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Sagging from Cheekbone surgery? Types of Sagging? Risks? IRL examples

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Thank you @touni27 for compiling all this detailed research into sagging from cheekbone surgery and how to fix. Fascinating read and the more I read the less inclined I am to do zygoma reduction which is a good thing.
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Seriously, i also think its not worth it...
In this forum, i got the impression that the face sags after the cheeks reduction and most actually have to do fat grafts after that.
Sometimes, we think that its massive but to others, our cheekbones do not look big to others.
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I think researching sagging is vital to stop one from an impulsive decision. Clinics never show their bad results. I found this patient with sagging on another site and cropped out any identifying features. She had v line in korea and then a facelift and midface lift to try to correct the sagging but sagging may also involve the deep tissues and muscles cut during bone contouring. This suggests that zygoma or v line may require both fat grafting to fill empty spaces and a mid and/or lower facelift to fix the sagging. The first photo shows sagging especially in her chin after v line. The middle photo shows sagging in her cheeks too (note the deep nasolabial folds too) and the bottom photo is after a facelift and midface lift to try to correct both. She never tried fat grafting. The costs of all these surgeries must mount up especially as she had the facelifts in America to correct the sagging from surgery in Korea?!
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This is a summary of all the potential complications of facial bone surgery on another site. Makes one think again. https://cosmeticjourney.com/forum/topic/28614-mandibular-jaw-angle-reduction-problemscomplications-with-face-bone-reduction/
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Oh my god!
This looks scary though.
Maybe that's why some celebrities don't age well.

Only time will tell....
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Do you know what about jaw reduction sagging? Now I have thoughts that if bone is removed, and the area where soft tissues were attached is cut so now soft tissues are left unattached or there is particular method to re-attach this ? Also do you know if just masseter muscle can be reduced in surgical way (not by botox)?
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The Face Dental has pretty positive reviews here, and they don't seem to charge foreigners three times as much like some other clinics do. However, EU Dental is far more famous locally in Korea.
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