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At what age did you get plastic surgery / at what age do you plan to get it?

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Yes, since i got a full time job when I was 18 i had enough money to get rhinoplasty when i was 19! Not really actually, I wanted a very subtle change when i did rhinoplasty in 2017 but now i would like my nose bridge to be lower and my nose tip to be a bit upturned, which it isn't.. But i like my nose a lot more now than pre op!
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Were your parents supportive? I think thats the one thing I'm afraid of, getting judgment by friends/family when I get my nose done..
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My mom ofcourse did'nt want me do it and she told me that if i were to do it i should do it in sweden, she didn't like the thought of me being so far away and getting surgery. I didn't tell my dad until like 2 days before i was traveling to korea and i sent him this loong message explaining why i HAD to do it, he just replied and said that he can't really stop me from doing what i want but that he was worried. So i guess they were accepting it but didn't really like it because they were worried, which i tottally get. Now my mom is more open to me getting surgery though, which is nice! I honestly haven't told all my friends that i've gotten rhino cause i, like you, am afraid of getting judged. But honestly who cares, if you're happier post surgery then they should be happy for you, or else they're not your real friends.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yep. Asymmetrical. My right eye is a lot bigger than my left eye now, and the eyelid part flips open so you can kinda see the flesh below the lid. I have to tightline my eye everyday to hide that. Not only that, but my eyes are too close together because of additional canthoplasy and the opening of the eyes are on different levels... oh. And the surgeon didn’t extract enough fat from my lids so now they’re hooded. I didn’t do my research and I paid the price for such carelessness.
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