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Korean rhinoplasty and Caucasian nose

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Hi guys, I am new here!
I'm from Italy (so excuse me for my bad English :/) and I decided to have a rhynoplastic surgery in South Korea, since Italian surgeons badly suck..

I want to get rid of my hump, and I want to reduce my nostrils and the tip of the nose. I would like to have a more graceful frontal view of the nose

I have been impressed by Vip (dr Lee Myung Ju) but I don't know how much expensive it would be and I don't know if I can afford the price since my parents should be with me Screenshot_20180930-103426.jpgScreenshot_20180930-103426.jpgScreenshot_20180930-103423.jpgScreenshot_20180930-103423.jpg
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From what I've seen on this forum, VIP are quite expensive. I highly doubt you could get a rhinoplasty for $5k or under there. The best thing for you to do is simply contact different clinics and send them some photo's of yourself. They should give you some recommendations and price estimates.
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Agreed with the above poster. VIP charges a lot, it would be around 7m for primary rhinoplasty +extras. I don’t suggest you go solely by price alone, but you can consider these experiences, and add to your research:

- Opera Clinic which is very cheap (they quoted me 3m for all your procedures) Some Russian poster removed her hump there. # Try smaller clinics or increasing your budget to 5.5m or 6m to be safe.
I would try to increase budget to 8k min if possible so that you can enjoy your stay (while you’re in pain lol). You’re going to need to stay in Korea for 15 days (what my consultant told me when I was trying to figure out my flights and such) My Airbnb and flight alone is $2510. I guess your flight could be cheaper since you’re in Italy. Decent Airbnb’s in Gangnam are $55+/night (Airbnb also has service fee and cleaning fee). You will have to eat and will need transportation costs. Say you will be insanely frugal and spend only $300 for that. That’s already nearly $3k on non surgergical costs. If you want to go to vip, go to vip. Send them a message on kakao app and ask them for a quote. I don’t recommend cheapening out on plastic surgery.. not that you should overpay either.

How I used pf was looking at what people hated about clinics. Or if there was even one botched case and a really pissed off client I crossed it off my list. I also read a lot of Korean articles and posts.

I think you should do your own research instead of asking for recommendations of clinics because sometimes people are lucky and get great results at a clinic that’s usually not so great. Also, people say that there are promoters here and that’s why I looked at only the negative things about clinics instead of positive raving reviews. I guess there is also a flaw in this method of elimination, but it worked for me and I ended up scheduling consults at 1 clinic that has been mentioned here and 5 clinics that have never been mentioned here.

Spend A LOT of time researching. If you need help with translation I can help you translate korean to English (sorry, can’t speak Italian!!)
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unfortunately I don't know which clinic could be the best in my case T.T my biggest concern is to reduce the tip of the nose (maybe nostrils) and I'm really worried that a bad surgeon could ruin my nose
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Ahahahah don't worry!!! But thank you I appreciate you, you guys are very kind ^^
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