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CRUSHED after a botched rhinoplasty at GNG

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They seemed busy, a lot of patients. I can’t say much about the results yet as I’m only 12 days post op.
But overall my experience there was okay. Their after care was good and nurses were great and helpful.
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yeah I also know one black girl who flew all the way from the US for Rhinoplasty. She has researched for a long time and wanted to go straight to GNG only. Her nose now looks very fine. That says a lot.
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did you also go for rhino to GNG?
im sure you have also researched pretty long before going there. So that means a lot to me.
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Hey I totally get wanting to find out more about GNG but it might be better to do it in PM or another thread! This girl got super screwed by them and is understandably upset, and she probably doesn’t need you to discuss this in her thread haha
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True that. Totally understandable, shall talk somewhere else. Thanks.
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I just want to thank you for writing this post.

You are saving many people from thousands of dollars and time wasted, physical / emotional /psychological stress, and perhaps even death. These unethical clinics, who prey on unknowing foreigners, need to be called out for their absolutely disgusting behavior and practices.

Purseforum is an extremely valuable resource for us to exchange inofrmation, and they are very well aware of this. This is why they give 50% (?!?!) discounts for patients who write a positive review on this platform. Well writing an honest, negative review probably has double or triple the effect, in my opinion ...

So once again - thank you. It's the real reviews like yours, though painful to read, that keep this forum strong.

Sending you the best in your recovery and hope that you find all that you need to make your beauty goals come to reality.

- ceecee
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Who is the doctor? I did mine with Dr Seong from GNG and it turns out amazing. Now its post 1 year surgery already.

I would advise against doing anything other than nose from Dr.Seong GNG [I havemy personal experience to back up] . I only trust Dr Seong from GNG.
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This was Dr Hong I believe
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Sorry, I did not realize that I did not write my doctor's name. Originally I wanted to have surgery with Dr. Hong, but VERY last minute I ended up having surgery with Dr. Seong because of all the raving reviews. I booked with Dr. Hong, but they assured me Dr. Seong was "the one for me"
I am not saying he is a terrible surgeon, I am sure he does great work too. But I wrote this because I wanted to share MY experience. I understand that plastic surgery is for aesthetic purpose and not every surgeon can give 100% good results, but the most awful, horrid thing was, not only did my nose job terrible, but the staff neglected me. Once I started questioning my result and telling them something was DEFINITELY wrong, they kept assuring me that it was "just swelling" and that "it would get better". CLEARLY there was something wrong but I actually waited, and waited, before posting anything, because I wanted to make sure it wasn't just swelling as they were saying.
A lot of my close friends and family told me from the getgo that my nose was awful short and that my nostrils were a mess. Honestly, I understand that swelling can change the final result because I have had plastic surgery before, but even when swelling goes down, it goes NOT make the nose miraculously longer or suddenly make your nostrils look less collapsed.
I was not only plagued with a terrible result, but no one was around to help me or answer my questions. I know that they know this too because everytime I would ask a question or send my picture, they would answer "let me check with the doctor/consultant" and take a hell lot long to answer (DAYS AND DAYS). if there was nothing wrong, would they really need to check with the doctor/consultant and take this long to answer? because clearly they didnt need to do all this checking during the preliminary consutlation.
Furthermore, what really pisses me off is the fact that I paid a large amount of money to have surgery with Dr. Seong, but now that my nose is botched, they suddenly claim that its because there are limitations using silicone + donated cartilage (I PAID EXTRA FOR DONATED CARTILAGE). I am not sure if they forgot or something, but when I first consulted, they claimed that donated cartilage would be sufficient and that they have a specialized way of molding this material for the "best" result. BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN, they are claiming rib cartilage is the best material to give me this "best" result. They never, ever mentioned this option during the first surgery. I think this is their way of trying to fix THEIR problem rather than give me my money back.
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Thank you for sharing your honest review. People need to be aware that clinic only shows the "good results". Also, I find that clinics tends to manipulate results with makeup, lighting, angles or these damn photo filters. You can actually buy beauty filters for your YouTube videos now. If they won't refund your money and your nose is really botched--file a lawsuit. It'a quite a process but if you think you have a case then pursue it. If you don't sue them, then this review I'm sure has cost them business. You gotta hurt them where it hurts the most--Their wallets.

There was an article that mentioned a few clinics in Korea were sued for using photoshopped photos to advertise. They also use models who never had surgery to promote their clinics. It's such an unethical and shameful practice. I would avoid Korea altogether. I learned that just bc someone is a doctor it doesn't mean they know what their doing or have the aesthetic eye. Not many doctors have the skills for beautification of the face. If you want rhinoplasty, then you go to a surgeon who strictly does noses. I'm sorry you went through all this, I know how a bad results can effect your entire life and self confidence...but remember revision is possible and things can get better. I suggest you find a surgeon in the United States for your revision.
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You're definitely right about the YouTube thing. I know how easy it is to edit your appearance in a video editing program or even just through using one of those filters on your phone. Some phones are even built with beauty filters that work as soon as you hit record. It's so incredibly easy for any old schmuck to edit their photos and videos, so it's not at all surprising that clinics will edit the crap out of them for their website.
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did he (dr seong) use foreign rib cartilage on her or her own?
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