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What options do people have after a botched plastic surgery?

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I know some doctors strive to do their best based on principle, and other clinics do everything they can to avoid bad press. But reading these stories of botched surgeries, is there really anything a patient can do afterwards once a surgeon makes a mistake? I know TFD offers free revisions, but it would be easy for other clinics to just ignore the patient especially if you are a foreigner. Sueing the clinic is not possible most of the time, and paying for someone else to fix it brings up the same sort of dilemma. How can a patient realistically trust a clinic once the money is already in their hands?
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We're always at the risk of a botched surgery, especially when it's overseas and in a foreign country where you don't speak the language.

Pretty much, the only recourse one has afterwards is exposing the clinic for a botched job with before and after pictures and warning other people not to go there. This way, the clinic loses loads of money and the loss of millions of dollars in revenue would hopefully motivate the clinic/plastic surgeon to do a great job in the first place to entice hundreds of new patients.

However, too many people are very quick to blame the doctor and term their surgery as a botched job. If, you asked for zygoma reduction for example, and suddenly dislike the look of no cheekbones. Is it the doctor's fault that he did what you asked for?

However, nerve damage, extreme deformity, and permanent pain is very real risks that can occur. So one should seek out multiple satisfied patients on purseforum who you can talk to and are not fake patients with photoshopped pictures.
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We know but it is difficult to find good doctors and clinics. We don't know Koreans and there is limited information to find where the good doctors and clinics are and we only know of the clinics that market towards foreigners. I heard there are doctors that are really known to Koreans but there's no information online in English because they don't do any marketing internationally. We need these kind of clinic's information.
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I absolutely agree with ya!
I'm also trying to figure out good genuine local clinics on Korean websites.. But it has been a real struggle for me cause I don't know Korean :sick:
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With local clinics, I’m worried that since they don’t market to foreigners, they aren’t really concerned about having bad reviews by them. That is because most of their customers are Koreans who don’t read English review sites. Of course, maybe I’m just an overly cautious person.
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There's a limit.
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I've never thought about it that way before!

One of the reasons I didn't want to go to Banobagi / Cinderella (after seeing multiple vloggers go there but before I joined PF) was because I wondered if they only went the extra mile for those patients because they were filming.
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If it's already happened, then yeah, you're at the mercy of asking for a revision. Sometimes they will attempt to charge a fee.
You want to make sure beforehand -- and get it in writing -- what their policies are regarding revisions. The clinic I went to, Wonjin, actually only had a 2 year free revision policy, but they waived it because my resulting ptosis was so severe, but I didn't have money to return to Korea for the longest time. I'm very happy with their sense of ethics. I had a friend who had an unsatisfactory surgery from BK, and that doctor offered to revise for free as well. You just want to get their policies ahead of time. Some people (you can read the other threads) had horrible experiences where the clinics just stopped responding to them after their surgeries.
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