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Sagging from Cheekbone surgery? Types of Sagging? Risks? IRL examples

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Hey guys,

I've been researching.... A LOT like endlessly with cheekbone sagging because it's the most "common" complication after cheekbone surgery. IM NOT A DOCTOR BUT IM AN ENTHUSIAST. so i've read a lot but take my writing with a grain of salt.

ALSO my english might be a little bit weird atm because i've read soooooo many korean posts that I find my grammar flipping sometimes @ _ @.

I decided to make a post to share some knowledge about sagging from cheekbone reduction.

First things first: There is always a chance of sagging with FC. But whether or not it's noticeable, or fixable depends on you and the doctor.

Second, wanted to point out that there's a difference between cheek sagging with the skin (comes from aging, skin wasn't very elastic, or because it's loose aka you cut too much bone off) and what looks like cheek sagging because of fat distribution/ non union of bone/ muscle tissue weakness.
Here are some IRL examples of what these ladies considered as cheek sagging from their cheekbone reduction surgery:

These pictures I pulled from IRL reviews in Gangnam Sister (an app like babitalk) (if anyone wants to know where they got their PS from DM me)

Before I get into my.. ESSAY I just wanna get these questions out of the way.

Can your skin stick back to your bone after it's been cut?
The answer is a soft kind of. The underlying tissues are built to be able to reintegrate. So yes they will reattach to your bone. In the case with tendons being cut it they do heal. But they tend to heal slower and become weaker in quality.

Do you constantly have to get facelift after the Zygoma surgery or can you just get it once?
after researching about facelifts, and zygoma surgery and how it affects your tissues this is my answer, take it with a grain of salt)
If you cut too much and got loose skin, you can get a facelift with a good effect. And you will age normally like everyone else after that. How fast you age will depend on your skin elasticity not necessarily from your cheekbone surgery. But remember you can have tissue sagging which is different from your skin sagging, and tissue sagging can definitley be from cheekbone surgery, this will be explained down the line.


This is a year post op and she considered this as facial sagging because you can see slight bulge of Nasabloid fold there. This is actually not skin sagging but rather left over fat in her nasbloid fold and around her face.
She and i have been messaging and she is going to get lipo not a facelift to rid of that illusion of "sagging". I wanna follow up with her and see how that goes.


This is a before photo:

This is AFTER photo. Two weeks post op:
She wrote in her review she's worried about her skin sagging because of how it looked, she knew it was going to sag because she lack elasticity in her face. She wanted to get lifting once her swelling went down.

most of this sagging look she says is from her being swollen. This is what she looks like a month post op:
It's a little better but it's not fully gone yet.
And then in three months:

Hard to tell cuz she's so far away but she wrote in the review that she's happy with her result and that she didn't notice facial sag at the end. (I took it with a grain of salt though because there were no close up shots but it defintiley looked a lot better)

This is an example of a 40 year old woman getting FC..
She has had multiple acounts of ultra lifting prior to FC surgery.
The far left is the before picture, The middle is skin sagging from FC a year post op, and the far right photo is after Facial lift.

The doctor notes that no matter how much he pulls the skin it's impossible to get rid of your nasal fold completely like she was in her twenties.

Notice also guys, the jaw tends to look more square when you push in the cheekbone too much. she looked like she had a slimmer jaw before her FC IMO.

Sagging from damaging muscles/ tissues

This one is a really big deal. I haven't been able to find IRL examples of this because it's hard for me to pinpoint and be like SHE HAS SAGGING BECAUSE OF THIS. Even doctors can't sometimes tell what the sagging is caused by let alone me judging from photos lol. All the examples I provided I went off by their personal review and their experience after talking to their doctor. Or the doctor himself.

Sagging from Poor surgery is pretty irreversible when it comes to tissue damage.


See those muscles right there? That's your zygomaticus muscles. And see where they are located? They pull up your face. If those muscles get damaged, that's when you get real trouble cheeksagging and pretty much irreversible (but i might be wrong, i haven't come across a procedure that provides solution though). Because those muscles are responsible for holding your face up (pretty much) when these muscles get weaker, these muscles, the fat, tissues they all start to fall, and you end up with a look that looks like:
View attachment 4207595

Your nasolabial fold will start to look prominent and kind of swollen. these muscles according to the doctor
( from this youtube video: (it's in korean, not sure if there's subtitles i didn't check))
will always get weaker after cheakbone surgery, or the distance will get shorter since your cheekbones have been pushed in. A shorter distance causes a looser muscle. Hence things can start to falllll.....

Sagging from nonunion
It's when the cheekbones don't get properly braced with the "pins"
I will continue this one lol next post.

As of now we have Three very common cheekbone procedures.

1) making an L shape cut, pushing, and then bracing it with metal. This one is the most common procedure done because it avoids those muscles.
2) Shaving: Notice how the zygomaticus muscles are attached underneath the bone. They shave the cheekbone above the muscles.
3. QUICK zygomaticus surgery: They break/ fracture at the outer cheekbone (close to the ear) and they push in. You get to fix your side cheekbones but not the 45 degree. It's hard for me to explain this procedure with words, i wish i can draw it.

These procedure all avoid the muscles, so in theory when done right risk to sagging should be minimal.
BUT if you cut too much for sure you will have a greater chance of sagging for obvious reasons.

