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Breast Augmentation and lipo/BBL in Seoul?

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Hey guys,
I'm interested in going to Seoul this summer for plastic surgery. I do plan on going to consultation regarding a breast revision and lipo/possible bbl. I'm trying to do my research but it's been difficult most people go to Korea for facial surgeries and not body?? The reason why I'm going to Korea for these procedures because I had a bad experience with breast surgery(bc of size, there is nothing wrong w the actual implant). I wanted to go to Korea because of felt Korean doctors would be more understanding of the Asian body esthetic. Im pretty much set on going to Korea I live very from away form the US etc.
As for lipo I just need some taken out of my arm(if they could transfer it to my butt it would be great too). That and Im also looking to get slimming botox for my face and shoulders/arm area.
So If anyone could recommend me clinics/doctors(for breast, botox, lipo/buttaug) based on their experience I would be so happy!
I contacted doc finder Korea and all they gave me was the generic ones id/banobagi etc. and its pretty expensive with breast revision starting at 10K..... Would be nice if I could find a way to get a local price. any help would be appreciated!
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