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My Cosmetic Surgery experience in Seoul 2018 (Namu PS)

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I do have an idea of why there are not that many reviews online. Consider this, the clinic is less than 20 years old. In the business world it take a few years to establish anything. A clinic or any type of business that just opened of course won’t have a big brand name yet. Nothing comes out and is instantly known. It takes marketing and good business practices. It’s takes about 5 years for businesses to establish a customer base and reputation. Some business don’t even turn a profit for many years. They work on investor money until they establish themselves. When I spoke to Linda (English translator) she told me she has been working with the clinic for at most 1 year. So it gives me reason to believe that the clinic has finally gotten to a point where they can expand their services to a bigger market. They must finally be turning some type of profit for them to decide to open up to another market(foreigners) because they now have the capital to do so. There is nothing wrong with growth andwe shouldn’t hate on it. That’s why I still chose to go consult with bigger hospitals who cater to foreigners too. There are over 500 clinics in Gangnam area. There are not enough Korean’s who want work to keep them all afloat. It makes sense to move on to another market in the long term. Investors want to see business grow and I do too. If a clinic stayed to small long term I would see red flags. Why haven’t they grown? Are they not busy enough? Are they not good?

But back to your question. Consider all of that I believe they finally decided to expand to this new market and it will take them time to build a customer base/reviews from this new market. Also, they don’t ask their customers to leave reviews either. I sort of did so because I wanted to let people know my surgery journey/ why I had it done/ how I handled the situation/ how and what to expect and things because I wanted to give back to the forum that helped me. If it inspires others to consult with the clinic it then that’s great.

No I don’t know any other reviews besides helens review that I read. I chose to take the leap of faith and chose them as my clinic because I felt that this is the clinic for me. And I hope that others find a clinic that they feel strongly about the way I felt about the doctors I chose and the clinic staff.
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thank you for your thoughts, indeed this can be a reason. I am just wondering if they are popular in Babitalk which I cannot understand :sad:
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So its been about 5 weeks post op and I am satisfied with my results. I was worried in the beginning that my skin would sag but at week 4 a lot of the skin just suddenly tightened up. I'm happy with the results. My face is alot more symmetrical now then before. I like the size of my head now. I don't think I will have any sagging. I'm still in my twenties so it worked out well for me.

Something I noticed is my jaw line swelling is uneven and so is my nose swelling. I'm also healing scarless on my eyes but my nose scar is still a little read but I'm sure it'll be scarless.

When I keep it hidden from the sun the redness is nonexistent. I just want to let everyone know that I was not a good patient. I ate spicy,salty, and drank alot of alcohol even though I wasn't suppose too. I also did not take it easy I moved around alot. I'm a very active person so that can be difficult for me.
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When are you going? I’m going back again with some people I met from pf. We’re going in December to get more lol fillers and stuff. I’m taking my nephew to get his eyes done too.
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There is always another clinic that can do it for a better price
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I decided October in spur of the moment but idk how the doctors and Docfinder schedules will work. I wish I could go with or hangout with someone while I am there as well!! I tried to make a new post and failed so will try again
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October is a good time. Don’t forget to negotiate! Don’t back down! The clinics will not be super busy during that time.
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I’m just starting to research on a primary rhino doctor and thus far have been only looking at clinics not doctors. How can you find the work done by a specific doctor? And how do you choose your doc? Also, do you mind sending me a picture on kk or by email? I’m v curious to see the changes you’re talking about!!
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Thank you for sharing!
I am now very near to go to Namu. Can you tel me what exactly they did with chin and how much mandible jaw was cut?
I will do only jaw (no chin).
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hi Flowerpower111~ Im interested in going to NAMU for facial contouring in Dec~ Is it possible to add you as frd on kakao to know more about your experience at Namu?~ Thank you so much!
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I don’t know. Most likely through reccomendatiisn of other people. If you go to see the doctor you can ask to see his work. I did this. I asked doctors to show me a nose like mine and then yeah.
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Hi when you are going there? Beginning of Dec? I am looking a buddy who wanna be in Seoul in second part of November. Considerung namu, view, opera or tfd ;)
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