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Posts posted by babymode

  1. Magic epi is actually very popular in korea. I think all the clinics I've come across use the magic epi method for epicanthoplasty. I thought the teuim doctor retired? Correct me if I am wrong :X
  2. if you wanna be safe bring about $3000. the average for those two procedures usually add up to 2.5mil KRW?
  3. this actually sounds scary. was considering fillers until i saw a girl on a taiwanese variety show who had fillers regularly injected. she had the same problems as above, that is, due to thinning of the skin she is unable to inject anymore. the only option is to get a permanent implant.
  4. Wow even if your host mum offers? What if you just arrived and casually asked her to help out? Would taking commission also be a deal?

    When I went in 2012 I used a translator. I don't think she is working anymore though. She was really nice so I don't mind even if she got commission. I am going in early 2015 and am in the midst of self-learning Korean so I can communicate on my own lol. But just in case I don't feel confident by then, I plan on asking someone to help.
  5. vennikajayne: I think Korean surgeons are more experienced with tipplasty and shaving down the bump than reduction rhinoplasty. Most of the time, koreans get augmentation rhinoplasty which is to make the bridge higher with implants. I haven't seen a korean review of reduction rhinoplasty i.e lowering the bridge. I've seen people remove humps though.

    The prevalence of certain surgeries has got to do with the typical ethnic features of the population. For example, many koreans have monolids and that is why the surgeons there are better skilled at double eyelid surgery compared to surgeons in the west. Likewise, many koreans have slim but low nose bridges and that is why the surgeons are better at augmenting a nose than reducing it.

    You might also wanna take into account the difference in beauty standards in the east vs the west. So korean doctors might not be on the same page as you when it comes to what needs to be done. If you decide to do your surgery there, be very clear about what you want :smile:
  6. I actually asked a korean surgeon the same question LOL. In the case of acculift, it is impossible to use the fat for grafting purposes because it's been "melted" by the laser. Fat grafting requires delicate extraction from the donor site as the cells easily die along the way. In other words, it needs to be of good quality for it to survive well after grafting. The best quality fat is extracted from the thigh/abdomen, and that is why even in the case of traditional chin lipo, doctors won't use the fat for grafting purposes. Hope that helps.
  7. Haha, I am a perfectionist too, just not "overachieving" like you, more like "depressive" because I cannot get what I want.

    I see.. that is strange. So he corrected ptosis on the left eye but not the right eye? Seems weird to me why he wouldn't correct it..
  8. The test was designed by a taiwanese psychologist. They didn't discuss it very much in depth. From what I remember:

    A- it is objectively the most "beautiful" and symmetrical. thus it will reflect the heart's desire for idealistic perfection.

    B- it is a meadow with step towards the endlessness. this symbolizes the want to accomplish something in life.

    C- the hot air balloon represents how the heart wants to be lifted from stress and pressure.

    D- the sun exudes a ray of confidence, which may be what the person lacks (and wants).
  9. I am so sorry about your experience. I wish you have a speedy recovery. Sometimes it's too hard to tell when it is still swollen, I don't think it would look as bad as you think, but do go for a revision to fix the asymmetry. My crease deswelled by more than half after 6 months. Btw, I think you are very pretty!
  10. Hmm so assuming if you didn't break your nose or get very skinny, would you have considered PS? I think it depends on whether you tried to restore your natural and original look for your own happiness or for how others would look at you. I see more nuances of your motivations in B if judgement was the reason you had to fix something. But I also see the addictive nature of your facelifts in A, so perhaps it's a mixture of both. It's hard to have a sole motivation that is 100%. I think I am probably 80% A and 20% C. I don't really peg my looks to my accomplishments, although I know the harsh reality that both are related. I mostly do PS for my own satisfaction i.e narcissism/vanity lol. And I don't think looking old means you don't deserve the things you've accomplished, 99% of attractive/smart/intelligent/rich people start to look old without enhancements. 1% is of course for the exceptions

    Digression- the forum doesn't allow me to post a lengthy post argh!
  11. for me there is always desire to improve the %.... not like I have a goal % at 100%, but i feel that if i am still lacking, why not? but its true that the risk involved is too much to outweigh my desires (at least for me). i dont think we would see that futuristic technology in our lifetimes, sadly lol :sad:
  12. Yup it seems (so far) that many people in this forum picked A and C. On the show noone picked A but mostly B and D though lol. But like I said before I don't think seeking perfection or caring about other people's perception is necessarily an "unhealthy obsession" that should be fixed. At least you are self-aware and it'd be ok if you can exhibit self-control :smile:
  13. I understand what you mean :P I know that perfection is mostly unattainable, but there is always the question of "What if..?". What if I change this and change that lol. I think C is more about stress from other people, but I think it can apply to stress within yourself too. When I'm stressed I do think of PS too (which is partly the reason why I returned to the forum despite trying not to fuel an addiction oops). I don't think it is that unhealthy for us though, at least we are self-aware :smile:
  14. Interpretations

    A: You are seeking perfection. No matter how many times you change your looks, you will never be satisfied cause your standards are too high. People who pick this are most prone to addiction.

