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Rhinoplasty at Uvom

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Hello Hello,

Purseforum has played a fundamental role in choosing my rhinoplasty clinic and doctor in Seoul, so I hope sharing my experience will help a lot of you choosing your clinic.

Before coming to Seoul, I was overwhelmed by the number of different rhino clinics that I should consult. I did a lot of research in a lot of clinics, and the surgeons that worked there.

I decided that I wanted to go to a small/medium side clinic with a doctor who had a lot of experience and is very safe.

I booked three consultations with Uvom, The View, and GNG.

The View were super sweet organizing the consultation. We communicated back and forth in Kakao. I really liked the consultant who worked there. She was very attentive and caring.

Talking to GNG in Kakao, the consultant was not as personal as The View. I felt like they were not that interested in making the experience personable and enjoyable. It seemed to be more of a numbers game for them. I was attracted to them, because I liked the work of the doctor.

Third, I consulted on Kakao with Susan from Uvom for about a month before my consultation. She was very sweet and took the time to answer any questions I had. I was also very impressed by the doctor's credibility. Uvom was not heavily marketed to foreginers like GNG and The View, which was not a problem for me.

My first consultation when I arrived in Seoul, was with Uvom. Uvom is a small / medium size hospital that focuses on improving functionality first. Then aesthetics second. This was very important to me, as I wanted to be able to breathe clear. Uvom give a natural approach to noses, and that is what I wanted. The doctor I chose was Dr Lee Jung Soo, the owner of the practice.

I discussed with Susan, and another consultant, what I hoped to achieve from this surgery. They took their time to talk to me, to address all my concerns. Then, the doctor came in to speak with me for about 10 minutes. I understand he is very busy, but as soon as I met him, I had a gut feeling that he was the doctor for me. He was very humble, and knowledgeable in his work. He examined my nose and explained to me what could be done to fix it.

I was with Uvom for about 3 hours. I always follow my gut, and I knew there and then, to cancel my other two consultations with The View and GNG, and book in surgery with Uvom. We booked the surgery for two days away.

On the day of the surgery, I spoke with Susan and she calmed me and reassured me. Susan explained that they were going to use Sleep sedation and local anesthesia on me, as this has a lot lower risk than general anesthesia. We went to the surgery room. I fell straight asleep once injected, and when I woke up, it was all over.

I rested in their bed for an hour. They gave me gauzes and earbuds to keep my nose clean. Medication was not included with Uvom. However, Susan kindly went to the pharmacy and collected the medication i needed with my money. (It was not that expensive)

Then I traveled back to my air bnb. Travel costs were also not included as part of the surgery.

The next day (Day 2), I went back to Uvom for a Vitamin Injection Drip, and for LED deswelling treatment. The nurses cleaned my nose.

Today is Day 3. I went back to Uvom today for another LED deswelling treatment. The doctor removed some stints from my nostril and the nurse cleaned my nose with like a suction device, so now I can breathe better again.

I am going back to see the doctor on Monday (Day 6). The doctor will hopefully remove all the stints then.

Overall, I am very pleased that I chose Uvom so far. There were no foreigners in the waiting room any of the days, just local people. It is hard to see the shape of my nose now with the bandages. I will keep you updated when I get my bandage off. Hope this helps :smile:
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Congrats on ur surgery! Pls keep us updated on whether you like the result! I am going for rhino next year and currently doing research on which clinics.
I cant find detailed infos about Uvom and wonder what their price range is. Their B&A photos seem to be natural and exactly what I am looking for.
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They don't have English website, but they have English blog https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://uvomps.blogspot.com/%3Fm%3D1&ved=2ahUKEwiO8cuRhYzcAhVMfX0KHVkTDuEQFjAmegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2KOrpx7HWBQi3HsED1IyF0
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Ah good stuff, Susan is lovely. I was not in a lot of pain. I was in a lot of discomfort though for the first two nights sleeping (getting a dry throat). I recommend always having water by your bed to keep your throat nice and hydrated.
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They are on facebook, insta and have an English blog. Yea I wanted natural results also. I will keep you updated with the result. Day 5 at the moment and so far so good :smile: Best of luck in your research - it can be overwhelming but it will pay off
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Hiya, I had a large nose with a deviated septum, and one of my nostrils was bigger than the other. Therefore I wanted a smaller, more feminine nose. I also wanted my deviated septum fixed, and both my nostrils to be the same size. I wanted the results to be very natural and subtle :smile:
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Oh that's great! please keep us updated when you get the bandage off :smile:
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Hi dear would you mind sharing the cost? ^^
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I’d be interested to know what you ended up paying as well, if you’re willing to share!

Uvom quoted me 3-4mil for rhino, 1-1.5 for alar reduction
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Wow very decent price comparing to "other famous" hospitals. Thank you. I am considering UVomps now.
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