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Anyone got surgery for budging eyes?

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I have big, protruded eyes because of nearsightedness but I rarely see any topic about budging-eye surgery experience. I'm planning to have a surgery in Korea (since exophthalmos surgery has not been available in my country) and the only clinic that I found out is EFIL. I think their results look quite good but I'm still skeptical since there is too little information.
Please share with me if you know anything about this type of surgery!! Thanks a lottt~
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hi @Raussi!

I also have the same protruded eyes caused by high myopia, and have been looking into orbital decompression by EFIL as well, which has a nice-looking website and Before&After photos. I am also skeptical, and i haven't found any reviews about them online in English-speaking sites (e.g.Purseforum, RealSelf). Unless there's some reviews about EFIL written in Korean or Chinese?

I enquired about prices for orbital decompression at EFIL and another US surgeon called Dr Ray Taban, but the prices are high, and I would need more time to save up the money and hope for any more reviews from real patients to appear, because I've been told by a doctor friend that orbital decompression is a very risky surgery.

I suggest that you make your own enquiries at EFIL, because the price quotations can vary wildly, and then you can private message me for more discussion.
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Thank you a lot!!!!!!!!!!
And also, sorry for late reply. So did you send them pictures of your eyes? And about the price, is it higher than facial contouring? I know it'll take me long to save up money but I am very curious and just wanna set a clear goal. And according to some articles I read online, this type of surgery is not risky. I don't know whether to believe or not but exophthalmos surgergy does sound complicated right?
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