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Breast Implants

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I came across this article about breast implants ruptured.
I have no idea how relevant it is now as this article was dated in 2015.
But i guess the important message of this article is that breast implants don't last. They can turn yellow, rupture, grow mouldy etc.
Please do a regular check of your breasts as well as a breast ultrasound if you feel any lumps in your breast.
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Oh my! Would fats grafts transfer to your bust area be a better alternative then? But i also read that there might be some difficulty in detecting cancer cells due to fats grafts. Hmm...

Well... I guess there is a reason why petite gals have smaller breasts as compared to their bigger counterparts. First of all, the clothes will look weird when being worn on a small body frame with big boobs. Clothes will either be tight on the bust area but fits nicely on the waist area or fits nicely on the bust area and loose on the waist area. However, DVF wrap dress will be the perfect dress for this figure though! :heart:
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The older implant models I believe have these issues. Stuff with mold and such isually occurs in saline implants. But I plan to get the cohesive gel implants aka gummy bear. These are new kind of silicone gel implants where the gel doesn’t leak out even when the membrane is cut and they are textured on the outside so they stay in place. These new implants are considered to last significantly longer than the older versions.
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A Singapore blogger had 320cc Allergen silicon gel texture implants (teardrop shaped) in her body. She had her implants done under muscle and she revealed that the scar was minimal. Her surgeon told her that the implants could last for about 10 years. However, at around the 6th-7th year, she felt lumps in her breasts. Hence, she went for a breast ultrasound. She revealed that the ultrasound showed that the rupture was contained in the capsule, which meant that no silicon had leaked into her body. However, she went ahead to remove her implants and never put in new implants anymore.
You can google it. Her blog is pretty informative.
But I have to admit that she looks prettier after her plastic surgeries. :smile:
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Oh no @Fortunecat that is what I have allergan textured cohesive teardrop implants under my muscle inserted in 2012 and am in year 6! Just self examined. No lumps yet. Ugh ticking time bomb again. I too would not get new implants but instead ask for a breast lift and fat grafting perhaps but it will be a huge change in downsizing for me. Found her blog. http://www.jacquelinekoh.com/2016/02/plastic-surgery-singapore.html?m=0

Oh no she had a goretex chin implant that got infected and a hairline tear in her breast implant but then says both ruptured. Ugh not good news for allergan natrelles then which I have. I also had an infected goretex premaxilla implant at 6 years. Goretex is bad! Ok found the article https://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/fashion/breast-implants-rupture-chin-implant-infected
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