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CRUSHED after a botched rhinoplasty at GNG

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I 100% agree with the OP. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS folks. If you feel unsure it's almost always because you know that something is wrong. I was in a similar situation (different clinic). I had doubts right up until I was wheeled in for surgery, and like an idiot I ignored all the signs and my gut telling me to not do it. And I paid dearly for it. If you think that losing a deposit is bad, imagine the indescribable anguish of a bad result. Money can always be made back. This happens every single time on this forum. A clinic gets tons of glowing reviews completely out of nowhere and then eventually they're exposed for shady practices.

This is exactly my fear - describing what I want down to the last detail and the doctor still imposing his aesthetic that I did not ask for.

To the OP, I totally understand the humiliation and anger you are feeling. I was totally botched too by a butcher surgeon. From what I could tell, in your case it seems like they excessively augmented your nose and over projected your tip. It may look bad, but I don't see anything that is beyond fixing. In my situation, my alars were excessively narrowed, and unfortunately that cannot be fixed at all. This is fixable, although it will be a challenge to find a surgeon you can trust. Thank you for being brave enough to expose them. Most people who are botched just disappear and suffer in silence. You did the right thing and will help many people. I was so close to going with them for my revision, but you might have just saved me from being f***ked up even more. So your post has already helped me, and I thank you for it.

In terms of technical ability, I think Yoo is a safe bet. The only thing that makes me unconvinced his is aesthetic, which I hate. I just don't like how he overprojects the nose tip and how high he makes the nose bridge. He seems to excessively augment the radix, the point between the eyes, which gives a very unnatural look on Asians. I think the people who go to him specifically seek him out for this aesthetic. If you want something subtle, I remain highly skeptical about him, but his skill level is definitely there. He does not leave any obvious scarring or asymmetries. I think if you go with him, you have to BE SPECIFIC down to the last millimeter, otherwise you are gambling with him imposing his aesthetic on your face.
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What's completely absurd is that they will not admit to my botched nose, YET they had the audactiy to recommend rib rhino saying that is the best. it is SUDDENLY THE BEST . why didnt they say that when i paid 10k for the first surgery????????????
suddenly this best option comes out of the getgo yet they claim nothing is wrong. EVERYONE is telling me to stay away from that horrid place and not trust them to"fix" anything when they clearly did the damage.
Now I must pay more than what i originally paid to fix my upturned snout!!!! :'''''''(
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I understand you pain . I am so sorry this happened to you . Please hang in there and save your money and I pray that the next time around you get the results you want. Make sure you take the proper steps in order to have your nose be prepared for revision. I was told to take anti scar medication (under doctor's supervision) Pull and massage the nose , etc.. Contact a few clinics and ask what should you do to prepare for a revision and start working on it .And I understand where you are coming from, why go back to a place who messed up your nose in the first place? I get it ..I wouldn't trust to go back either. For me , it is .."Get it right the FIRST time "..just do your research save your money and keep hopeful.
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It's very typical for a surgeon and clinic to dismiss a patient or put the blame on them. I feel sometimes botched patients are silenced or if it's really bad, paid to keep quiet. Also, NEVER sign a consent form that refrains you from speaking out about a botched procedure--if any clinic provides this NDA...run.
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They all work by the same playbook, which is to LIE and gaslight the botched patient. It's exactly right. They'll do everything to shift blame to the patient, saying they only did what you asked. They'll tell you your nose looks great, even though EVERY close friend or family member confirms your worst fears that your nose has been botched. Or they'll tell you that you are too obsessed or even accuse you of have BDD. If all else fails, they will buy your silence and try to muzzle you into silence.
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My gosh. You are spot on
I was told my nose was fine by the consultant in Korea after my primary .I was told I should have confidence and that I looked much better.:mad:
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That's how it works everywhere in the world. I suggest anyone who goes on a consult to RECORD the consultation on your phone privately. Also, make aware to your surgeon you are documenting your entire experience on review sites to share with others.
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waoo thanks for sharing your story , i really appreciate it.
I was just about to go to GNG because of all the credit they get for male nose jobs. Supposedly many korean men go there for rhinoplasty. Is that true ? Anyone else can confirm? THANKS!
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Actually. Depending on your country recording consultations can be illegal. I work in hospital and if you record any consultation without prior consent. The consultation will be ceased and they will tell you to leave. Not only that, you can end up being blacklisted if you repeatedly attempt this without checking first.

Of course, if they have nothing to hide. Then, they wouldn't be afraid to be recorded.

I'm not sure what korea is like. All I'm saying is check with the country's law before doing something like that. Or at least ask consent. Just my two cents in this matter. No. Im not a promoter. I've just worked for a long time in medical field.
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Yes, I saw a lot of males every time I went there. A lot of Koreans too!
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It is legal for patients to record a consultation with a doctors consent. In 'one party jurisdictions, the consent of any one party in the conversation is sufficient. So a patient can record a clinical encounter without the doctor or healthcare providers consent.
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You kind of missed the point. I'm not attacking you, but law is a tricky thing. If you obtained something illegally it can be dismissed if you try to use it in court.

All I'm saying is, please check the law in korea before doing this. I didn't say you couldn't.

Rather just double check and get your facts right.

Its one thing to do what you think is right. Then another to do what is actually legally right. Every country's law is different and one has to respect it.

I have attached a link to explain what Korea's stance in regards to this. It does say you can if you part of the conversation.

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Its hard sometimes to understand tone in writing. Lol. All good. Its also good to back things up with at least a link to a source.

Just making sure everyone is informed. I hate to see something thrown out in court or worse back fired. If you didn't follow laws. It just sucks sometimes when jt happens.
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