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Posts posted by babymode

  3. Thank you! The last time i checked on naver (quite long time ago) there wasnt much buzz about teuim. But teuim was also on my to see list but they cnt squeeze me in. I think teuim has foreign patients almost as much as local patients, mayve 40-50 or 50-50. Definitely well known but not very very famous. It is quite known in chinese forums too, but more in english ones like this. I believe dr kwon also has the skills to do a good job ^^, youre lucky if you are able to book a consult.
  4. Hey all I met Nicole today and she's been AMAZING! She's very responsible and friendly and she entertained my family of four as well (who wanted to tag along) :biggrin: For those of you wondering, shes not the pushy type but she will take care of you and advise you and ultimately she will let you decide yourself where to do the surgery. I know this because after consulting 3 clinics which all went so smoothly, I sat at starbucks for a total of 3 hours staring into space because I just couldn't decide where to do it!! And Nicole sat with me and my mom for about 2 hours until she had to meet another customer, she even told me its okay not to decide now, I can come back few years later when I'm older :smile:

    Now I'll talk more about the consults... I came here planning to do Double eyelid, epicanthoplasty and ptosis correction. Every clinic made me feel good so when it came down to decision making I had such a headache! Though I would say, all the doctors had different styles and personalities lol! Also, all the clinics are fully booked with doctors working all the way up to 10pm at night but they will try to accommodate foreigners... and I didn't try to negotiate any price.

    First clinic I went to in the morning was Designer. It was located away from apgujeong in chungdam.. so I took subway down to Apgujeong and took a 10 min cab ride there. Nice modern interior. I was the first customer that arrrived and got to see the surgeon almost immediately :smile: Doc was a little reserved, calm and quiet, but hes the type that will try to accommodate your wants and likes. I think he can understand a little english but he doesn't speak very well so he chooses not to haha! I think hes the very artistic type. The consultant that took us had her eyes done 1 month ago. You can tell its swollen and thick but otherwise it looks very nice and pretty on her considering it was just one month ago? Total: 5 million won for full incisional + epi + ptosis, 4.5 million for partial incision + epi + ptosis. Suggeted full incisional for best result, skin removal only.

    Second clinic was Real Cosmetic. Many people in the waiting room. Saw a few I believe to be consulting for mandible reduction. Seems busy. Met the consultant first and discussed before getting to see to actual surgeon. Her eyes were pretty and tapered. Looks very very natural but I guess surgically enhanced.. I guess haha. Told me I didnt need ptosis, just need a lot of skin removed. Showed me some examples of people with apparent ptosis but did just skin removal. All looked pretty good and natural! Also, she said I can either do embedding method or incisional. After that the doctor came in (i think he just finished a surgery), he was quite late in age and looked very kind! Can speak good english. He was very cute too hahaha. I think his style is more to the conservative and natural side. For those looking for very very natural results, Real is good. Recommended lateral but he said that since I'm so young, I can decide on lateral when I'm older. Told me actually everything is optional too hahaha. Total: 3 million won for full incision + epi.

    Last clinic was Migo. Nicole told me that Migo is partnered with KBS and many KBS actors do their surgical work there. They charge 10,000 won for consultation, refunded if you do your surgery there. Very professional looking. The consultant there looked pretty in a mature way. Kept telling me that they will do a good job haha. When the surgeon came in I think he just finished surgery too. Very very very very headstrong and confident person. Recommended everything, incision, ptosis, epi, lateral. When asked if I can not do lateral, he said ok. Everything was ok lol. They are very busy so... yea. Total: same as designer, 5 million won for full incision + ptosis + epi.

    Those were the 3 clinics I visited. All consultations were brief, briefer than I expected. After that I went to starbucks and literally stared into space for 3 hours because I trusted every surgeon's skill and couldn't decide at all. No pressure from Nicole either but only advise. Then it was getting dark and late I had to go so I picked a clinic, but I still feel a little heartpain over not choosing the rest. I wished I can pick all arghh! So I'm not gonna reveal which clinic I picked, but I'm having surgery tomorrow evening. For those of you considering eyes, these clinics are all well known locally for eyes and it is worth getting all their opinions :biggrin: Because its peak period now, their schedules are all full as they tried to squeeze me in. If you have any questions, feel free to kakao me at rach17. Sorry for my bad english, im rushing this cause I wanna sleep soon! :biggrin: Everything went so smoothly today I teared cause I'm just so grateful T_T Btw I think Nicole has a cheap place (her old apartment) for rent in Sinchon if you are coming over, just letting u all knw :smile: Good luck to all of you!

  5. I'm flying this Wednesday for eyes too! So excited! :biggrin: My translator tried to book an appointment for consultation with Dr Kwon but she was told that they were too busy and couldn't squeeze me in. Good luck to both of you! :smile:
  6. Haha yes! I think you're a fast healer unlike me.. I guess the cold has helped with the deswelling also :biggrin: And your eyes look AMAZING, even from just DAY 1! 0.0
  7. I see.. yes if possible do you mind pming me your pics :smile: thanks so much!
  8. I see! You seem to be deswelling really fast :smile: It's winter time now isnt it.. Wouldn't you get stares wearing shades during winter? Or do you wear the transparent glasses? I'm now one week pre surgery and I'm still eating lotsa spicy food lol... cause I have high spice tolerance so I always don't notice and forget >< You can upload pics here by pressing the "Insert Image" icon up there when you post.. but you can't do it from phone I think :P
  9. Hi! Glad you like your eyes :smile:! May I ask if you know how many mm you got your eyes cut and what type of fold did you go for? Cause no scarring at 2 weeks is daebak haha! Oh and did a lot of red tear duct show after the epi? I'm going for epi too but I don't want my eyes to show any red :X
  10. Ah~ I feel so happy for you! I'm going for the same surgery soon next week and as the date gets increasingly near, I get more overwhelmed and anxious lol! Doesn't help that I'm having tests this week and all I can think of is Seoul. Your positive outlook honestly helped ease me hehe! Btw, it sounded like you were put to sleep for the procedure. I thought local anaesthesia is just numbing the area around your eyes? Or was I wrong? :X I thought that a needle in the vein is only used when administering general anaesthesia.

    Anyway, anyone doing consults or surgeries next week?
  11. wow at how fast this thread is moving. its been long since i've been here. i initially had booked my flight in sept but since postponed it to december which is in another 2 weeks. i'll be meeting nicole there too. really excited (and nervous too i guess haha). will update on how everything goes..

    anyway, noticed that someone here posted about dream clinic aka "before and after ps" now. i would just like to clarify that although they have many testimonials from top celebrities e.g snsd, those testimonials are speaking for dermatology/aesthetic skin treatments. they are pretty famous in korea as a top-celebrity aesthetic clinic and i dont think they perform invasive surgeries such as eyelid or nose. (pls correct me if im wrong). i believe thats where the celebrity image consultant han gyu ri works at.
  12. Hi babe,

    Do you mind pm-ing me Nicole's contact?

    Going to seoul in dec =]
  13. Whoa..... I'll trust your word on Seoul's safety then :biggrin: haha. So since insurance is out, I'll just find an unsuspecting place to stash it away.
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