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Posts posted by milyway

  1. Hi, Resona,

    Is your eyelid surgery the second time round? What did the doc do for your eyes?
  2. Is this your first or second surgery? I just found out that someone also went there and had to go for revision because the doc there made her eyes one big and one small...

    Ya, they all promise but don't deliver well and when anything goes wrong, they blame it on us, our skin, our structure, our eyes, our bones etc....in fact, I now hear of quite a number of people having to go back to docs to do revision.....sigh...maybe Korean docs have too many patients so they don't spend enough time on each patient?

    I am thinking of going for eyelid revision too so maybe we can share info?

  3. Woah, so it is not worth it...yes, I heard that it was very painful during the healing and taking out the stitches too.

  4. You can change faces like her in any good clinic there if you undergone the surgeries she did.

  5. Don't cry....wait a while and if it is really low, you can always have a bit of augumentation done later.

  6. I find out that the more you engage in a forum, the more you will be sort of be influenced. I had never thought of doing nose or eyes till I join all these ps forums until I became dissatisfied with my eyes, nose, shape of face etc. I consulted ps surgeons in Taiwan and Korea and some told me that there is no need to do my nose etc. so now I think it is better to be balanced. Don't do anything unless it is really ugly.

    I found out the hard way when I insisted that the doc augmented my nose even though he said there was no need to. I showed him Angelababy's photos and he told me my nose is even higher than hers :rolleyes: Anyway, I insisted and paid for it in the end when I had to have the silicon taken out because I looked really ugly with a high nose. Though it had been sometime already after removal, I suffer from runny nose very easily now and my nose is not that high as I believed some parts were shaven off when the silicon was put in. So now i need to augment the nose I think. So unless you are really ugly, go for it but for those who can live with it, might as well pursue other interests because revisions is costly and traumatic too. Even some US celebs said they regretted their surgeries. Go for it if you want to join the entertainment world as there is such keen competition in looks.

    Even for eye surgeries, there are revisions. So unless you have the mullah, go and enjoy your life in another way. Looks doesn't mean much in terms of talent. There are successful people with no looks, and being thought of being pretty with no talent is no go for a career too. Sorry for the rant but I think some of the forummers here are very young and need their thinking to be balanced.

    Isn't it funny if many mothers have high noses and double eyelids and their children do not? Imagine having to support their children through surgeries in future?

  7. Bisoux is right. Check with your doc.
  8. You have to be careful, ask the doc if there is any infection. If you have to take it out by any doc, it is easy, after 3- 7 days you can be ok already.

  9. Thanks, Kain. There is also a Nouveau City opposite Renaissance. But I think I am fine with Renaissance now because the cab fares are not expensive, about 4 t0 5000 won each way. I will stay at Renaissance again if I should come back.
  10. Nenepatio, please let me know which clinic you are going to so I can join you because I am interested in the usage of such autologous material. Are you planning to have surgery now or are you just researching?
  11. This is my personal opinion only. I think it is safer because the docs understand English plus they have an agent in Singapore who I heard accompanies a group each month to the clinic. The day I went, I was told that a group of 10 Singaporeans had come in to have ps. The main thing is that you get to see the doc who is operating on you and they understand your language.

    In some clinics, I have to guess what they are trying to convey during consultations, hahaha.

    But the more I consulted, the more confused I am and the more I don't want to do ps...it is too traumatic.

    And don't believe all you read in forums too because we don't know if they are real patients.

    Someone wrote that they are at the clinics' doors at 8.30am but here they don't open that early.

  12. You don't have to go to Korea for boob job. If you are in Singapore, the docs there can do just as well. Don't do anything abroad unless you have to because you will spend a lot more for plane tickets etc in case of complications or post surgery care down the road.

    If you are living in US, I can understand if you want to go to Korea for eyes and nose op because the docs are mostly western so they may not have enough practice operating on Asians but for boob job, anywhere will do, save your plane tickets. Even in US, there are some Asians who get autologous nose jobs and they are good.

    But for those living in Europe, I can understand the need to go to Korea as there is hardly any doc specialising in Asian surgeries. I should know because I live in Singapore, US and Europe. And I have a family member who did boob job in Singapore 30 years ago and everyone says they look so natural.
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