    B: Your purpose is to accomplish life goal(s). For example, a better career, or for your husband etc. Plastic surgery is just a tool to accomplish a separate goal.

    C: You are very stressed, and plastic surgery is a means to relieve the pressure from what others say about you etc.

    D: Mostly the people with low self confidence, be it inner or outer. You use plastic surgery to increase and supplement the confidence that you lack.

    What did you pick? I picked A :P
  15. Nope I didn't wet the q-tips with water cause I'm afraid I'll get water infection! I'm really prone to infection, bruising and all that so I don't think it's a very good idea lol :X How are you getting along with your face? Does it hurt a lot? I think the weather is really good to walk around now right, beats icing haha :biggrin: I would love to meet up with you but I gotta ask for permission lol! Till when will you be here?
  16. Haha I almost forgot about baby wipes! Thanks to you I got reminded and just went to buy some :biggrin: I only brought the facial cleansing wipes but I haven't got to use it at all cause it's so cold and dry here, my face hardly produces any oil lol. I heard q-tips in saline solution work too, but I have no idea whats saline solution called here so its hard to find. Have you done/considering eyelid surgery as well?
  17. I think I got a little bit more than I wanted haha. I mean I was wavering between small natural eyes vs big dollish eyes for four years before this, and just last month I settled on small natural eyes. Now I've got a huge crease, not exactly to the extent of the Japanese gyaru type, but still huge. I think it is what I wanted about 4 months ago? Haha. Anyway, I still like it. They are much prettier from all angles, my field of vision is more and I can look up without having my eyelid muscles hurt. So I guess the improvement is not just aesthetic, but functionality as well :smile:
  18. Same to you! Ohhh theres much eye s*** especially every morning. On the second day when I woke up I was blind, all I could see was white. Then after blinking I managed to see a bit and I used q-tip to clean away the excess. What about you?
  19. Surgery day itself

    Made my way down in the morning at 10am to pay the deposit because I spent too long deciding the previous night, all the clinics closed and I couldn't pay the deposit. Was previously told that surgery would be at 7.30pm (squeezed in, schedules were up to 9.30pm everyday). When I arrived at the clinic they said someone postponed their appointment so I can have surgery at 2pm. You can imagine how nervewrecking that was.. suddenly told unprepared that I would be having surgery in a few hours. Anyway, I took the slot and they moved me into a cosy recovery room to wait.

    There was wifi so I spent about 3 hours chatting with my friends and napping on the bed. Half an hour before 2pm they called me out to wash my face and change into operating robe. At about 2.30pm then it was finally my turn. Nicole and I went to see the surgeon. He took some photos of me, constantly poked around my eye and made lotsa markings. I told Nicole to emphasize that I still want my round inner corners and not to be too aggressive on epi. Once he was happy with the final design I was brought into the operating room and lay down on the bed. I was mad nervous cause they said that they wouldn't be giving me the 5-minute IV and would just inject local anaesthesia into my eyes when awake lol. (They originally asked me if I ate anything yet, I said yes at 9.30am so I think thats why I couldnt be put under general anaesthesia). The nurse that was with me was so cute. She couldn't speak english and asked "Do you speak Korea?" lol. Then she took a teddy bear and put it into my hand and was like "ehh teddy bear ^^"

    The surgeon could speak Chinese so most of the time he talked to me in Chinese. I remember kpop and xmas songs in the background 0.0 He started injecting the shots... honestly I think it wasn't as bad as I expected from what I heard. It was painful but was very quick. After the shots I started to relax and let him do his thing, I think I nearly dozed off so the nurse occasionally pat me hahaha. I could feel tugging, pulling and burning. I think he burned A LOT of skin and fat cause he used the laser thingy so often. For epi you can feel the inner corners being pulled. Ptosis hurt the most out of all 3 but it wasn't that bad cause I was numb. They basically flip your eyelid inside out, sew onto it and pull A LOT. It was funny cause when he started doing ptosis correction on just one side, I opened my eyes and on that eye my field of vision was sooo much more than the other. The entire surgery took about 3.5 hours. I walked out like a zombie cause I was so tired and sleepy.

    When I looked into the mirror in the recovery room, I was sooo shocked cause I had these caucasian-like folds. The difference was huge. I was just shocked, like I wasn't used to it. Part of me was so happy cause my eyes look so biggish at that moment as opposed to the normal slit, droopy eyes I had. But another part of me felt a little depressed caused by just looking at my eyes, I felt like the cuteness of it -10000000000.

    Right now I'm at day +2 from surgery. I'm bruising and swelling a lot (like I normally do when I'm injured sigh). I hope that by week 3 I can look at least normal cause I'm going back to school. I'm sure there will be many stares ._.

    Heres a picture of my eyes before. The afters are still on my phone. I think I will wait while the bruising has gone down a little before posting them. I look as though I've been bashed up together with my heavy dark circles ><

  20. Yes im taking photos everyday.. I think i will wait ti the swell has gone down a bit more and compile :smile: does anyone know how much the size of the crease will decrease from right after surgery for incisi
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