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CRUSHED after a botched rhinoplasty at GNG

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Please explain because both Missorange and I are in the medical field. Thankfully I didn't get an infection but I would like to know why it is a warning sign to you? Please share
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Im not sure what thomas.duncan's belief is. I'm curious too.

But it may have something along the lines of, prophylaxis antibotics should only be used maximum of 24 to 48 hours.
Where i work,we only give maximum of 3 doses of ivab post surgery as prophylaxis antibotic treatment. Unless there is indication of infection, then we continue using ivab.

Excessive use of antibotics can cause antibotics resistance. China is well known to be a country that use excessive antibotics. I have sustained permanent hearing loss from antibotics due to this excessive usage when i was young.

I'm just speculating.... don't quote me 100%on this.
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Wow. That is sad to hear. I plan to go back to china for my hairline transplant next year. So I will do more research
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Mmm yes please do.
But yes, unfortunately not many people know this.
China uses antibotics so much, that its becoming an issue. Its not a big deal for me personally... I get by and manage it well. But its something don't wish on anyone.
Antibotic resistence is such a huge issue. You dont want to be resistent to antibotics when you REALLY need it.
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Also another thing. Just probably me being a bit picky. But... next time thomas.duncan, instead of calling people sheepies and acting a bit arrogant. Maybe explain and educate people what you know, rather calling us 'sheepies'. Or even pointing us to the right direction.

Not everyone has access to medical or vast amount of knowledge that you have. Sharing such knowledge helps everyone in the long run. As this is what this forum was created for.

Just my 2cents. Ignore if you want.
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Its an interesting discussion in regards to it though.

It really is dependant on case by case. Im not sure how it goes in the uk. However, where i am from. They will start you on antibotics,but cease as soon as they have ruled out non infection. And that you will start off with a broad spectrum antibotics,once you know what the organism is then change to the antibotics that the organism is sensitive to it.

I know what you mean in regards to gp. I have had to fight to be given antibotics due to a severe infection, and this was with a gp. I wasnt febrile nor in shock. But I was pretty close to ending up in hospital if he had continued to refused.

There's also another problem with antibotic resistence in that patients refuse to finish the whole course of oral antibiotics. They deem themselves fit and no need for antibotics when symptoms disappear. This also causes resistance as you know, due to some of the organisms surviving.

Rule of thumb over here,start antibotics,cease once you are confident there is no source of infection. Usually blood tests are run as well as other tests to rule out infection source.

Not saying that they shouldn't have given antibotics. Just more use with more caution.
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ok i will.
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you mean tinnitus or actual hearing loss? wao, that's sad. how do you know the antibiotics caused it?
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ok here is my take on the supposed great chinese doctor who gives antibiotics over 1 week:

- first of all there is no proof that antibiotics can stop inflammation/infection. I am living proof because i have had infection twice where antibiotics could not stop it.

- antibiotics must not be taken for more than 3, maximum 5 days or else it's rendered ineffective.

- since we all have taken at least 1 course of antibiotics in our life, any further antibiotic course will be useless because of the memory effect (happened to me too)

- some surgeons already stopped prescribing antibiotics to their patients post surgery because they discovered they are useless. You can see them talking about it on realself. search for "antibiotics after rhinoplasty"

all the points mentioned, I did not know before and had to learn the hard way at a time when I knew less than an inch about medicine.
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Actual hearing loss. Its known as oytotoxicity can be permanent or temporary. Mines permanent. Ive had it since i was 8.

I had good hearing before i got very sick. My family was from china. And as part of an run of very bad fainting episode when i was young. They gave me ivab which shouldn't have been used on children.

My parents who worked in medicine at the time realised that it was dangerous so they discharged me against medical advice. I think about a couple of months later i stated I couldnt hear as well. But it was lucky in some ways? I have complete hearing loss on my left ear,and partial on my right.

And they tested my hearing. I have been to numerous specialists since then, they suspected it was due to the antibotics. Since then theres been more studies on it. And proof it has had emerged that ototoxicity can occur. In adults more then likely temporary, rarely permanent.
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Hi miss orange,

All very valid points. I wasnt sure if there was infection involved. I was merely speculating based on assumption that it was merely prophylaxis treatment post operatively. Now you have had mentioned infection it is all fair.

Mmmmm. I understand the point of which antibotics. But I'm not sure if its the same way as it was before. But I've had relatives from overseas telling me they get antibotics for the basic flu over in china. Hence why I'm not very trusting of China's use of antibotics. Maybe they have improved since then. I'm not sure. But it was more of a warning based on previous experiences.
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Oh i completely agree, miss orange. And i applaud you for standing firm for what you believe is right. Its never easy sometimes to dig your heels in and demand what you believe whats right. However, doctors are human too. Some of them you wonder how the heck did they pass med school.

This is where the problem starts. Its when there are irresponsible doctors who do not listen to patients. I get where you are coming from.

Like I said before, i had a severe uti which resulted in haemutria and flank pain. I wasnt febrile then but had to beg the GP to commence me on oral antibotics. I was happy to do all the tests, but he refused. Stating that antibotic resistence was the reason. I got so irritated that i had to snap at him and told him if i went into shock later on, i will make sure he'll know about it. Luckily he relented and gave me what i asked for.

My point being is,overseas in china. They give out antibotics like candy. This was the practice for many years. I think since the SARS epidemic it has gotten better. But there will be still older generation doctors who believe antibotics solve everything. Thus resulting in issues with antibotic resistence.

Thus,all I am saying.... proceed with caution and question things when it doesnt feel right. Earlier like i said 5 days of iv antibotics if its only for prophalyxis feels too much. If it was oral i would be inclined to go ehhhh i get where the surgeon is coming from.

Not everyone has med smarts and the knowledge, hence my point of view being concerned of overusage of antibotics in a country like china.
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I cant cope up with the exchange of convo very technical :biggrin:
can u guys dumb it down a bit LOL.

so right after PS (let say FC - Zygoma and/or Jaw or maybe with Rhino), does one needs to be in anti biotic (oral) for days or not necessarily?

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"ototoxicity" waoo. I just looked it up. I always wonder how a doctor can prescribe antibiotics for a child. A child should never be given AB. AB are regarded way more harmless than they really are!!
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Sorry. Its an interesting debate lol. Pretty much in layman's terms.

They should give you either intraoperatively a dose of iv antibotics. But no more then 3 doses post operatively of iv antibotics while u stay in hospital.

Upon discharge there are different point of view. A generic board spectrum antibotic for 5-7days at a minimal dosage used to be the gold standard for post operative discharge.

However,as per thomas.duncan further research has stated that there are minimal to moderate benefit to post operative antibotic usage. At the end of the day, its how clean the hospital/clinic is and how strict they are with sanitation. Also what kind of surgery. For bone related surgery, yes you'll need antibotics.

But for small surgery like DES or fat grafting If you feel more comfortable with oral antibotics for 5 to 7 days. Then go for it. But you MUST take the full course. Not stop 3 days in.
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