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Liposuction Advice Please

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Hello Everyone!

I am currently in Busan travelling and will slowly make my way to Seoul over the next month. Then I will spend 2 months in Seoul - to get my surgery and recover.

I am pretty overweight at 5 foot 3 and 83 kg. I want to get liposuction on my abdomen, flank, back, bra line and upper arms (from the armpit on - the chicken wing part lol).

So far the clinics I want to check out are The line, 365mc, pretty body clinic, Wonjin, Dream and TL. Does anyone have any experience with these clinics? Would you suggest one over the other? What about the pricing structure of each place (if you have any information)

My friend who is Korean gave me some great advice (but it scared the **** out of me). She got v-line so even though she was able to give me lots of information about the hospital experience - she has no experience with lipo.

She said that a lot of Korean surgeons lie - can show you before/after photos from a different surgeon or photoshopped images. That I should not be afraid to record conversations and get things in writing.

She told me some horror stories of friends of hers not getting after care and that if something went wrong the hospital sided on the surgeon's side and said that the patient did something wrong and ignored them.

Has anyone had these experiences? How do you ensure you aren't getting duped by the surgeon? How do you ensure the information is correct?

I have a bunch of questions that I want to ask the surgeon - are there any questions that you think that I am missing that are important? Do you have any answers that surgeon's have given you in the past?

The questions are as follows:
Accredation of the clinic/doctor - make sure that the doctor is also accredited under them as well.
(how do you do this? Is there a site to check? does anybody know how to do this?

Where surgeon graduated
Where got certified
What he graduated and certified for

What is my emergency plan in korea?
Has anyone had emergent experiences in Korea? Did you just go to the emergency room? did you go back to the clinic? Did you go back to your country? I plan on travelling for an additional year after surgery - so don't have any plans on going back to North America soon.

Focus more on the doctor's depth of experience, academic background, number of cases in your surgery area, revision/dissatisfaction rate, whether it is a proven surgical method that guarantees the results you want and the look of previous clients than the look of the building, the consultants or whether the surgeon is 'nice'.
Skin contraction*** (Post care -> massage, contraction wear etc)
After care - laser for skin tightening
Even liposuction - so if I gain weight it distributes evenly!!!
General anesthesia recommended?
Pneumonia - how often this happens?
Clots (one leg fine one leg numb)
Shortness of breath
Contour irregularities ***
Tissue healing irregularities ***
How soon to carry heavy bags?! Eg 4-6 weeks?!? (I have a giant 25 kg backpackers backpack with me and a small 7 kg backpack on the front)
How long to be able to do Mountain climbing etc** Nepal/Tibet (we plan on trekking through Everest & Lhasa)
How many surgeries do you do a day? (If too many - then they may not take the time to be considerate with you)

Also do you suggest that I hire a Korean male translator to go with me? I see a lot of posts where people suggest bringing a Korean male friend - as it will help the bargaining for price. But I don't have any male Korean friends - only my one female Korean friend.

Sorry for all of the questions & taking the time to read my post!!! I'm so so so nervous and just want to make the right decision. My boyfriend is here but he's so scared about this procedure and even though he's being supportive of me doing it - I can't rely on him to help me make sound decisions. I have had two breast reductions in the past and even though I'm happy with the shape - the incision scars are awful and healing super slowly (I'm asian so am prone to Keloid scarring - which is exactly what happened) and want to have a better result with lipo. I've been dreaming about lipo my entire life.
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FYI liposuction is not done for weight loss.
It is done to remove stubborn fat pockets or contour. You are 5'3" and weigh 183 lbs (83kg)
You are not a candidte for it. Usually safe BMI is 30 or under. Sometime a bit higher but it is very dangerous, if higher. Sorry not sure why but in my experience, was TOLD. Either bad for going under GA, or for healing purpose, necrosis increases.
They will tell you to lose weight first to bring yourself under maximum BMI. Try exercises and,eating healthy to lose some,weight. Also your shape maybe caused by internal fat( fat inside,the body cavity w your organs) and lipo won' help that.
Being alive more important than lipo. If they say ok better run.
Please research more and take care in your journey.
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I have run three triathlons and train with a personal trainer 5 times a week. The extra weight that my body is holding is from being extremely overweight when I was younger - I'm 33 now. So the areas that I want to get lipo are areas where no matter what kind of lifestyle/diet I have can change. Which is why I am going for lipo to focus on those specific areas.
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She’s just letting you know that some surgeons in Korea will flat out refuse lipo unless your BMI is in range. I have heard the same! With your level of exercise though, within a couple of months you should be well within the BMI required :smile:
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Thank you for the clarification. It helps to hear that you also heard a similar thing. The unfortunate thing though is that I've been training for over 4 years now and though I've gained an insane amount of muscle - especially in my legs; my stomach still bulges out. That's why I really wanted to focus on that area for lipo - because it's stubborn and no matter what I do - it doesn't go anywhere.
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Wow! thanks for all of that information - that's probably the most information someone has specifically given me about full body lipo/lipo. I've seen information about fat cells in other areas growing once specific areas are taken out.

I'll keep all of that in mind when I go to all of the consultations and see what they say. I will also start watching my diet more thoroughly. Thank you so much for your advice and information, I really appreciate it!
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At least he's not even trying to hide that he's a promoter
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