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Help me i’m so depressing with my sugery

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I’ve done facial contouring and nose sugery at view . This is 3 weeks after surgery. when i smile , my face looks very werid and ugly.. bcoz of my nose tip is too high for me .. I couldn’t even go outside bcoz my nose is still swollen like rectangular.. have u ever experience like this .. :’(
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Three weeks is still pretty early. Without seeing a picture it's hard to say, but your tip does lower over time as it heals + as for swelling, some people are worse than others. My nose was horrifically swollen for a year and a half. They say you should give it 2-3 months to get a better picture of the final result.
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I have never done facial contouring and nose surgery before but from this forum, I gathered that it can take at least a month to recover. De-swelling occurs at different speeds for different people. Do continue to take your medications as well as drinking those pineapple juices and pumpkin juices.
Hang in there!
You will definitely get better and prettier after all the swelling subsides. This phase will pass soon.
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If it looks badly wrong, try and contact the clinic and send them some pictures, but they often tell you to wait three months. The first few weeks can be very rough w/ the swelling, and it pulls your nose up too. (some people swell worse than others, you can't compare your recovery time to someone elses).

Doctors like to say that 80% of the swelling is gone after 2-3 months and not to expect anymore big changes, but it can take much longer than that. My nose at 6 months was so different to my nose at 2 years. So three weeks is very very early in the recovery process. LOTS of people panic, especially after rhino's. The final results can take a long time, and in the meantime you can look like a real mess.

Try and contact view anyway with your concerns! They might be able to reassure you or take a look! Hang in there!
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Hi Jasmine!
The swelling from my FC in 2015 took a whole year to fully resolve! At 3 weeks out from surgery I looked NOTHING like I do today. I can't speak from personal experience about rhinoplasty swelling but what I've heard from all the doctors that I've consulted with is that swelling in the tip can make it look higher and that it will drop as swelling goes down. Unfortunately, that can take a while too.
In the meantime, keep icing, make sure your incision sites are clean, and try taking supplements like arnica or bromelain which can help with decreasing swelling too.
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