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Posts posted by curiiious

  1. @ rawdude, i sent you pm! i want to be inspired to finally take action -lol!

    and @ everyone from VIP, i'm so glad to hear you're all so happy! and so cute about mintminttang taking pictures! must look beautiful? so happy for you all! i would love to see pictures because nobody i know would speak to me (in real life) about surgery :sad:. again, thank you all for being here! and generously sharing photos to reassure and support eachother! hugs.

  2. @ rawdude,

    hahaha! original poster turned into lurker! hahaha... thanks for asking about me, lol! you guys are all definitely very entertaining and i love the friendly and fun (or funNY like you, rawdude) atmosphere here! but, for myself, so many life events (school, work, etc.) and lack of feeling confident and "sure" about any doctor and the fact that i'm all the way across the world in canada means i still haven't been able to get it done! i'm more curious about the original poster of the FIRST asian nose job thread on this purse forum! haha!! i'm glad you guys are all here for sure. love you guys!...

  3. @ angelfern : i'm interested in your experience with dr. kao! if you wouldn't mind, could you give a more in-depth description of your experience? i am very interested in him because he is an ENT and everything and sounds really nice in e-mail :smile:. thank you in advance for any help. and happy healing!

  4. omg, koreanboy! thank you so much for posting and chronicling your experience here! it is so helpful and informative. you look like a korean pop star! so congrats on that! i think i am looking for a slightly different look but you look very, very good! congratulations! and thanks again for posting here! how has the response around you been? i hope supportive and encouragining, etc.! best wishes for continued happy healing!
  5. @ koreanboy : thank you so much for sharing your experience complete with pictures here. i have a somewhat similar nose to yours (higher bridge though) and i am glad to hear that the doctors have been able to give you what you want. no doubt my YEARS of hesitation in getting this surgery has to do with the nature of surgery results not being able to be "guaranteed" and it really helps what you did for us here so thank you very much. it looks great so far! but i also want to say you had a good "masculine" look before too. i think i'm starting to feel differently about slight humps on noses, lol! but you look super nice right now. the side profile i am sure you are very happy with! and more than that, a surgeon's ability to be able to give you what you want. you seem very happy and i'm very happy for you! it looks great and it has been ONLY one week (hardly!). congratulations and happy healing!!!

  6. @ flychick : okay, DAMN, babe, you RUN AND TELL THAT, RUN AND TELL THAT, HOMEBOY, HOME HOME HOMEBOY... hahahaaaaaa... you are hilarious, haha.

    i agree, i've seen his and other north american doctors' work and they do GORGEOUS work on caucasian noses but limited experience with asian noses :sad:. i've spent a bit of money on consultations where i am and the docs seem almost hesitant to operate on my nose... but in my area, there's lots of asian people and they have specific "asian" sections on their websites so when i met them, it was weird they didn't seem to want to operate on me. they usually do nose implants, eyelid, etc... but they're either way too conservative or way too extreme. i must admit their work on caucasian patients are great though... but i'd be worried because, for example, i've felt my friend's nose (she's caucasian) and the cartilage in her nose feels very stiff and hard (not bad, just different) compared to mine... and her skin is thinner... so if they were to mold the tip or cartilage the same way or adjusted a bit, it might not work out in a predictable way? so i'd feel like a guinea pig, haha... and re: the asian people in my city... i think they all go to asia for surgery... suspect because don't know for sure, never ask...

    which docs are you looking at?

    i'm considering dr. jung right now, have you seen his GIANT gallery:

    and also dr. kook:

    dr. kao:

    dr. hsu:

    * i also found this website super helpful (but, umm, as you say, "hide your kids", etc. if you don't like looking at actual surgery pictures and the tools and blood):

    hope something there helps you out a bit?

    happy thanksgiving (to everyone else too!) and tty soon!
  7. @ flychick : yeah, people here are super friendly and supportive. i just wish i could feel 100% about something and go through with it because i feel like i have some time right now... and re: cost: i think with airfare and hotels added in, it might be around the same as having it done in north america... i think the reason i wanna go is because they're familiar with asian noses and they must have done so many cases... however, i know what you mean, it would be so much easier to have it done at home if there were someone to do it and have that support right by where you live instead of an ocean away... have you consulted with any doctors in your area? i heard doctors in nyc are quite expensive... here in canada, it's about $5500-$7000+ for a rhinoplasty, is it much more there because a lot of the renowned docs are there? and haha about the "more procedures" :roflmfao: ! hmm, one good thing is, they seem to give more multiple surgery discounts there than they do here but i'm sure you don't need them :smile:! anyways, really glad you're here and can't wait to talk more... i hope everyone gets what they're looking for :smile:!

