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CRUSHED after a botched rhinoplasty at GNG

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Hello. First of all, I want to give thanks to all you fellow pfers for all your detailed reviews and updates. I have been on purseforum for years and years, but only started to get more active these past two years or so. I always promised I would give back as much as I received from this community, so here I am. I really wanted to wait to write my review because I really wanted it to be based on the actual result rather than my recovery. I was really eager to write this beforehand, but i wanted to be 100% before putting anything on the internet.

And i am deeply saddened to say, it is not gonna be good.

Surgery plan:
Bridge augmentation
Tip + alar plasty
Osteotomy + septoplasty

GNG Hospital

I consulted with many places but in the end i chose GNG for two reasons, 1. nasal obstruction correction, and 2. Because they are a so called hospital. BOY was I disappointed. First of all, my doctor was non interested and short in our primary consultation. He showed no interest in my concerns nor did he speak much. His translator did most of the talking, not sure if it was to sell me or to fluff out what he didnt care to say. The actual only reason i decided to go through with surgery was because of the glowing reviews i read on this forum. LADIES (and gents) ALWAYS ALWAYS trust your instincts. If you fe uncomfortable about something, trust your gut. NOT what people on the internet says.

Anyway, So my nose is very wide and short. I distinctly told my surgeon that I did not want to have a short nose, and that my aim was to make it longer. I paid about 6.5 million KRW for the surgeries above and i cringe to think about what revision may cost me. Not only did they charge me 1.5 million KRW extra for a cadaver cartilage I SWEAR THEY DIDNT USE, but they had the audacity to say its not shorter. My nose is a complete pigs nose now and its ALL THANKS TO THEM.Even on the day of surgery, i brought all my photos and explained in absolute detail about what i wanted and didnt want. My main and only objective was to slim and lengthen my nose. How could he have done the complete opposite? My nose is noticeably more short and bridge is bumpy af and my tip is messed up!!

I will attach my before and after photo. Pictures definitely speak louder than words, so you all can be the judge for the atrocity. Please comment or message me, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO. I am utterly humiliated and stuck.

I have contacted them several several times about this concern during the first few months, but their replies have been limp. I have called but they keeep telling me i must wait to see the final result. TOTAL ******** . I have waited over five months and youre telling me its gonnna get a **** lot better than it is now? No. I know they are just pushing me off. In all honesty, I would not trust them with the thought of revision. Now i must consider what to do next. I wanted to let everyone know to NOT trust these sponsored reviews and to do lots of research OUTSIDE OF TPF. I had a conversation with a female in a kakao group chat who had a similar problem after nasal irrigation with gng WT....

ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY are MORTIFIED. I cry everytime i look in the mirror and deathly stress everytime i think about whats in the middle of my face. They tell me my nose has been wrecked and my nose is completely botched and up turned!! My nostrils are completely uneven now. I cannot even begin to explain how it has been for me

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jesus....im so sorry u had to go through that. I had the a similar issue during my second rhino done in LA/Beverly hills by charless lee. I had a hump, uneveness and extrusion from his shotty work. I think the good thing at least is that you don't seem to have sustained much damage from the surgery, albeit blurry photos. If that is the case simply removing the implants can reverse most of your current condition. It looks like they did a SEG on you tho and stretched it beyond what your tissues can handle -_-. By 6 months mark u can revise it without much issue.
I can't really tell exactly if its the lighting cos the pics are blurry but your nose before, did you have a deviated septum? Because your natural bridge looks like it is more towards one side. If that is the case then it was essential to do deviation correction and nasal base surgery before placing the implant
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Please NAME THE DOCTOR!!! I am sure you won't be going back to GNG for a revision. The shrills on PF who tell posters they are promoters whenever they knock GNG should read this and hang their head in shame
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Omg I just paid my deposit... can you advise the doctor at GNG???
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I'm sorry you're so crushed. Have you seen any surgeons in your area? You may feel better if you can talk with a specialist about what can be done to improve it, to at least have a plan in mind.

I'm rather unhappy with surgery results as well. We're here for you, hang in there [hugs]
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God, I feel terrible for you @p.joann14. I really hope you can find a more ethical surgeon to do your revision rhino if you choose to have another one. The hospital telling you to keep waiting and shrugging you off seems to be standard for a lot of Korean ps clinics, and it's terrible.

This... this is why I'm so skeptical when reading reviews. I feel like it's a puzzle to figure out if a reviewer has gotten sponsored, is a total fake (from the clinic itself), or if they got a promotional discount to write their review (which in of itself isn't bad, but again I wonder if I will be treated the same even if I don't share my pics or write a review).
GNG's abundance of shills and paid promoters seem to have sprung up from 2017 until now, which in of itself seems extremely suspicious to me. I'd rather go to a place that has built up it's reputation over many years, than one that just popped up recently. But sadly since I don't know Korean or live there, I feel like I have a huge lack of information and am at a disadvantage. -_-
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THere was a girl from China who had zygoma and jaw reduction at gng and was allegedly botched. I believe her 100 % bc she had photographic evidence. The screws in her face caused click sounds and her face was drooping downwards. She has a diary on a popular plastic surgery site that documented everything.
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Whoa... can you link it to me or tell me what to search to find it?
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I went through almost the exact same thing with my primary rhino. I was devastated when I saw my nose and my concerns were brushed off & ignored.

I just had my revision a couple months ago and the improvement has been more than I honestly thought possible. It’s still early in the healing process but so far I am happy with the outcome. I can chat if you want.
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