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My experience at Namu PS (rhino & breast augmentation)

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***Not sponsored! Paid 100% for services myself and all opinions are my own***

Hi everyone! Some of you may know me as "Soo" in one of the PS rhino Kakao groups. Hi guys! I had a lot of fun talking to you guys before/during/after my surgery. I got a lot of valuable info about PS from this site so I thought I'd pay back the favor and hopefully give you all a quality clinic to consider.

I am about 4 weeks post-op from having received rhinoplasty from Dr. Joung and BA from Dr. Choi and I'm extremely happy with my results!

I actually heard about Namu from a girl in the Kakao group I mentioned earlier...I initially planned to go to 5 other clinics that are pretty popular on this forum but she raved about the service she received so I thought I'd set up a consultation. Namu is a relatively small clinic- very clean. When I went, I saw maybe 90% locals, 10% foreigners. They do provide English services for sure. The ladies who work there are so nice, I wish they could be me friends :smile:. My consultations weren't rushed at all like they were at other clinics, everything was done on time unlike some other clinics *eye roll*, and both doctors made sure they understood exactly what I wanted done. On surgery day, the doctors review what you want again just to be sure and one of the consultants/assistants actually goes into surgery with you to be sure the doctor is giving you what you want. I had double sleeping for my surgery which is IV sedation and anesthesia together. I woke up like I was reborn with no pain. Namu also offered me transportation to and from my Airbnb for checkups (until I was able to walk around myself) after surgery and to the airport when I was leaving. I stayed the night of surgery at Namu and also most of the next day because I had a fever and they wanted to make sure I was ok. I also got a vitamin IV drip which made me feel better.

Rhinoplasty- Dr. Joung
First of all, Dr. Joung is so friendly. He is very qualified and I felt very comfortable with him doing my surgery. I had open rhinoplasty with a bridge augmentation using silicone, and my own nasal cartilage was used for tip refinement. I am telling you your nose will look drastically different around 14 days after surgery when the swelling subsides so just be patient. I had my cast taken off and outward stitching out on day 6. They provide pumpkin juice, ointment, pain killers, antibiotics and ice packs for swelling- I think that's to be expected. I received a nice facial after stitches were out and had periodic checkups over the next 2 weeks. I saw the doctor every single time I went back for a checkup. They're not too busy for you which is so nice. I actually had the stitches inside of my nose taken out the day I flew back home because they wanted to make sure everything was *perfect*. My nose looks so slim now and it'll get even slimmer over the next few months. I'm honestly really happy with it- like it's natural but just enough that I look different in a good way.

BA- Dr. Choi
I didn't necessarily want larger breasts but mine were flat on top and full on bottom- giving a poor aesthetic effect. Dr. Choi was able to give me really great perky boobs that I'm happy with. I had Mentor gel tear-dropped shaped implants under the muscle with an incision in the crease below the boob where a scar can't be seen (infra-mammary). So there are these blood tubes that they use to drain excess bleeding and I appreciated that the doctor kept mine in for an extra day to be EXTRA sure I would heal properly. Again, I wasn't rushed and didn't feel like I was "in and out" like at a factory.

I highly recommend getting surgery at Namu. It wasn't overwhelming, no ridiculous wait times, the doctors are qualified, pay attention to detail and seem like genuinely kind people who want to make sure you're happy. Also, the customer service is amazing by everyone who works there. I'm actually planning to go back around Spring 2019 for different procedures since I didn't want to do too much my first time getting plastic surgery.

If anyone wants to know how recovery is, I can add that as a comment. As I've said, I'm almost 4 weeks post-op now and I feel great. I still have to wear the weird bra thing they give you when you get a BA but other than that, everything is healing amazingly. The scar on my nose is virtually undetectable now as well.

5/5 stars
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I'm glad you had such a great experience at Namu! I've been thinking about getting a rhino and after your post, I'm thinking about going to Namu. Can I see your before and after for your rhino? I can't seem to find any pictures on the Namu website or instagram. Thank you :smile:
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Hey! I was actually thinking about telling them because other people, including me, had trouble finding pics too. I would suggest going on their Korean site for before and afters because the English site is lacking images. Start here: http://namups.com/htm/nose_01_01.php Also you can pm me for images!
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Hi Soo! Don't think I've seen you on Kakao but I'm going to Namu in November. :smile: Can I PM you for images as well?

What kind of nose was your "before"?

Did you get nervous using a silicone implant? I'm still debating whether or not I should use one! Did they give you the opportunity to build your bridge with nasal bones?
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Hi! My name in the kakao group was sooleawah. I was active around the beginner of September so if you search my name, I'm sure more info will come up because I was basically live-documenting everything including other clinic visits. I didn't use my personal kakao for privacy :smile:.

My natural nose had no bridge between my eyes and had an undefined tip. Now I have a high nicely curved bridge with a more defined, slightly pointier tip from the side using nasal cartilage. The bridge also gives the appearance of a slimmer nose from the front view. It's still swollen as swelling takes months to go away so I'm still waiting for the final result.

I didn't get nervous about the silicone implant. I actually suggested using it for more precision and definition and Dr. Joung was happy to comply. I asked him about risks and it seems there is no problem until there is a problem- it sounds weird but pretty much goes for anything, especially manmade devices. And I don't know how using nasal bone works...so didn't think of that.
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hey soo! I'm seashell in the kkt groups, I asked you a few questions before/during your surgery times, not sure if you remember but I'm so glad you're happy with your results! Can you send images of your rhino b&a? I actually have a very similar nose to you from what you've described - bridge is basically nonexistent between the eyes and the tip is flat and bulbous. I'll PM you
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Hi! I’m glad your rhino went well. I’ve been stalking this site for months and finally made an account because I decided to take the plunge and get my nose done. I was on Whatsapp with Namu and the quote price was cheap (4 million krw) so I was suspicious. Can I see your before and after, please?
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i had my nose rev at namu too and i totally agree with you abt doc juong:smile:)I'm 3 weeks post op and like u, I'm liking my new nose too.
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  • 1 year later...
Do you know anyone that has gotten double eyelid surgery at Namu? I’m planning to be in Korea January 2020
For double eyelid and ptosis correction but there isn’t any reviews about it anywhere online? I’ve been hearing good things about Namu for other surgeries like rhino and face contouring. It Would relieve some stress if Someone could share their experience for double eyelid surgery at Namu
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