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CRUSHED after a botched rhinoplasty at GNG

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Where st? Who did your revision? Surely u didn’t go back to GNG?
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I was also had complications after my primary rhino (not at GNG, I went to a doctor in the States). I went through all the trouble of surgery and ended up having severe breathing problems that get worse every year. It’s definitely upsetting, but I’m hopeful for a good revision to fix it.

@p.joann14 I hope you feel better and can look forward to a revision or other solution in the future. If you’re comfortable with it, could you share some more photos, like 45 degree and side?

@digitalashes I would also love to hear more about your revision process, as I’m planning to do my revision later this year. Your story would be a big help.
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Is it okay if you provide the photos that you showed them of your goal nose? I am curious to see! This is really bad I am sorry again, you may have just saved me from GNG
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Hey guys, sorry for the lat reply. As much as I do want to express to you all about how unjust and horrible they are, a part of me also wants to avoid talking about them, period, and move on. I have never ever had such a terrible experience before. I have had other parts of my face and body done as well, so I am no stranger to plastic surgery. I only trusted GNG with my nose since they “specialize” in revision and reconstruction rhinoplasty, while also being ENT certified.

THANK YOU all to For giving me feedback and messaging me separately. I truly do owe a lot to this comminity and hope that I can continue to give back as much as I have received.

I understand that plastic surgery results cannot always be guaranteed, BUT everyone must know how unresponsive and careless they have been once they took my money!!! Do not trust these sponsored reviews and DO YOUR RESEARCH.
I just read on another forum that they offered 50% to another patient for FAKE REVIEWS to promote gng and to not tell anyone!! Im sure there have been other cases like this, so dont trust them! They ****ed up my nose and turn the other cheek when I asked them to take responsibility!!!

Everyone tells me my nose is straight messed up now. No i must pay double the cost to fix what they did :’(
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This happens alot.....I'm not surprised at the least. Plastic surgery is such a shady industry. It's all about competition-- you want a good nose job, do it in the United States. Korea is not the place for noses unless you need minor tweaks. Keep in mind plastic surgeons are here to make a living. They have bills to pay, family to feed, practice to maintain and a lifestyle to keep up with. You are not their first priority. Also, there's no set price for a procedure. Surgeons tend to look at your occupation and where you live then decide whether to raise the fee or not. If you're wealthy then you'll get charged more. There's a lot of politics involved.
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Do you know which doctor your friend went to?
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I agree. Yoo is young and he likes using rib for his noses when you can use ear cartilage for graft. IMO He's not experienced enough to be changing 20k for a nose. He prob charges that much not bc of his skills but prob needs to maintain a lavish lifestyle to survive in Beverly Hills. Same goes for Charles lee. I would never go to Beverly Hills for surgery unless it's for facials or fillers. My advice is to educate yourself on every procedure you'll getting then test these "surgeons" on their knowledge.
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