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2 Jaw, V-line, Zygoma reduction (considering The Face Dental)

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I've got somewhat of a horse face, so I've been considering 2-Jaw surgery for a long time now.

I researched several clinics, but have been considering TFD recently after researching and consulting with them. Do you or someone you know have any experience having this surgery at TFD?

I did two consultations with TFD so far, one face-to-face in Korea which I didn't ask many questions. And then a second longer consultation through Skype after I returned to the states. I thought I'd share my consultation experience here for those interested.

Dr. Lee's English was fluent enough that he didn't have any trouble with my questions. Below are some of the questions I asked during my Skype consultation, paraphrased:

Am I a good candidate for 2-Jaw surgery? Do you expect any complications?
I don't expect any complications. Your face is what I'd consider an average case, that I'm experienced with.

What technique will be used for 2-jaw surgery. SSRO or IVRO?
I do both techniques, but with foreigners who have limited recovery time in Korea I prefer and recommend SSRO.

Will this surgery change the look of my nose?
Your nostrils may become slightly flared/wider.

Will my philtrum distance change?
The philtrum distance will largely be unchanged, since the entire jaw is being moved up.

How much sagging do you think I will experience?
I think you will have very little sagging. Since you have not much soft tissue on the face, you are young, and you are male.
I'm 27 years old, and I have a pretty skinny face. Apparently sagging is worse for people with more fat on their faces, as well as older people. The younger and less fat the better it seems.

If I want to have a zygoma reduction, how will you do it?
Because you have a skinny and long face, I do not recommend reducing your zygoma too much. I would reduce it slightly. If I reduce it too much, it'll make your face look too skinny- and longer.

Do you see any issues with me having zygoma reduction at the same time as 2-jaw and jaw contouring?
No. In order to reduce the length of the face, I recommend 2-jaw and v-line surgery together in your case, but you can decided to have zygoma reduction or not.

How long should I plan the trip to Korea to be for surgery?
At least three weeks.
This seems shorter than I expected. Most experiences I've seen have a minimum of one month recovery. Maybe this is a difference in SSRO/IVRO recovery times?

If I wanted to do another surgery afterwards, such as a rhinoplasty, how long should I wait?
At least one month. Because of swelling, other surgeons may be confused as to what kind of facial balance is needed for other aesthetic surgery.
I'm worried about the balance of my facial features will be off after my surgery, as I already have a large-ish nose. So I might do a rhinoplasty in the future as well.

Overall, I found the consultation positive. Dr. Lee has a kind disposition, and he patiently answered my questions.

I'm still unsure as to whether or not I want to have a zygoma reduction or not in addition to 2-Jaw surgery/V-line. The negative experiences I've heard regarding zygoma reduction seem to be largely because of sagging, but if my risk is lower than I feel a little encouraged.
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He did show me 3D imaging, but it only showed how the change in bone structure, rather than an external view of the final result.
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He showed me like a photoshop simulation of the results of my v line.
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It's too early to say since I am on day 2 post op and my face is like a balloon right now. But my procedure was quite simple (jaw reduction and t osteotomy, he did not remove much bone) and he told me that everything went OK so I am quite hopeful.. In my case I am happy with all the staff there, including the nurses. The worst part was to wake up after general anesthesia. I felt pain and much discomfort and you cannot drink water for 4 hours.
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Wish you a fast recovery! I'll be having my surgery on this Monday at tfd too. So nervous
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  • 2 weeks later...
i had an online consulation and for v line surgery is 5.5 milion eon
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