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My honest review on Docfinderkorea

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to share my story since I know it will help a lot of people out there to make a final decision. Keep in mind that this is just my experience I've had with Docfinderkorea and someone else might have another experience.
**FIY I did not end up going with them and I'm having my nose job this August in Seoul
I'm gonna state the main points of why I decided not to use Docfinder below for those who don't like to read too much so you easily just can read that ^^

Why I didn't go with Docfinder:
- Overpriced, I'm talking about at LEAST a few million won
Not only do they know you're a foreigner so you would need someone to translate stuff for you with the surgeons which is why they would make it seem to you that it's ''reasonable'' for them to ask you for this price. It's not. Even for foreigners. Almost all clinics in Seoul has english translators that works for them so you can just use them when you consult the surgeons and not go the extra mile and hire someone to help you out with that part.

But they ALSO know that 1. you haven't been in korea yet so you haven't consulted clinics face-to-face (it's face to face you can really bargain down the price a lot and not through online consultations) 2. if you go with Docfinder they talk to the clinic FOR you aka they won't bargain at all/you don't actually know how the conversation goes.

- The first and second e-mail I got from them was totally a copy paste (since my friend got the same one through email... lol)
I know they rush things in Korea in the plastic industry to get as many customers as possible but honestly just putting a ''Dear (your name)'' and then using the same answer as always made me understand how much they really don't care about each customer. I even sent them questions with those email that they specifically didn't answer so yeah...
After that they did answer me sooomehow more personal but not enough imo.

- The clinics they pick FOR YOU to choose between are not really clinics most locals go to in Korea
And as you know - locals go to the best places for the best price. Not more than that to it.
Clinics that overpromote or just in general promote a lot to foreigners overseas are not always good and you should REALLY do your research on that one. I'm not saying that big clinics that are worldwide famous ain't good but there's a few reasons I would never go with a clinic like that in Korea.

I do understand why a lot of people still would choose to go with Docfinder but IMO you don't need them. You really don't. I would also want to feel safe in a country I perhaps never visited before/I'm not too familiar with to find my way, get to my consultations in time etc but would you really pay a few extra million (won) for just that? That's absurd.
Especially since it's really easy to get around in Seoul. Google how to take the subway or just ask someone (sometimes you need to ask a few people since all koreans don't speak english, but when you do find a kind soul that knows a few english words they will do everything to help you out). You will be able to ride the subway to the station the clinic's located at and from there just use a map-app to search the adress, or again ask for the way!

If you don't feel comfortable with that in a new country - take a cab all the way from where you stay to the clinic and then back again. The YELLOW cabs are cheap and won't cost too much, even for longer rides.

If you are a foreigner and going to Korea for your first time to get plastic surgery hit my DMs. I'm a foreigner aswell but I do live in Seoul now for about a year ahead while studyig so I could happily help you out with showing you around, help you get to your appointment etc if our schedule match up ^^
Yup that's about it. I hope it was somehow helpful, if you have any questions feel free to msg me!
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I’m doing email consultation with docfinder. This review is a great help before I make decision and send deposit. But I have some questions.

You said you live in Korea for over a year, you live in Seoul and it is easy to use public transportation. Then why did contact docfinder and use their service? Actually docfinder give airport pickup and send off, free transportation, free medications and run errands for you for free that’s why I want to use their service. And they also state that they recommend good doctors in Korea so if I’m you I will not even bother using their service. Because you are living in Seoul and you have many Korean friends so they must’ve already recommend you popular clinics for local Korean.

And the first email I received from docfinder looked like copy and paste from a template, but when I send email to other clinics I also get template copy and paste email reply for the first email and surgery explanation email. Is that bad? I know some parts are copy and paste but after that they explained to me in detail. Not only docfinder but other clinics as well. Is that bad?

Docfinder recommended Banobagi, ID, JK, View, GNG for me. So local Koreans don’t go to this clinic? Are they bad clinics? Because I read some good reviews about these clinics in the forum.
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Hi! Great questions! Sorry if my review was a bit hasty there.
I did not consult with Docfinder because of the free pickup, I wrote that part so foreigners that haven't been to Seoul can get a fair understanding on how easy it really is to get around. I did not say that I personally needed it ^^

I simply consulted with them because they market themselfs as ''we will help you out with EVERYTHING but don't charge extra for it'' which sounds good to anyone right? especially to us who already made our minds up to go through with surgery. I was thinking in my mind ''oh... so they will actually provide everything for free? sure, if it's gonna be the same cost as I would have gotten without their help why not go with them? since they speak korean and I don't''.
But sadly they do charge extra for this which I think is more like a slighttt fraud? Don't u think? Or at least not very honest.

I actually didn't consult all my clinics through email but a lot of them through LINE or what's app and all those msg's I got there was VERY personal so comparing that to Docfinder I did find it a bit... unpersonal :smile:

I hope this cleared up some answers for you. Let me know if anything else! And like I said before, I do understand why some people would still go with them but IMO charging a few extra million won for that service is not reasonable to me.
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Honestly, I could NOT agree more. When I was 17, on a low budget for my first surgery alone in Korea, I skipped docfinder but was surprised to find that it is incredibly easy to navigate as a foreigner. Everyone is super friendly, you can simply hail a cab then give the friendly ahjussi the address in Korean on your phone. The clinic I went to had their own in house translator and I got a good price on my own. I had FC surgery and was able to take care of myself all on my own as the clinic I went to, and I’m sure MANY clinics do this as well, provided me post-op medication and compresses.
I never had an issue and I can’t believe how docfinder inflates the prices so high just for these unnecessary reasons.
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Hi! I wrote you a msg so feel free to hit me back if you have any questions :smile:
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Thanks for sharing your story :smile: I know right? It’s suprising how easy it is to get around once you’re there.
Did you consult with Docfinder even though you decided to skip it or? If you did - did you have the same experience as me or somehow different? Just curious :smile:
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I did consult docfinder at first :biggrin: I was naive back then and was very impressed by their super long email, how they explained the procedure in detail. Then I realised, like you, it’s all copy and paste as I did more research and noticed others got the same responses too. And, I also got ridiculous prices :annoyed: like 20mil+ for rhino, V-line and zygoma.

I agree with you that even consulting with clinics themselves seems more personal and genuine. Also much cheaper :shocked: I don’t know why docfinder claim to not inflate their prices and tell us to email the clinics themselves and that we’ll receive the same price:confused1: it’s too good to be true and obv false hmm

Not hating or judging on anyone who uses these services, but I hope they can know that navigating in Korea and going through surgery “alone” with the clinic is not difficult and if we can get a better price too, why not ? :smile:
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Can’t agree more on what you just wrote! :smile:
Btw did you go through with V-line surgery? / facial contouring? If you did would u mind PM me about it? I’m actually thinking if I should do it all together when I get my Rhinoplasty in August :smile:
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Hi, thanks for sharing! I almost used DFK service as well but then realized pretty much everything you've written like prices etc. so I dedcided not to use their service. im going in Sep. :smile:. question is how do you pay for a cab like does it need to be cash or do they accept credit card for the fare?coz I honestly don't have any idea... thanks so much:smile:
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You can pay in cash or with the t-money card (transit card similar to octopus card from hk, oyster card from UK, Compass from Vancouver, suica from tokyo etc). I'd suggest buying a t-money card and load it up. You can always get a refund when you leave korea. It's also handy because can drivers will accept it as a form of payment, and so will a variety of convenience stores!
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