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Rhinoplasty RISKS & RECOVERY

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Hey guys, so its been 2.5 weeks since my full facial contour and rhinoplasty (bridge, tip, osteotomy + alar reduction) in Seoul, South Korea. I love my new nose but everyday is a waiting game. I'm still waiting for the tip to de-swell. I've been doing more research about the healing period. I found these great videos and thought I'd share them!

I noticed a lot of people claiming they've had "botched" nose jobs not even a year into their recovery period. Here is a video that can help explain what happens to the nose after rhinoplasty.

Also, it may take two whole years to see the ENTIRE results of your rhinoplasty! Your nose is always changing!!

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Do you ever watch Botched? I don't know what country you're in but it's a show about "botched" plastic surgery and Dr Paul Nassif and Dr Terry Dubrow are on it and they interview various people to see what happened and if it can be fixed (and if they will--it's a reality TV show). Paul is the nose genius, Terry does the breasts. Pretty interesting TV, every time Paul does a nose fix, I clutch my nose, glad that I have a boring nose and don't need anything done to it. The things I've learned about noses!
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This!! I obsessed over my nose the first two weeks post-op because the shape was "off," mainly as a result of my bridge looking overly projected and my tip bulbous in comparison. During this time, I stumbled across a thread on Make Me Heal where a few users with thick skin shared their experiences with swelling. Made me feel loads better but I also thought ugh that's so much time spent waiting hahaha

OP's post:
My doctor said I have thick skin and I three and a half months post op. I am curious to see how much the tip of my nose is going to change with time, as I am not really liking how my tip looks at this point (bulbous and pointy). If anyone has some pictures of swelling with thick skin I would really appreciate it if you could share

Some responses:
Hey guys
I have thick skin and Im 22 months post op. The tip of my nose was bulbous up until 18 months. If you see my tip now and what it was at 10 months....two different noses....it lookedlike a tub at 10 months an dnow it looks more triangular....although upturned (whcih i want fixed)
hope that helps!!!

People if you have or are going to have a rhinoplasty and you have thick skin PLEASE read. PLEASE read it all before you jump to conclusions! I had a rhinoplasty in July of 2010 at the age of 19. I did my research and found a good plastic surgeon (Dr. David Kim from Beverly Hills) I have thick skin. I initially had a huge tip and overall a big nose and wanted to reduce the size, perfect the shape, and achieve a "defined" look. When I came out of that surgery room it looked like he had butchered me. I swear my nose looked like Elmer Fudd! And I was having difficulty breathing afterwards. For TWO freaking years! I cried ALOT. My parents had to call 911 multiple times because I seriously "lost it" everyday because I was convinced he made it worse.... LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING. It TRANSFORMED into something wonderful!! He got about 90 % to the nose I wanted. I love it now!! And my breathing improved. IF YOU HAVE THICK SKIN YOU MUST BE EXCEEDINGLY PATIENT!!! I cannot stress that enough. Do not let anyone tell you that you will see results in only 3-4 months! That's ONLY for thin-skinned patients. Thick skinned patients will get good results but they must wait 1 1/2-3 years, seriously. But in the end it is sooo worth it. I would post photos but I do not want to just for privacy purposes. The difference between the 1 month after surgery and the 2 years after surgery is mind boggling. I went from looking like a monster to looking like a model. Seriously, do not cry or worry until you gave it AT LEAST a year and a half if you have thick skin. I am posting this because I really wish someone else would have posted something like this when I was going through my healing process! Take it easy on yourself and give it time, alot of time!!

Yep, you are so right!! Wait 18 months before you have another surgery. If after that time it still looks bad, then make a change.

I see a good amount of swelling still. I know it doesn't seem like it, but I bet your nose will refine itself even further in the next year. This second year is when you will see most improvement.
I had my first (and only) surgery over 13 years ago. I, too, have thick skin and it took about 2 years before I just woke up one day and thought "wow, i think my nose is a lot skinnier". And after about 3 years, it no longer changed.
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I've never watched the show but I've heard of it! I'll check it out :smile:
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I also have thick skin and was quite worried when my cast came off and I didn't instantly see the nose I wanted. It was wider and bulbous than the nose I had before and I wanted to cry but I remembered from talking to another girl here that it is ALL swelling and I must be patient. Now, at 2.5 weeks, the swelling has gone down a bit and I can confidently take pics of myself even though I am still very early in my recovery stage.

These posts are great reminders and support for other thick skinned patients. Thanks for sharing :smile:
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Who did all your surgeries?
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  • 1 month later...
Omg! Thank you for this post! I’ve been researching rhinoplasty for so long and no ones ever come out and say that thick skin can take YEARS to heal. That’s soothing but a little scary.

What procedures did you get? (Bulbous tip, bridge, alar reduction) did you get an implant?

For the first two years did you nose look worse than before the WHOLE time? I’m a little nervous about that time frame!
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Hey Phoebe! Those are actually quotes I pulled from a Makemeheal thread when I was worried about my nose two weeks post-op. I myself am only currently at three months now, and my nose definitely more closely resembles what I had wanted!
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Ah! Gotcha. Still, great to hear!

Do you have thick skin on your nose / did you get a bulbous tip reduced? If so, how was your swelling??
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Yes to both! My tip was really swollen immediately after cast removal and noticeably bigger than my bridge, but it slowly decreased in size so that after the third week it had become a lot more aligned with my bridge. I think it is still a tad bit bulbous but not noticeably so...definitely a huge improvement from my initial results and likely to only get better with time! I can send you pics on Kakao if you're interested (I've seen you in some of the groups :smile: )
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Yes please!! My ID is 91377

Thank you!
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