong to View clinic. I waited in the 1st floor lobby and got consultation on the 5th floor. The staff was kind. The translator was kind too. I got consultation with Dr. Lee, he looks a little bit young. Also there were not many people and the consultant was kind. I asked why there’s no patient and they said it’s because now is surgery time and treatment time. And around this time Koreans don’t have surgery, so it’s off-season. There was really no patient and not many pictures of Dr. Lee’s before and after so I said to them that I need to think a little bit more.
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GNG : I've seen so many reviews at this forum. They’re on the top of my clinic list and I had high expectations. The whole tall building is GNG’s. I went to the lobby on the 2nd floor and waited for my consultation. But there's really no patient at all. I only see staff but no patients. In the forum it looks like a lot of people went to GNG so I thought there would be a lot of people, but when I actually went there and saw no patient, I was surprised. The building is big, but there is no patient. There’s something fishy. The translator and Dr. Seong was kind and a good listener. He explained in detail about everything including functional area as well. After consultation with Dr. Seong, the consultant guide the price to me. Dr. Seong fee is expensive. Actually, I came to Korea only to have nose surgery, but after getting consultations I’m also thinking about getting canthoplasty so I need more time to think. But the consultant pushed me to pay deposit. And she told me that she would give me 50% off if I wrote a review of purse forum. But she told me to keep this a secret and never reveal that I got discount in my review. What? 50% off if you work as a promoter? At that moment, I thought all GNG reviews I saw were made up because of secret sponsorship. Dr. Seong was kind and I felt like he’s a good doctor, but they have been active in this kind of behind the door marketing? I thought that if many of the reviews about Dr. Seong were from secret sponsorship then there would be no guarantee for me to get the results as written, as written so nicely by promoters! I don’t want to be used for marketing purpose and serve secretly as a guinea pig. I got 50% discount offer from the consultant, but I told her that I’ll contact her again and leave. Now when I think about it, there’s this kind of a template set for GNG reviews, all of them have the same format and all of them were well constructed.

It was interesting to go to consultations, repeat my story again and again to the consultant and doctor, and listen to their different surgery plans. I wrapped up my consultation tour, returned to my hotel and did more researches on google and after that I finally made my decision. I came back to one of the clinic and gave 500 USD for deposit. I'll write more.
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Wow, they asked you to write a review, but keep it a secret?? How sleazy. And 50% off... that seems unusually high. I didn't even know that was a thing... thanks for telling us.
Also, if you have any more info about View, please let me know! It's on my list for my facial contouring. :smile:
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I noticed there’s so many “good” reviews on GNG here! :hrmm:
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OMG thanks for giving us the real TEA lol. The whole GNG thread seems suspect now. That said, the one good thing they have going for them is the numerous before and afters on their website, more than many other clinics.
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Thanks so much for this. Makes me worried about reading reviews:sad:
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Oh that sounds super sketchy and from my experience with GNG uncharacteristic...I hope they are not going down this path (odd that they would choose to do this when they are gaining traction?? I could understand this if they were a new clinic) because it will really discredit the experience of posters here.

Not to discredit what you say, but as someone who did get the surgery at GNG, I will say I was in Korea in March with tomie for my consultations and when we offered to do before-and-after photos and to share our experiences (as advised by earlier patients from this forum), they straight up told us they didn't need any more. Other girls who went in April also struggled to lower the prices quoted to them. I got the price down after an hour by playing the poor student card (we are very young) and quoting other clinic's prices. Even then, they did not tell me I had to do reviews, but at that point I assumed they were going to ask since they were giving me a discount anyway (like Miss Orange, who has some degree of celebrity on this forum, it was still not near 50%, and this was the case for other students I spoke with as well so I am surprised the consultant would jump to offer such a high discount).

My consent forms on the day of surgery contained two lines about having to send the hospital before-and-afters at certain marks (1 week, 1 month, etc.), but I took extras so I could see the progress and share with people who were interested (I did NOT tell GNG I was sharing my experience as I was doing it). There was also a single line (two maybe) about having to produce, in their words, honest reviews, within a few months, but there was no mention of this forum in particular, nor did they tell me I could not disclose that I got a discount (just can't say exactly how much) and they had asked me to write reviews; in fact, I've already mentioned these facts in some group chats and this forum. The terms GNG gave me sound just like the ones Miss Orange mentioned. In fact, Julia said I could basically post anywhere. I have evidence of these instructions in the contract to remember them but also to give myself some degree of protection if I end up writing a negative review. I was late in sending some of the pictures I took (always sent them to GNG last LOL) and they never bothered me about that either so it's odd that they have changed their policy so much in a month's time.
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  • 2 weeks later...
This might be a dumb question but how come it's less busy in the summer for Korean people to get PS done? And does this really make a difference in how much easier it is to get consultations/surgery spots?
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They said that in the winter, Korean college students and office workers tend to do surgery during that time of year, so they are very busy. Also they said to not come during the long holidays. They said that if you come during the holidays, you have to pay the deposit, so I'm planning to come during the less busier seasons and have consultations in 2 days and decide on the clinic then.
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It seems that GNG used a lot of promoters to post up only good reviews on the forum. I was really surprised when I received the offer.
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