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Korean plastic surgery..

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Hi~ I'm looking into Korean plastic surgery for my face as I'm not happy with it and feel it doesn't show my inner self, my face always looks sullen and grumpy and I hear the phrase "if looks could kill" an awful lot. The places I'm unhappy with are: my nose, it's bulbous and kind of pig about shaped, under my chin- it seems really fat like I've got a double chin except it's more like it's muscle and extra skin rather than actual fat, my mouth area in general- I think I have what's called a protruding mouth where my teeth/whole mouth area is too far forward thus making me look chubby and very sullen, also my jaw line is very weak and sort of just blends right into my double chin, I'm also open to perhaps some kind of cheekbone reduction as they might look too big after everything else got sorted out?

To be honest I have no idea what I'm doing and all the surgeries use fancy lingo so I can't tell what I need to get my desired look, girly/cute. If anyone can help me refine exactly which surgerues (or experience of them in Korea) it would be really beneficial to me!

(Attached are pics of my face as it would look if I were naturally resting)
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I'm far from an expert, but I did just get surgeries in Korea myself so here is my 2 cents. For your face, I think all you would need for what you want is genioplasty (specifically what I think is called "sliding genioplasty", where they push your chin forward a bit - this can be done with implants too, I think). Other than that, I think you have a really nice face. I don't think you need cheekbone reduction at all. You probably don't even need to go all the way to Korea for your chin, and Korea isn't always a great value for rhinoplasty. Don't be so hard on yourself! C:

Facial contouring in Korea has been a mixed bag for me and so many girls so I really encourage you to seek out a local solution if you can!
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Hi OP, you're actually a rather cute girl!

However, if you are looking for more/perfect facial harmony, I would first and foremost recommend a rhinoplasty. Your tip is upturned and bulbous and your bridge is bumpy so I think a western surgeon may be able to help you lengthen your tip and file down the bumps. I don't think Korea is the place for western rhinoplasty as they generally aren't as familiar with western anatomy.

A chin implant or a sliding genioplasty may also benefit you as your chin appears to be a little recessed.

Lastly, you may consider a forehead fat graft to make your forehead rounder and cuter and to reduce the wrinkles!

I think you are already rather cute, if you would like to pursue just one surgery I would recommend the rhinoplasty. Please do not get a cheekbone reduction, you already have an ideal face shape!
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I would start with tip reduction and make it less upturned. I'm not sure about moving your chin forward as that would make that angle between your mouth and chin even more pronounced. Do not touch your cheekbones, they are fine. Korea is fond of obliterating cheekbones but you'll see nice defined cheekbones are a feature of many models. They'll be even more important as you age as you will lose facial fat and experience bone loss, your cheekbones will be the main structure of the midface, reducing them would just result in a more drooped facial appearance. If you do consult with any Korean clinics and they recommend reducing them, kindly pass on their suggestion.You have chubby cheeks but that's a youthful look, many get fat graft or filler to get what you have. You may lose them naturally as you age or with weight loss in case you're overweight.
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Dear PkmnTrainerEbs
You don't mention your age or your ht, wgt. To me, you look quite young 18+. I don' t think you need any PS, maybe when you get 50+ but not now. Your face is good shape. Remember what you imagine your face maybe w/PS may not be the end result. Believe me. Your chin is not bad in the front view, maybe a bit lack in profile but not so much to require a chin implant. A chin implant can change the length of your face face-on.
Also the bit of "bulk" behind your chin if it is fat can be lipo'd , but muscle or skin unless,there is,excess thats,a neck lift. Too invasive for one so young.
Don't mess w/ cheekbones especially when there is really nothing wrong. Recovery is hard and even though they say your face doesn' sag, as you age your face will sag sooner than later.
Your forehead everything look great. Maybe change your,hairstyle, eat healthy, workout and get fit. That will help lose your bit u set your chin.
Also really research what procedure you want done on Realself. Read especially the not worth it one b/c that shows what wasn' considered before getting it done.
I had a chin implant n replant, posted on Realself. I put what should be considered before you get it done. Good luck and take care
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You are gorgeous. You have a very cute face and your eyes are extremely beautiful (very lucky)
If you are looking for a more sexy celebrity look I do agree with others with genioplasty.
Or you could do facial liposuction, acculift, or buccal fat removal. I dont believe you have to touch your bones.

Rhinoplasty will definitely give you that celebrity look. Your nose is already small, tip is wide/bulbous and elevated, and you have a very subtle hump (same with me. I got my rhino done at View)
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