    @ julabula8d_aim : welcome too :smile:! i was super impressed by dr. jung's work as shown on his page too! sooo many pictures! just kinda hard to look through them all... he definitely looks very experienced! seems very busy though :sad:... what kinds of procedures are you looking to do? are you looking to get any implants?
  8. @ obi1: yes, i think it's 5 posts and/or 5 days or something like that?... you can email me here: "anonymous.e (@) live (.) com"... bear with me on the typing there :smile: - don't wanna get uber-spammed :wtf: , haha!

    @ kain: i agree with you about bringing pictures of noses you like. some more suggestions might be:
    * pictures of noses you absolutely do NOT want as well
    * morphs on pictures of yourself, i'd bring those along too :smile:
    * pictures or pointing to examples of surgeries the surgeon is done that you liked (like you said, dr. jung has tons!)

    ... i have a feeling i won't be able to find too many pictures of noses for myself... i shall start collecting! most other noses just wouldn't fit on my face, sighs...
  9. @ kain: ooh, good luck with your semester/ studies too!... you must be looking forward to it... and yeah, i tried clicking through the vipps site (korean version) and you need a "login" to see some pics, i think... but i think there might be more... if i find myself seriously considering others, i will email them too!...

    @ obi1: when are you going in october? mid? i haven't planned my trip yet as i'm not 100% sure about surgery yet and haven't felt 100% about a doc yet either... i'm *highly* considering going to seoul for about 1.5 or 2 weeks to give me a few extra days for consultations and seeing different clinics... is that your approach too? or have you booked appointment with dr. jung? i am very impressed by him and leaning towards him very much as well... maybe we can coordinate dates if i finally feel 100% sure about going through with this... it's a big risk because of airfare, accommodations, and then the surgery! it's an even bigger risk because it's SURGERY, haha... :wtf: ... if you want, you can pm me privately with your dates of travel and where you're coming from? i'm from canada.

    again, best of luck to everyone!
  10. @ kain: thanks for the reassurance... i've been looking up and wanting this and then deciding against it, etc., over and over! i finally might be able to have time to do this this year and just am a little stuck in terms of finding the right doctor... i am still really wanting dr. jung to do it though... have you already booked your appointment and/or flight, etc.?

    @vivi_bee: hi, girl! i remember reading a few posts by you awhile back before i disappeared due to work/ school... how are you doing after the surgery? what kinds of results are you looking to achieve with revision?

    @ everyone: hope all of you are well!!!
  11. @kain: thanks for the reply! so you're set on him too? have you emailed or corresponded with him yet? i am quite set on him because he is an ENT, which i actually think would be good... even for cosmetic surgery... however now i'm worried because i sent him pics and he said he thinks the changes will be "a lot" and i don't know if i'm ready for a big change... also the email didn't have too many details although i know he must be a busy doctor!

    i am so impressed by his work on his website (so many pics) and admire him though and if i get surgery, i am right now really wanting him to do it... but i don't want to have drastic changes and i don't know if i should ask him for more details in email because i don't want to annoy him... :sad: ...

  12. hi, everyone, nice to see all the discussion continuing on here. i'm highly leaning towards dr. jung in seoul now but i am just so hesitant to commit because i'm a little scared of going through with this. it's a permanent change to something you were born with, y'know? and you just hope it'll turn out good. but you're still scared :shocked:... do you think i should be? i've tried going back to the old thread and messaging people about their experience with dr. jung but they might have left this forum after their surgeries...

    anyone else highly considering going to dr. jung? in late sept. or oct.?

  13. @ gonnawin,

    that is amazing! well, very dramatic... but still some nice results... my interest is now piqued because i think i need a medial/ lateral osteotomy (or what "la nouvelle image" refers to as "infracture", i think?) and alarplasty/ alar base surgery and they seem to do good work... and in the phillippines, they would speak english very fluently, right? plus i could eat all the dried mangos i could ever dream of :nuts: -- haha!

