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Posts posted by fashionplastic

  1. Hey lotsajunkie I'll be in Korea from the 10 for week and a half... Going to add you to kakao talk!!

  2. Yes it seems like she was sponsered by Doc Doc or Regen and had her surgery complimentary.
    Her results looks pretty good IMO!
    Still want to hear peoples experiences with fat grafting since it's SO popular now in asia to have a baby face!! Alot of patients do it in combo with rhino...
  3. Hey TPF's,

    I wanted to start a thread on the infamous FAT GRAFTING. I am interested in getting this procedure done for a more 'youthful' appearance.

    Anyone here done it? Had a consultation? Positive/Negative Reviews?
    I follow a blogger who just recently had it done in Korea, and her results make her look much more young and fresh...

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