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Rhinoplasty, Fat grafting, and Facial contouring with GNG

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Yep! you just feel a pressure on the bridge of your nose/sinuses ^^ Thank you so much, it means a lot that you read it! I know it sounds bad but it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, if that makes sense haha. You'll get through it I swear!
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I'm only on day 16 so not really! It looks more or less the same in photos, but I can see subtle differences in person~
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Oh yes what’s the price like
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Yep! honestly, I didn't find my rhino expensive because I was pretty aware of the base pricing list beforehand (4.5 mill silicone, add ons for extra procedures but discount if you do multiple) but I can totally understand ;~( I secured the new year's promotion prices though~ But anyway yes I got tip plasty ^^
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Hey, so I’ve been seeing a lot of negative reviews start popping up about GNG, what do you think about them?
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Every clinic will have positive and negative reviews and I only speak for myself, along with generally mentioning people whose results and experiences I've seen in real life. But I can't accurately represent anyone other than me!

I consider abstract ideas more than the result of one individual person because more often than not all things falls in the middle of a spectrum rather than on any extreme and one person's experience will likely not be mine (though many people's experiences do have a stronger influencing factor.) The ratio of positive to negative is still overwhelming and I personally like their attitude toward me and the people I know even as I made myself fully aware of the potential complicaions so...my stance hasn't changed. In fact, it doesn't surprise me because every clinic has great, mediocre, and bad reviews. So long as a clinic doesn't cross what I consider to be my bottom line I don't have much to say other than to speak for yourself and consider reviews carefully, speak to people privately, and to be neither too positive NOR too cynical. It's all up to you, not me or anyone else to decide on who you feel comfortable with!! I'm really happy, but I'm not going to say that everyone will definitely be–that would be unrealistic.

If a patient has actually had surgery with the clinic, then you can consider their results and review to be fine. You can't completely push yourself to decide on a clinic solely based on the words of just one other person anyway, so it's important to do research! In fact, if you look on GNG's korean website you can see tons more censored patient reviews and handwritten notes/reviews so you can decide for yourself there, then consult with them to see if you feel comfortable. if not, there are hundreds of other clinics that could accommodate you better! Don't settle if youre uncomfortable, that's usually when problems arise lol.

No one's died, they don't have shadow doctors, after care is great, and they have a generally good track record (though remember negative reviews definitely exist, that's a reality we can't avoid) so I personally wouldn't qualify them to be on any sort of blacklist regardless of whether or not they're considered good. If that much is out of the way, then the rest of it depends on your own judgement!

You can pm me if you wish to discuss it further ^.^
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  • 4 weeks later...
Looks really cute and it´s only the beginning. The shape looks really natural! :smile:))
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Hello, csolare. Sorry if I did not understand correct, but I am confused because isn't the tip supposed to be wider than the bridge? From my research of noses and looking at journals and postings from surgeons, a tip the same width as the bridge is generally not considered aesthetically pleasing, although I guess some things can be subjective. I was told it was a reason many old rhinoplasties look failed, think Micheal Jackson, because the surgeons made the bridge and tip same width. Mind you, your nose looks very nice and cute, it's just the comment I am lost about since I don't really hear people wanting it the same width these days.
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The truth is really coming out about this place. Only way for any clinic to change their ways is expose their character and lack of integrity. Thank you to those who are sharing and speaking out. As long as everything is truthful, you have nothing to worry about. Bunch of degenerates.
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notice how all the tons of good "reviewers" are magically no where to be seen after the truth was revealed...
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And not one of the reviewers has posted a pic without 700 filters all over it, to truly compare with the before.

I really detest GNG hospital. They have ruined my life for the foreseeable future until I can address the issues.
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Is it just he jaw you're unhappy about or did they botched the zygoma too?
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No, i meant the swollen area above the tip bulges, not the tip itself sorry haha. Basically when it’s swollen it looks very pronounced and fake and lowers with time ^^ looks better and better every day!
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