    thanks very much for the link! you know, i feel like i've been thinking about and considering rhinoplasty for so long... and i still haven't had the guts or found the right time, place, and doctor to do it in/ at... i don't know... or i just can't decide because, well, i don't want to make the wrong decision with a structure in the middle of my face, right? :Push:... but every time i see a bad picture of myself, i'm all up in this researching business, haha! good luck to you, gonnawin, and i look forward to seeing you on this board some more!
  14. bokchoy,

    no, you're the one making me excited! hahaha! thx for your reply! aww, it would be nice to: 1) split hotel costs, 2) be with someone :smile:! i mean for company too because i can't imagine being a swollen-faced person alone in their hotel room, hahaha! even just thinking about it makes me T.T, LMAO! and if either of us would be up for it, we can check out the stores too (or "revisit" or 'regular shopping' for you since you've already been to seoul, lucky you ;) !). underground mall and skinfood? and just FOOD, simply? yumyums! haha.

    thanks for the reminder about plane tix prices going ^^^, i'm going to jot down a "definite decision date" in february. i don't want to inconvenience you so if someone else takes you up on the hotel-splitting offer, don't feel obligated to me or anything because i know i can't decide yet. if i can go, flight probably mar 15 & arrive mar 16-ish?

    are you doing your eyelids + nose? or just eyelids? it seems like korean doctors do especially great eyelid results! if i were doing eyelids, i'd head there for the surgery too! but i'm only going for nose and i seriously cannot decide (scared) and only have that "window of time" to do it in or else i'd have to wait for like another year or something T.T, LOL! plus, i need to figure out the money stuff a bit more clearly first, no doubt this will take a chunk out and i just want to know that i can actually afford it (plane tix + accomm add a whopping figure to the surgery costs) what with tuition and all --- i'm also a student like you, but in canada. you're lucky the exchange rate is decent right now! although it's not crazy good like it was before but hovering around 1,150krw:1usd is pretty darn goods!

    i'm curious about all those other clinics too --- i just see so many of them do good work (i don't read korean so i blindly clicked until i found a photo gallery or examples, LMAO) that i'm disappointed to not be able to communicate with them through e-mail. i sent out to clinics whose work i liked but in english so no replies :sad: --- they're probably so busy with the locals anyways that they don't have time, hehe >.<.

    anyways, i'm going to pm you my e-mail!

    meanwhile, have a good schoolweek (monday = classes in sesh again, haha) and maybe we can figure something out =D! take care!
  15. solus,
    don't say you looked horrible! we all look better with tweaks --- when the tweaks go well, right! hahaha... congrats so much and you must be enjoying the changes! and as far as for working out, it's really best to be healthy --- eat healthy and regular exercise, and stuff like that! happy healing again and sending well wishes!

    i might be going around that time too! whereabouts are you from? are you still in calfironia? do you think it'll be busy around that time (spring break)? lots of people going there for surgery? what hotel are you thinking of staying at? if i go, i'll try to get flight set up by february. what hotels are you looking at?

    i'm looking into oz more too 'cause dr park seems really nice... he even praises a fellow colleague on his consultation board! i heard anywhere in apgujung is good? i see from your trip itinerary that you will be there for a few days --- are you planning to do consults there for 1-2 days? that sounds like a good idea actually. however i just can't decide if the upturned look that tends to be the trend is really my thing. what kind of work are you thinking of having done (implant?)?
  16. hey, solus,

    thanks for sharing!

    wow, nice change! did you only have the implant put in? or tip/ alar work too? the bridge looks really nice by the way! especially oblique view (head-tilted/ three-quarters view) and i think maybe when all the swelling is gone, it will look even more defined? wow! hope you enjoyed your winter vacation in korea as well ::smile:! i know this was something that you have been wanting for a while (i remember your posts on the old thread too)! hope it is to your liking! you're brave!

    happy healing ::smile:!
  17. you must all be so excited! i'm just going crazy trying to choose doctors and how i want my nose to look (and then thinking nose might end up differently which stresses me out even more, haha!)... and airfare and hotel costs add up to so much from where i am! it'll will add somewhere from +$1500-2000 :shocked: onto the surgery costs, wahtever they might be!

    plugging korean websites into translate.google.com helps a bit! korean sentence structure must be a lot different than english because the translations are much more harder to understand than usual though! which also means i have even more respect now for the korean doctors who manage to also learn to speak english! haha... and "nose" letter in korean is "&#53076;" --- so you can look for that letter when you look at the website link icons and can't tell, hahah! i have no idea how to pronounce it :shrugs:! haha! and that's about it for random tips... haha!

    please let us know how your trips in seoul go! have fun, good luck!
  18. ahh! looks like my own surgery will be really delayed by the look of things now! i was so sure it was going to happen within these 2 months, but now not so much :Push:. i don't know who to go to or what to have done exactly and it all is so overwhelming, along with other things in life, haha! i'm so glad i have you guys to talk to about this, though! so thank you all for being here and the dialogue here is fantastic and so helpful!

    if you had tip work done or maybe if that lower area had a bigger reaction to anaesthetic or anything else during surgery, maybe the downward-turning is swelling? (i misunderstood at first and thought that you were worried and wanted it to go lower because you said: "So is there a way a nose curving downwards and go more inwards afterwards?") hugs & happy healing, girl!

