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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/23 in Posts

  1. Hi all, During the course of my research so far, I have extensively used this site to check if a doctor is certified by the Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons. This post is to share how to check if a doctor is certified. There are several pointers to note: The Korean website is more updated than the English version (a few years dated). The mobile version of the Korean website allows you to search by clinic's and/or doctor's name (whereas the web version only allows you to search by doctor's name). Sometimes, the clinic's name may be spelled differently (e.g. DA Clinic may be reflected as 디에이성형외과, 디에이 성형외과 or DA성형외과). It may be better to search by doctor's name in this case. Also, sometimes when a doctor moves to a new clinic, the site may not be as updated and the doctor's name may still be reflected under the old clinic's name which he practiced at. I have attached screenshots on how to interpret the results. To search by clinic name (click here http://www.prskorea.co.kr/mobile/search/search_h_name.asp) To search by doctor (click here http://www.prskorea.co.kr/mobile/search/search_h_dr.asp) For other pointers on how to check if a doctor is certified, you may refer to the English write-up on the page (click here http://www.prskorea.co.kr/English/mobile/sub/sub_02.asphttp://www.prskorea.co.kr/English/mobile/sub/sub_02.asp). If there are no results, it means that the doctor is not certified by the board to begin with. I have updated the post as the board has recently updated their database to indicate those who were suspended because they did not pay their membership renewal fees vs other reasons. Please refer to the 3rd post on how to differentiate the results for this. Hope this is of some help.
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