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please tell me any information you know on CINDERELLA ps clinic

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i still havent decided on a specific date as im still researching, cause the ones i thought were good turns out to have such bad reviews or the ones i thought were bad have super good reviews... i know some posts might be workers from the clinic like some people say so im just more confused now..

i want fc and i have a hump on my nose that i've always wanted to get rid of, but im not sure where is good, and the more research i do the more overwhelmed i get

have you gotten any face to face consultations in korea?
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oh wow really?
i thought they were known for having a lot of celebrities that get surgery done there 0___0
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i did search up cinderella ^ ^ but i still couldnt get enough information from those 25 pages so thats why i made my own post ^ ^

may i ask why you chose MVP? and do you know what they specialize in or are famous for??
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Yeah, and there are so many clinics out there that do not cater to English speakers, and thus would not have English websites or many English reviews. But from purseforum alone, you can still learn about many popular and good clinics (though as you said, many reviews may be from promoters). Still, based on the clinic websites and other social media sites, you can get some idea about where you want to go. Then when you get to Korea, you can try and visit as many clinics as possible and then go from there. I haven't gotten the consultations get, I'm still deciding as well.
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thanks a bunch!
its more calming knowing that theres others going through the same struggle T___T
if you decide on one or the couple that you wanna visit would you mind letting me know ? and how it goes after too ^ ^
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I have been debating on Cinderella clinic as well but their prices are so high! I had my heart set on GNG hospital but I just found out that their doctor for facial contouring just left their clinic. I was hoping to get everything done there. I especially wanted my nose done there since that's what they're known for. I just don't want to go to multiple clinics for different surgeries since my time in korea is limited. Docfinder narrowed it down to banobagi, id hospital, Cinderella clinic, Jk plastic surgery and GNG. Anyone can tell me what they know and think about the other clinics docfinder recommended?
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No problem! I will let you know how my consultations and surgery goes when the time comes. In fact, I can even pm you right now about the clinics I have in mind.
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You don't really need docfinder korea to navigate seoul. All of the clinics that they recommend are obviously in network with them and they will get a quote on your behalf , and your surgery prices will be inflated so that docfinder gets a cut. Most of those clinics you named, do alot of advertising to foreigners and you just have to be careful and make sure they are not factory style. I would recommend getting 1 surgery at a time. I regret getting multiple surgeries at once. You want the doctor to take time and do a good job, and not rush to get the job done, because you can only be under anesthesia for a certain amount of time. It is better to take multiple trips to korea , than to have to get a revision done because the doctor did not do a good job. you only have one face.
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Do you know what the maximum amount of time you can be under general anesthesia is? Do the doctors really rush more if you are doing multiple procedures, than if you did one? Even if it's a different doctor for each procedure?
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technically you can be under for a long time if you are healthy . but after 6 hours you run the risks of complications(research your self) I wouldn't suggest having so many procedures done at once. They would have to spend less time on each area you are getting cut on , to make sure you are not under anesthesia as long . I mean , if you have a different doctor for each procedure while you are under, that might be a different story . If I had it all over to do again, I wouldn't have had that " let me get it all out of the way" mentality . I would have done one surgery at a time, and would have definitely not went where I choose the first time . You live and you learn
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Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely be doing more research on a reputable good clinics. This may back track my plans for my trip in October but it'll be worth it.
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Yeah, for me if I get multiple procedures done on the same day, I would definitely have a different doctor for each surgery - I generally prefer places that have specialists for each surgery. So I was wondering if in that case, the surgeries would not be rushed.
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I have 17 days in korea. Is that enough time to get surgeries done at two different clinics or is that not ideally possible? I really want to get rhino done at GNG, but is it possible to have facial contouring done at another clinic after my rhino at GNG within that time frame?
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I don't think that will be enough time. Rhino and facial contouring usually require general anesthesia. Clinics do not recommend going under general anesthesia more than once a week. So you would have to wait a week after doing your rhino before doing your facial contouring. But then you would need to stay another week on top of that before you can get your stitches out. I think you would need at least 3 weeks.
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