    HUGHUGHUGHUGHUGS, girl :flowers:!

    you're so brave and it must've been really nice having your sister there for you; you guys also seem close from when you were talking about her scoping out clinics for you! i don't have any sisters, haha, and if i go to korea, i'll very likely be alone there (i'm in canada and the airfare is a LOT, around $1000, not including accommodations or anything! basically, it'll cost about the same to go to korea or to get the procedure in north america but i guess i hear so much about their expertise on asian noses...)! anyways, hope healing continues to go well for you and that and thanks for writing about your experience! i'd really love to see photos if that's something you don't mind --- i'm also super-curious about how things turned out for you because i remember reading your posts from before and now you've gone for your transformation! i'm sure it will turn out nicely!

  19. happy new year, everyone!

    i'm freaking out the more i research rhinoplasty online, haha! the videos don't creep me out as much anymore (and it helps that my studies are in a medical field too, LOL!) but the possibilities of complications do! my god :shocked:! and i'm just feeling overwhelmed in general by not only the possibility of complications but also whether i would like the results aesthetically :s! so much to worry about, haha!

    @ vivi_bee
    from what i've read, the columella drops and bridge area should de-swell :smile:! just like asin said too, is what i've read. it depends on which procedures you had done too though, that influences pattern and extent of swelling, etc. happy healing!
  20. haha, aren't i so silly?

    but it's true, jamasian, those are "jamazing" results :winkiss:! myself, i kinda have a very prominent bridge and am scared of implants, did you see any good results from that while you were there or researching? the pictures on the website you sent me are amazing too! do all koreans have nice skin??! haha, it seems! but yes, most of those pictures were so nice but i couldn't find any similar to my nose :Push:...

    i am so happy for you so far and it is still so early too! hugs and happy healing!

    (you can tell i can't sleep at all just looking this stuff up all the time :faint:, haha!)

  21. hi, everyone! thanks so much for responses because i was so worried that when the old thread died (well, closed because of maximum posts reached) that i'd have an even harder time finding people to talk about this with so thank you!...

    message for jamasian:
    thanks so much for the link directly to the before & afters! especially since i would've NEVER been able to find it by myself so thank you :biggrin:!

    the pics do look amazing and i hope your healing continues to go well! best of luck! i do think i will message the clinic soon, now that i heard you say that they have people fluent in english which will definitely help! thank you for coming in with your story and i'm very excited for you to see results! hope you like it!!!

    message for KPP:
    thanks very much for that tip! i did look through their consultation boards and stuff and they do seem to speak english (i didn't think to click there before because i'd assumed it'll all be in korean, haha), i guess now i am more worried that i will somehow offend them culturally, i hope not! haha. are you keen on any particular clinics?
  22. hi, all,

    so eager beaver that i am i decided to get right on starting a new thread after the old one was closed after reaching 5,000 posts!

    here is a link to the last page:
    # i personally found it very helpful but have not gone for any surgery yet, so let's get together and talk ;). i do not yet have a surgeon decided upon myself and this forum will continue to be a source of help for me.

    i am still very much leaning towards surgery in seoul, south korea, but am currently disappointed to not have heard back from many surgeons i have tried to contact :sad: but perhaps they are just busy...

    i'm also very scared off by the horror stories of bk clinic and a little daunted by the different doctor-patient relationship expected there, because while i would not want to show the doctor there any disrespect by accident, i do not know the customs there and i heard it is not very known for patients to ask questions about technicalities of the surgery. i don't want to offend them but sometimes it just really helps me to "visualize" or comprehend a possible turn-out for results... and whether it is in line with one's own aesthetics... i have also read random good stories about clinics in seoul on other boards such as makemeheal but those users have long gone on with their lives :smile:, which is a good thing for them, congrats.

    so let's keep talking, i do enjoy your company ;)

    message for shinangel,

    thank you sooo much for the info about your experience with dr. lansangan... i hope so very much that you are well and everything else is well with you too... i actually think you are very pretty and have really nice skin, hugs, girl.
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