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My 2 Jaw Experience at The Face Dental (TFD) Clinic

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First of all, thanks for all the help you guys have given me, I’m writing this to contribute back to the community. I’ve finally picked up my courage to went ahead and get 2 jaw done. This is for those who are thinking of getting 2 jaw done or wants to know more about TFD, hopefully I can help you in your preparations.

Why 2 Jaw Surgery?
Like many asians, I have a protruded mouth and a weak chin. It made me look like a monkey and I looked angry with a scowl all the time. I have heard about 2 jaw being able to fix both my protruding mouth and my small chin but I was so afraid that I pussied out and did my nose and chin instead to mask my protruding mouth. I was left disappointed as it did not fix my mouth protrusion issue and I felt like I completely wasted my money.

My friends recommended me to consult online with maxillofacial clinics to hear second opinions on my issue. Pro tip: It is important that you speak with certified maxillofacial surgeons because 2 jaw is a major surgery and can have complications if you land in the wrong hands. You do not simply want any plastic surgeon to perform it.

All the clinics that I consulted on Kakao were pushy consultants, who were trying to hard sell me everything. I was pleasantly surprised when TFD had their maxillofacial surgeon (Dr Lee) replying to me personally and he speaks fluent english (thank god).

He was very honest and sincere and did not recommend me anything more than what I need. I talked about my concerns of my lower face looking heavy and that I did my nose and chin to mask my protruding mouth. He gave his honest opinions and what can be done to truly fix the issue. They can even help you edit your photos to simulate the results. Dr Lee also explained how he would move my jaws to fix my mouth protrusion issue. I was new to 2 jaw so I would like to hear more from him in person, thus I booked a consultation with him.

Why TFD?
My consultation with TFD was great. I met Dr Lee in person and he makes me feel very relaxed and safe in his hands. Before meeting the doctor, they took CT scans and pictures of me with my lips relaxed as well as me smiling. During the consultation, Dr Lee frequently references to my CT scans and my pictures to show and explain to me what could be done. He also had a software that uses 3D morph imaging to show before and after results.

I was so relieved after meeting Dr Lee in person as he answered all the burning questions that I had. (I requested to meet him a few times subsequently and he was never annoyed with my never ending questions) He was very patient and understanding and he didn’t rush me at all. He was also very professional and experienced and we discussed all of my concerns and how he would be able to fix them. He doesn’t overpromise and he is very honest with what he can or cannot achieve.

Fixing mouth protrusion is not always moving both jaws inwards. He recommends moving my upper jaw inwards to fix the mouth protrusion, and moving my lower jaw outwards as I had a small lower jaw and receding chin. My jaw will also be rotated to get more chin out of it. He will also have to revise my chin as he would be able to build a proper and strong chin with 2 jaw this time. He recommends SSRO for me as it’ll be fixed with titanium screws and plates, he recommends it to all his foreign patients as this will ensure that it will not move after I return to my country. This also means that you will not have to be wired shut after surgery (which scared me a lot).

He showed me the cross section of my lower jaw behind my molars where he is going to cut and where my nerve and blood vessel canals are that he is going to avoid. He will also be fixing my slight facial asymmetry by tilting the cant angle of my jaws slightly. He also pointed out that I had a bad bite on my right side and I can do braces after 2 jaw to fix it. He will try to fix my bite during surgery to get a better bite out of it.

The entire consultation lasted for about 2 hours and I was excited after getting his valuable feedback. A few days later, I got my teeth impression and mould done. The nurses were very gentle and precise, they were also very patient as sometimes I didn’t catch their instructions. TFD also directed me to a nearby hospital to get my blood tests and chest x-ray done to be certified fit for surgery.

I was certain to go with Dr Lee at TFD as I feel absolutely safe in his hands. I also feel that it is very important for your surgeon to speak English as things often get lost in translation. If you need preparation tips for 2 jaw, go on youtube and watch the videos of people who went through it. It’ll help you prepare yourself mentally and physically.

Day of Surgery
I was very nervous as you can imagine. Although it was not my first time going under GA but I felt even more afraid, probably because this is a major surgery. I met Dr Lee again before the surgery and he went through the surgery plan in details down to the exact mms. He double checked with me my vision of the aesthetics i wanted and made sure we are on the same page. I gave him photos of the looks that I wanted so that he could model after.