When doing your consultation ASK YOUR DOCTOR about the cheekbone muscles and how they will avoid it. Ask them about the surrounding fat as well. Ask them how your skin elasticity is.

Some doctors get as detailed in consultation as touching your face and feeling your skin, and finding where exactly the fats are located. I think this is really important because along with CT scans and relaying information this will give additional info on how your face is built.

Take all this with a grain of salt. I am no expert just wanted to share my knowledge cuz i researched A LOT. and wanted to share ^^

From hundreds before/afters i've seen. I've seen more good results then bad ones but ive read a lot of people complaining about cheek sagging. Although after examining some of the photos of the people saying they had bad sagging i felt like the person didn't actually have cheek sagging....But it is hard to sometimes tell from photos. But i also believe that it is true that when you think you have cheek sagging you start to see it too. I had this case when i was in my early twenties. I got so paranoid about aging that i started to see and believe that i had skin sagging and i looked 40 when everyone still thought i looked 12. So there is still that too.

Here is an example of korean celebrities that people consider to have sagging from zygoma surgery


Thanks guys~!!

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Thanks @touni27! Really enjoyed reading your detailed post and photos to show different types of sagging. After my chin shaving and multiple fgs, I no longer have a sharp v bone contour but rather a softer side profile with slight sagging. I try to look at it positively and say it makes me look younger like I have a bit of baby fat around my jawline as the only other option is a threadlift for £1400 which would only last 6-12 months. I did see photos on another site of a very saggy lower face on a real patient post fc at tlps. I shall try to find the photos.
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Aw thanks missOrange! ^^ glad u enjoyed it!

Yeah I've seen those as well for the jaw T.T. But I've seen people get a thread lift (as u mentioned) or face lift + lipo to fix the jaw area with great results. I did not know thread lifts were so expensive 0.0. Can u get a regular facelift?

I've uploaded a file here with the photo for people who have it pretty severe after FC contour for hope ❤️!!!! This girl in the photo had bad sagging + fat under her chin and then got the thread lift + lipo.

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Wow @touni27 that is an amazing photo result find! Does it say where she went for lipo with threadlift?
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This is a terrific post and one every newbie should read. Fantastic job touni27! I was always highly skeptical of one member's claim, once your skin/tissues are severed, they never will reattach to the bone. No one would have good results from zygoma contouring then.
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Most people opt for plastic surgeries to get rid of their current "eyesores" but forgot that it will lead to further problems later e.g. skin will sag even more or will need fat grafts.
Just like i am contemplating liposuction in the abdominal areas but am worried that fats will deposit at other unsightly areas in the future. Haiz.
Once we start to opt for plastic surgeries, more plastic surgeries will be needed in the future in order to keep to the "current" status.
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I found it! Here is the brave real patient who had sagging post v line surgery 2017 at tlps and posted it on another site.

My UK surgeon put stitches in my chin to pull up and hold my skin post shaving the chin bone. I notice when I blow out my cheeks the skin tethers where he sutured the underlying tissue and muscle and looks like a chin dimple. I think that is why we often see patients getting both v line and fat grafting at the same time or v line and then smas lift elsewhere. Separating the tissues off bone and removing part of the bone may indeed leave an empty space in the skin and lead to sagging! A similar effect is seen with breast augmentation and downsizing which may lead to sagging and rippling of the skin under the breast implant.
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@Fortunecat that is exactly what happened to me. I got lipo to my tummy and inner thighs in the uk x 2 and then 4 fgs in korea with inner thigh lipo donor sites, so yep fat now expands in my upper arms, love handles and upper back when I gain weight. It feels like fat cells just want to expand somewhere on your body as the cells were sucked out of the tummy and thighs. If I have lipo to my batwings and love handles, I wonder if fat cells in my bottom would expand..natural BBL? lol. Uhoh I feel a temptation to go back to korea and try lipo. In the UK I paid £4000 for 2 areas a decade ago. I wonder how much it costs in Korea?

I remember meeting a girl in Korea in 2016 who got whole body lipo! Amazing results and price at Ruby clinic but she paid for a translator as the clinic did not have a translator.
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Wow Thanks for this post!

Damn that is severe! O_O..... and her square jaw wasn't even that bad to begin with....
This is where i'm like... How come some people don't get this side effect and some people do? Is it the amount that's cut? is it how old you are aka skin elasticity?

I like how we are sharing these photos so people can be aware of these issues and they are REAL. and maybe they can show some photos to the doctor they consult with to see how they can prevent this type of saagging.
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Thanks Gabriella :biggrin:
This is actually similar to "quick cheekbone reduction"
I have read that you can still get sagging with this method too but it's hard to say? It feels with all of this it's case by case and the doctor's skill level.
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I'll read through the comments more but she wanted people to DM her on babitalk to find out where she got the surgery (i guess to avoid seeiming like advertisement)

Unfortunately i can't dm people on babitalk T_T i can only read posts cuz i dont have an account there but maybe she might have slipped up something in the comments.
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So I'm still a little confused on what exactly causes sagging in some people and not others?
I find a lot of posts of afters where they say they loooooved their face and they looked great 3-6 months. After a year that's when they notice the facial sag. So does that mean that they just cut off too much? In 3-6 months your face is still swollen so it has more volume than it would in a year. So if they had kept their bone mass/volume more to represent what they look like in 3-6 months would there been no sagging?
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