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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/20 in Posts

  1. Hi guys. Just thought I'd make a thread to share some resources about the many PS clinics in Seoul. I understand many of us who are foreigners and/or don't have korean contacts and friends to give us some insider info on clinics find it hard to look for clinics other than the common few "tried and tested" places mentioned in the kakao chats and forums like PF. So I'll share two lists of clinic names for everyone's reference and research purposes. Those who are seeking out lesser known clinics or clinics that do less marketing to foreign patients can make use of this list to do your research. Please note this is just a list for reference and researching. Your ultimate choice of clinic still boils down to face to face consultation with the doctors. Credit goes to Esther from the kakao chats who shared the Google docs link that she found/someone shared with her and she posted on the chats. I'm just passing this on. Google docs list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR9uH4MbUMXQT0IgLv9BPSv7tekoRjeN6nk9OwZzTqsz304raTdh3Cj1HzLeYJhNXEmGGwl8sKfmRng/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true The 2nd list is a very long list of all medical institutions for cosmetic surgery in Korea where VAT refund is available. Besides plastic surgery clinics, the list includes skin clinics, dental clinics and clinics outside of Seoul as well. There are about 500 clinic names on the list, so be sure to sieve through those in Seoul if you only want to look for clinics located in Seoul. Clinic names and addresses in both English and Korean are listed in the document. It downloads as a PDF file from this website (download the "Available medical institution list for VAT refund" document): http://english.visitmedicalkorea.com/web/board/BD_board.view.do?domainCd=2&bbsCd=1001&seq=20160401141258262&pageType=&showSummaryYn=N&delDesc=&q_currPage=1&q_sortName=&q_sortOrder=&extColumn10=&q_ctgCd=&q_searchKeyType=TITLE___1002&q_searchVal= Here is also a link to the government website to check if your surgeon is a board certified plastic surgeon in korea. Note that some specialized surgeons like ENTs and maxillofacial surgeons will not appear in this database as they do not fall under the plastic surgeon category. http://www.prskorea.co.kr/English
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