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Clicking after jaw surgery?

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Has anyone's jaw or joint whatever it's called started clicking after you open your mouth? It recently started happening to me and it doesn't hurt but it freaks me out and scares me lol

Here are the pics

it doesn't look like any different other than jaw shaving/genioplasty so like..why (i also lost one of the pics and i know i decided to cut only one side of the jaw bc of a big asymmetry irl including my muscle/fats so dont judge me pls also the after pic looks like i have a big ass double chin but it was taken right after surgery so i was that swollen)
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No it doesn't hurt at all thankfully, so this is normal? Interesting
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Idk, I have no idea. I'm so focused on finding the perfect clinic where I could have all my surgeries at once that I forgot about side effects. In case if really is a side effect ofc. Have you asked them why your jaw is currently clicking, and if it's gonna go away? I'm gonna ask people as well I'm a little worried cause even if there is absolutely no danger or anything, it must be annoying to hear your jaw clicking everything you try to open your mouth :/
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It only happens sometimes, and when it does it's consistent for a couple minutes. Otherwise it's a low click when i open my mouth fully. I was gonna ask later, when i inquire about the removal of screw in my chin which i dont think i will do but i guess i just need another reason to talk to dr lee lmao
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Hi Mlydzz
I had genio+mandibular reduction for 2 months ago. When I was around 1 month post op my jaw started to make clicking sounds when eating (it freaked me out too), but it disappeared recently. I was told by my doctor that its quite normal, BUT if it continues for months with pain you should def get it checked
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I dont have pain thankfully, last time it clicked frequently was when i was eating like a week or 2 ago and then it stopped o-o happens randomly sometimes mostly rare but i cant pinpoint the cause though
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Hi, maybe you need an xray of your temperomandibular joint to see what the problem is? From what I read online clicking only without pain or stiffness is fairly benign..
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Thank you
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  • 3 months later...
Oh sorry yeah it did LOL so i made this thread for nothing apparently. I maybe had it again like 2 months after i made this thread ONCE for a few minutes but i haven't had an issue since.
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