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What is the correct procedure to reduce masseter muscle?

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While I have a fat face and plan to get Acculift, I also have a horribly enlarged masseter muscle on the right side of my face due to teeth grinding. This has caused my entire right side to become enlarged and frighteningly asymmetrical.

I was wondering what is the procedure to get this reduced? I am asking on this forum because there are quite a bit of PS "experts" here, haha, and I don't want to be upsold by the clinic.

*Also, any procedure I get cannot involve screws or implants of any kind due to autoimmune illness.

Thank you!
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I mean do u think the issue is the masseter muscle or your cheek fats? I had both buccal fat removal (not masseter tho) and botox to atrophy the masseter muscle, i dont know how many units was injected to mine but the results were subtle, im planning to get them again and hopefully more doses this time. Dont know any other procedures to reduce masseter muscle other than botox
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I read this very interesting paper by a doctor from one of the clinics in Seoul, I can't recall which one but it is one mentioned often on PF. He wrote that prolong use of Botox to atrophy the master muscle will eventually help the jaws to reduce slightly too. It may take years but he said, think about it. When you break a bone and it is set in plaster for weeks, when he plastic is removed the bone is affected due to that limb not being used.
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Yeah i read about that too, but on another site not from the dr you talked about
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I have considered this; however, I also read that Botox in the jaw can cause bone loss and thus tooth loss. Can anyone confirm/dispute this? The main reason I want to do this isn't even for just the cosmetic part of having an asymmetrical face; my teeth grinding is for the charts and I've broken and fractured several teeth. Obviously, I don't want to LOSE my teeth in the process of trying to save it.
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That was included in the site i read this information from but dont know how true that is. Sigh guess i'll just be doomed forever with big asymmetric cheeks, try it out and ask your doctor
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First of all, Botox will not reduce the jaw bone. That's absolute b***s***t. I've had botox in my masseters for years and they always go back to baseline if I stop doing it for a long time. It's true over time you need less and less of it to maintain the effect.
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The idea behind this is that the muscle bulking from the masséter promotes bone growth and repair, especially in children with developing bones. Some children will develop a larger/thicker jaw because of how they chew/grind or their diet. This is also why primates with similar jaw bone and teeth structure are far less likely to develop malocclusion and teeth crowding, they follow a diet more in line with how their bite evolved and thus their jaw is strong/wide enough from continuous crunching and muscle growth that it fits with their adult sized teeth.

If using Botox to atrophy the muscle also leads to significant bone loss...I am not sure if we know. The masséter is a large strong muscle but it is not like, say the calf muscle where heavy weight is continuously applied. Maybe some Botox will not make a big difference or maybe it will atrophy your muscle to a similar size of other humans that have no problems, it’s hard to know as we all chew/bite differently and have a range of bone densities.
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I have had 80 units of Botox and also a more permanent masseter muscle reduction through électrocoagulation (long recovery). It reduced a large amount of bulk but it does require maintenance because I tooth grind and have malocclusion so one side is always a little larger and harder to manage
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I have the exact same problem! Is your jaw more symmetrical now? I just had 52 units of Botox today. Where did you get electrocoagulation? I was in so much pain before from the tooth grinding but the Botox actually did relieve the muscle immediately (though obviously my appearance hasn't changed yet).
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I also have autoimmune issues and get botox in my masseters regularly. My rheumatologist said botox would be fine but no fillers. I don't find that it helps significantly - just some relief, but between teeth grinding (completely fractured my molars) and constant migraines, it's worth it for me. It also helps with the size and asymmetry.
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I've been getting botox in my jaw for a while now and the last time I did it, the botox migrated and paralyzed my risorius muscle and left me with a totally crooked smile. If you're going to do jaw botox, make sure it's being injected by someone confident in facial anatomy because it's easy to overshoot and inject the surrounding muscles. Mine was done by a maxillofacial surgeon and I still ended up with the side effects. However, all the previous times I've had it done there were no problems.
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