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Can you get surgery done at two different clinics

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Hi I've been lurking here for quite some time now.
I'm not really sure how to phrase this, but I was wondering if it's possible to get one procedure done at one clinic, and then get something else done at another clinic.. in the same week. It sounds ridiculous, I know
but I want to know if anyone has actually done that. I want to do rhinoplasty (osteotomy) at one clinic and FC at another. Just because one clinic only does FC. But I have limited time I can spend in Korea.
If this is completely insane, please let me know.
I swear I've heard of people doing this though.I saw a youtube video about a surgery experience in Korea where she did her v-line first and then did rhino after a couple days or something ?
What are your thoughts and experiences? :smile:
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Vline and rhino done together just sounds like torture. It's two very invasive surgeries. It's possible, but perhaps better spaced out two weeks apart if you want to do them together, staying in Korea for about a month .are you sure you want to do both together?
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Yeah, you are right. It does sound pretty brutal, but I can't take more than three weeks off work at once. I'd probably have to do them a week apart if I chose that option, sigh
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i can relate much as im supposed to have those 2 surgeries a week apart since they will be done in 2 diff clinics but before deciding then, i asked the doc first and he said a week apart is good enuff
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I would totally do that >.< but I've come to the realization that I can't do that. I'm gonna have to choose one clinic
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I agree with @lana_1028 if you want to do that at least space 1 week or more between both surgeries. because directly after the v line the body will be weak from the aftereffects of GA, and the swelling will be at its peak. so you might feel extremely tired to move between clinics and maybe the swelling can interfere with the second surgeon doing rhino too, because the nose shape will likely get affected by the swelling. if you do rhino first, there will be packing inside the nose for several days , it can feel hellish doing v line right after
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I would ask both of the clinics if that is okay. I would be a little worried about the anesthesia but maybe it's okay. I'm getting both of my procedures (breast and rhinoplasty) done at the same time so it's under one anesthesia. But rhino and v-line performed together is difficult because it is both near each other. Definitely ask the clinics!
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