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Surgery-first- No braces before Double jaw surgery?

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I am a 23 year old female. I went to see a surgeon in Italy and he said my teeth are not perfect, so he recommends braces before surgery for a few months. He said he can do it without braces first but for me to get the perfect bite, he would recommend braces first. I did a Skype consultation with Dr Lee from TFD. He said he can do the surgery without braces first, he also said my bite isn't perfect but my teeth are relatively straight, so it wouldn't make any difference before or after. My teeth are not too bad but they are a little crooked on the left side of mouth, so when I bite down, it feels uncomfortable in that area and I normally don't keep them closed properly. So my mouth is never fully closed, I don't have an under bite or overbite, I have asymmetry of the jaws.

I have never had braces before. Has anyone else done surgery-first? or knows anyone who has? and can please give me any advice? I am not sure what to do! Is surgery without braces a good idea?

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I’m in a similar situation as you. I did a consult for two jaw at TFD when I visited recently and was told I could do it without braces first as well. I also decided to consult an orthodontist there to get his opinion on the surgery and if it’s worth it. He told me to get the results I want I need to do braces before and after. I think to be on the safe side I’m going to get braces when I decide to do it.
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Thanks for replying. Can I ask what problem do you have? Do you have an underbite etc?
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I would be doing it for aesthetic reasons, I have class III maloclusion of the jaw but my bite is relatively fine due to previous orthodontics. My face is concave and I’ve already tried to diminish how prominent it looks with genioplasty, zygoma, vline, and fat grafting. I am hoping to get some projection in my mid face, I was really happy how I looked when I was swollen from my last surgery haha.
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Hi I had 2 jaw surgery without braces before the surgery now I’m 2 months after surgery I just started braces it’s just difficult to open your mouth after but everything else is good I would advise you to meet orthodontist and make a braces before surgery in your country even before one day of the surgery and make him consult the korean surgeon for better results...good luck
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i'm also wondering for this.
since i want to do jaw surgery in korea, orthodontist in my country refuse to cooperate with surgeon from korea which is understandable because of language barriers and many other things.
As u know bracing will need to go clinic back and forth many times, i can't really do in korea for bracing. T_T
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One day before surgery? I don't think that will make any difference as it takes a few months for teeth to straighten and move. Did you have any problem with doing surgery first? If it went good for you then why do recommend braces first?
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Same thing was said to me, I am in the UK and orthodontist don't want to work with a surgeon abroad
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