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How long until you could go out after Rhinoplasty?

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I want to get a reductive Rhinoplasy done this November.

Since I don‘t want to hide inside my room in Seoul but want to explore the city and have fun I‘d like to know long it did take your face to look bearable for the public?

Thank you in advance ♥️
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Literally right after my surgery, I walked to KFC and bought myself some chicken cuz u was starving. I had a mask on so no one can see it anyway. But to go out and explore Seoul, about my 3rd day post op cuz swelling was going down already and walking from 12noon til 8pm everyday helps the healing much faster in my opinion. Learn how to take the train and walk to Myeongdong, Namsan Tower, go to Kwangjang market.. if you’re embarrassed just wear a mask :smile:
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Waaah I love your answer hahaha. I was just thinking about how starved I will be five minutes ago! Was eating alright for you?
I also thought walking would help the healing way better than laying around so thank you for assuring me on this one.
Were you badly bruised? How long until you could go out without mask? Many clinics state a almost normal face after 7 days but I don‘t know how to think about that
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My nose area was still numb since I just had the surgery an hour or so prior, but I didn’t feel anything the 1st night I ate fried chicken

2nd day was when I couldn’t really stretch my mouth too wide for fried chicken because I got alar reduction I had to be careful because of the stitches, and that’s also when the bruising and swelling starts to appear as well. I didn’t bruise bad, it just looked like I had light brownish/green-almost-light-yellow eyeshadow on but it wasn’t noticeable because my nose bandage and tape would distract u first lol but everyone’s different, some people get black and blue though.

BTW I knew I wasn’t going to be able to breath through my nose for a period of time after the surgery so I practiced a couple of months before to sleep and breath through my mouth sitting up on my bed Hahahaa it’s weird but it helped a lot! I was able to sleep just fine and have a comfortable post op time and healed pretty fast haha.

3rd day Post-op I started going out and exploring Seoul I always wore a mask but u don’t have to, I just did cuz I’m scared it might get infected from germs and stuff hahaa idk. I stopped wearing the mask once they took out the bandages which was the 5th day post op. ^_^
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Hahaha I should start practicing too I guess. The not breathing part really worries me since I hate to breath through my mouth.

You give me a lot of security with your answers. I‘ve seen you were at Opera? How was your experience? That‘s actually the clinic I want to go to. You can pm me if this would be more comfortable for you.
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Actually, I’ve never gone to Opera yet, I’m planning to go with them next year for my genioplasty. I’ve gotten in contact with them and I confirmed that the operation I want is around my price range for sure, but that’s where I’m at right now with them.

Rhinoplasty Experience:
I got my rhinoplasty + alar reduction done at Banobagi actually, and I liked their staff. They’re actually kinda pricey for me originally but I got lucky and saw the July promo they had on their website for 30% off for rhinoplasty. I went through DocFinderKorea and they said they honor the clinic’s promo as well. Some people will say don’t go through DFK because supposedly they put the price up to get a cut from the surgery from the clinic they are partners with, but if that’s the case, then how come I was still given the same 30% discount for my rhinoplasty total? I honestly don’t think they got any cut from what I paid, but they still took care of me. Maybe they are paid by their partner clinics some way or another, but I honestly don’t care because I feel like they’re doing a great job anyway and I had a great time ^_^ but that’s just my opinion.
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