I was prepped for surgery and then everything went by so quickly, I was already out of surgery. I was wheeled back to my resting ward with the anesthesiologist doctor accompanying me. I was feeling weak and a lot of discomfort in my mouth. It feels like the mouth doesn’t belong to me. Recovery in the room was pretty rough, the gas GA didn’t settle well with me and I felt really nauseous. I wasn’t allowed to drink water or sleep for 6 hours. Dr Lee came soon after to tell me the surgery was a success, he could see I was in a lot of discomfort and he told me to persevere on. I was very relieved to be in good hands of his team of nurse. They were very understanding with my needs and didn’t get pissed at my constant buzzing of the bell. They also checked on me constantly to see if I needed anything. After 6 hours, the first sip of water was heavenly. I feel once you can get over that 6 hours you can overcome any of the recovery hassle.
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Post Op Recovery
I stayed in the hospital for 3 days, I was really grateful for the nurses as they were very accommodating with all my needs. They have everything prepared for whatever problem you faced. When my nose was stuffy, they performed suction so that I could breathe better. I heard from my friends that other clinics you had to wait for the doctor to arrive in the morning to do it. When I could no longer had suction (there’s a limit in the amount you could do as it will cause more swelling), they had a nasal spray that worked wonders.

The nurses were also very responsive and they come really quickly after you buzz the bell, even during midnight and early morning. They always come to help you with smiles on their face and I can feel they are very genuine in helping me. They are always very gentle and they give detailed explanations and instructions to help you in your recovery. I feel that the team of nurses are one of the most important factor to consider during your recovery as you will be staying there for a few days.

On my second day, I was rubber band shut as I couldn’t meet the bite they had intended. I couldn’t move my jaw muscles enough to bite correctly thus I needed the rubber bands to guide me. It is similar to wiring shut but you can move your teeth slightly with the tight rubber bands. The nurses gave me NuCare to drink during my stay at the hospital. It tastes great and it’s easy to clean. I recommend to stock up on NuCare at your hotel/airbnb before surgery as they are heavy to carry. You will need them after surgery.

When I was released from hospital, the nurses gave me powdered medication and instructions to take them. I was on liquid diet for the duration I was rubber band shut, although you can have liquid with bits in it but I find it too difficult to get it in. The bits will get stuck in the gaps of my teeth and then no liquid can pass through. You can angle the liquid at the gaps of your molar to overcome this but I find it too much of a hassle. So I was on NuCare for the entire duration.

I also had protein powder to boost my protein intake. However, the whey protein gave me so much phlegm that I would choke on it as I can’t cough it out being rubber band shut. So get a plant/egg/soy protein shake without bits if you can, whatever that doesn’t cause you to produce a lot of mucus.

10 Days Post Op
I was released from my rubber bands and I was given the go ahead to have soft food like bread and eggs. The first thing i had was steamed eggs and it was heavenly after 10 days of nucare. I was so sick of the taste of nucare at that point although it tasted good. My friend recommends getting a cake and drink to swallow it at a cafe, it’s equally satisfying. My diet consisted of porridge, protein powder and eggs.

2 Weeks Post Op
My recovery was going really well so Dr Lee removed the dissolvable stitches. He also took out 4 gum screws that wasn’t needed, those screws are used during surgery. I had 4 gum screws left to hook my rubber bands on. My swelling at this point is almost undetectable. This was the last review with Dr Lee unfortunately as he would be away for a seminar. I left Korea on my 20th day post op.

2-months Post op
I am writing this now 2 months after doing 2 jaw and I can confidently recommend TFD to you all as I am very satisfied with my results. The surgery completely fixed my protruding mouth problem and gave me a better bite than before. I have a really strong chin now just like I requested and a beautiful jawline to go with it. I still kakao Dr Lee whenever I had issues or questions and he would always reply me personally. I left with about 10% numbness in my lower lips and chin that would slowly go away with time. I’m sorry if the timeline for the post op recovery is very short as there is nothing much to write as time flies really quickly. The hardest part is the 6 hours after surgery and the rest are just minor inconveniences. Diet isn’t really an issue as there are so many soft food options in Korea.

In conclusion, if you are thinking of doing 2 jaw or doing any FC, I would highly recommend TFD because of Dr Lee and his team of nurses. I feel like TFD is a very safe option as Dr Lee is very experienced in this field. I rarely check this forum nowadays as I am taking my degree.

All the best to all of you out there still doing your research!
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  • 2 months later...
I've been thinking about going to tfd as well for two jaw surgery, but I'm confused about something. Why is the first night after surgery always so terrifying compared to American two jaw surgery experience? The suctioning of the blood stuck in your nose and mouth and throat and constantly being unable to breathe, none of that happens in the u. S.
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  • 10 months later...
Thank you so much for this review, i'm happy for you!
I'm thinking of getting genioplasty at tfd for my asmmyetrical face.
Would you mind telling me how much you paid? I was quoted 4.4-6.6 mil krw for genioplasty + jaw shaving.
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