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GNG Hospital / Stay Away at All Costs /

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I have an update. I know I promised it a few months ago, but a lot had happened with me getting a revision and I wanted to collate everything.

Plus, I had been in touch with GNG behind the scenes and Korean lawyers in the hope that I could get compensated fully for all that happened. I'm going to get everything together ( images, emails, message threads, xrays, scans etc ) and try to put in logical order what happened .There's a lot of information and a lot that's happened. I'm debating putting it in a new post.

I should have it by Friday or Saturday. I'm sorry not to keep you posted It has been the hardest thing ever to have to deal with this.
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Right, so where do I start…huff :smile:

Before I go into anything, I just want to thank everyone on here who gave me support and motivation when going through this with GNG Hospital a few months back.

I still am going through the side effects of it all, but It really did help to have people on my side when the hospital was trying to convince me that everything was in my mind. It seems to be a common trick that’s employed these days.

I have done my best below to section everything just to make it easy to understand. It just helps me also in making it chronological and making sure I don’t miss out on any key information.

This is part one of two. Here I want to just focus on the road to fixing the damage GNG caused, my revision surgery and planning, and the results and recovery.

In part two I’ll discuss my recent issues with GNG leaking my private patient information online, seeking legal action, and the subsequence nightmare correspondence with them on WhatsApp over the few months. I will be 100% honest and won’t sugarcoat anything or be selective with what I show to benefit me. Because believe me I have been in so much anger over this.


So let me quickly recap for anyone who is new to this thread:

The last time I was here,...I was a few months post-op from my surgery at GNG Hospital, and the hospital/surgeon had removed both of my jaw angles with me instructing the opposite, and I was left with nerve damage on the right side and soft tissue problems and clicking from the zygoma reduction. It was an awful recovery process because 2 weeks after surgery I knew something wasn’t right, especially in my jaw area.

I was depressed for months, but during that time I really tried my best to save as much money as I could, and get a small loan so I could try and fix the damage to the best of my ability. I tried to do a lot of planning and mentally tried to prepare myself for going through the whole recovery process and fear of waking up after major surgery again. I’m sure anyone who has had surgery knows what it's like being racked with nerves.

Planning Revision Surgery

I knew for a fact going into any revision, that the only solution for me to correct what GNG Hospital did was going to be:

(1) custom implants for the jaw area

(2) a reversal of the zygoma reduction procedure to try and restore my natural arch.

There were really no other options and I was very fortunate to have a friend at the time who works in the medical field producing 3d printed medical materials. I can’t thank him enough for working with me to help design the implants and just being there to support me in general.

Here is a draft image in 3d software showing one of the implants and where it would be placed. I worked with my friend on and off over 2 months to finalize the implant.

Here are a few images showing the process:


Finding a Surgeon To Fix The Damage

I worked on the implants a couple of months prior to finding a surgeon who could help. Given my experience with GNG, I also knew I needed to be more pro-active and take responsibility myself for the things I could control, and the design of the implants was something I could contribute with and have that sense of ownership I guess.

I researched a lot of surgeons during this time, mainly surgeons who had experience in custom implants and restorative/reconstructive surgery. I would say mainly the U.S and Korea ( You can DM me for my considerations so I can avoid listing here )

I eventually decided to go back to Korea, and trust me, …given what had happened and the bad memories this was not an easy decision to make at all. I would be happy to disclose my surgeon's choice in messages but for now, given I’m still recovering, I think I would rather hold off just to make sure everything goes ok. I am still having some minor issues.

Revision Surgery

I had revision surgery on 22 February this year in Seoul. So I am 8month post-op.

The surgery involved the (1) placement of the 2 angle implants. Note that this is a very complex procedure and requires a lot more dissection of tissues to fit the implant. I also had (2) a revision to the chin area to compliment the shape of the implant. GNG just shaved my chin and left it, and my jaw bulky and wide.

And finally (3) I had surgery at the same time to correct the zygoma reduction. This involved re-expanding the arch and new screws/brackets in place in the same area to help restore the lost width to my face. Please note: Zygoma surgery was something that GNG had pushed heavily on me during the consultation process. I had considered it prior but changed my mind once I was in Seoul so this was another thing I was angry at them for, blindly and carelessly pushing surgeries on me I didn’t need.

Here are some X-Rays and scans showing before revision surgery and after from a few different angles. It also shows the revision of the previous zygoma surgery and t-osteotomy.

Front view before and after (note restored width to face and cheeks and narrower chin)
Bottom view before and after (note restored zygomatic arch and arch of jawline)
GNG before (note wide bulky chin and jaw, and obliterated jaw angle)
Revision Surgery (Note narrower chin and restored jaw angle, less bulkiness)

I will likely follow up with more detailed actual images (with parts of my face covered) but for now just please respect the fact I want to try and stay as private as I can. I’m sorry.

Costs/Results/ Am I Happy?

This is a hard question to ask,…because I am still living with some of the effects from the first surgery, and the mental burden of having to go through two major surgeries, coughing up blood, the nightmares, the swelling, the worrying. It can just become too much at times, and I’m trying to just get back to even with regards to my finances and the cost of this revision surgery, and focusing on my future and my work.

I think this surgery when I factor in all the travel costs, time off work, and surgery costs will have totaled about £21,000.

Overall I would say I am reasonably happy with the revision surgery but I have a few minor issues. Those being:

(1) slightly bone being removed than I would like in chin area, and

(2) I have a muscle issue where the masseter (chewing) muscle lies above where the implant is. I’m not sure how to correct this but it doesn’t look very good atm. Here is a PDF outlining what I am talking about -


I asked the doctor prior to surgery about the PDF above (2) because this was the one major worry of mine going into surgery and I was assured 3 times it wouldn’t happen…but I have the exact issues pictured so I’m a little annoyed by that if I'm 100% being honest. I may try fillers in the area and see if that works before any more invasive surgery.

I’m happy to answer questions as much as I can or help anyone in the same situation. I’ll post the second part probably Friday if I have the time after work.

I'm sorry for being gone so long. I'm sure you can understand for anyone who has considered or who has gone through surgery. Thanks for all your patience and support. It has really meant a lot to me. GNG Hospital has never once apologized for any of this despite me having stacks of evidence proving exactly what I asked for and I will never forgive them for what they did to me I just cant... I'll be going more into detail regarding them and their practices in my next post to make sure no-one has to go through anything with that hospital.

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I just found your thread and just finished reading the first ones.
I can't believe you suffered this and yet so strongly stand for yourself.
What you have gone through is the biggest fear for people who consider to get plastic surgery.
You are so brave and generous to share it with us.
Now I'm going to move on to read more of your next thread I keep my fingers crossed that at the end you would have the result
that you are happy with. All the love and hugs for you x
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Sorry, I am not on this website all the time. Can you DM me pls I can disclose the info you need. The implants are titanium.
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