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HELP! Went to a Japanese Clinic, Need Advice!

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Ok so I went to La Coquelicot in Ginza for a consultation regarding mesotherapy (fat dissolving shots). Right off the bat the doctor told me that laser hair removal would help tone up my legs somehow? To me that reeked of "oh do this and when it doesn't work move on to the thing you initially wanted". I've personally never heard of laser hair removal doing that.

She also kept pushing for something called Cellactor or Shock Wave Therapy, it's supposed to be sonic waves or something that penetrates into the skin and also revives muscle.... And kept redirecting to that even when I would ask about fat dissolving injections.

Another kinda strange thing was that when she brought up their website to elaborate on the shock wave thing she said "Oh btw you can't access this site outside of our clinic" (like if i were to try at home) "so you can't view the same things as what's on this page" And she also said "There are laws in place so we can't show before and afters on our public site".

I've looked at numerous other Japanese clinic's sites and from what I remember a large majority showed before afters....

She then proceeded to show me before and afters of the Shock Wave thing. So.... is that so they can push this procedure in the safety of their clinic and the before and afters are possibly of another procedure? Like it's safer if they show it in a controlled environment and say it works instead of throwing that out into the open internet?

When I asked about what brand of fat dissolver they use for the shots she woudn't tell me she just told me it was a combo of formulas from Britain/America. Is it normal for clinics to use and in house concoction or was that sketch?

Should I still go with this place?

I can speak (ok) Japanese but it's not at the level of medical terminology so I'm limited on where I can go here, if anyone has any suggests or wants to share their experiences I would love to hear them. Thanks for reading all that!
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From what I understand of fat dissolving injections, it can get pretty nasty. That’s why you cannot get them in some countries. Personally, I’ve gotten them before and the results are quite lasting but the sagging skin bothers me the most even though they say that the liquid has some skin firming effect.

I’ve heard that the liquid that they use, does not differentiate between fats and flesh so it kinda dissolved everything. Maybe someone in the forum can give a clearer explanation?

I’m not sure about the other treatments though.

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