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Posts posted by j-cn

  1. By the way, who was your surgeon?
  2. Your nose looks really good. If I were you I definitely wouldn't go for surgery again coz what if it goes wrong?
  3. Have you got Kakao? I'd like to ask a few questions if you have time.
  4. Also, can anyone go through in detail how tip plasty works? I've read about things like shield grafts etc. (mainly from K Couture) in the Asian Nose Job thread but it takes ages to find the smallest bit of information!

    Also, if you get tip plasty, does that mean it is no longer advised to ever move your nose tip (e.g. when blowing your nose)? I imagine with alar reduction and bulbous nose reduction (through removing fat and tissue), there isn't this problem.
  5. Hi,

    I'm interested in getting alar reduction, bulbous nose reduction (through removal of fat etc.) and possibly tip plasty (extension of the tip).

    If I use septal (or ear) cartilage to extend the tip, how likely is it that I will need some sort of revision further down the line?

    I know that with bridge augmentation, you have issues like infection, extrusion, warping, resorption etc. that lead to the necessity of revisions. On top of this, it seems material like silicone will always need revisions in the long-term regardless of whether there are any infections.

    With tip extension using cartilage, apart from for aesthetic concerns, is it likely that I will need revision further down the line? I've read about the possibility of your nose tip drooping over time, is this common?

    I'm assuming alar reduction and bulbous nose reduction (through removal of fat and stuff) doesn't really require revision (unless you dislike the look of it).
  6. Hi everyone,

    I'm an Asian guy planning on going to Korea for rhinoplasty. Specifically, I want alar reduction and I'm also thinking about making the tip of my nose less bulbous, as it would probably look quite big once I have my alar reduced.

    I have been reading a lot of the old threads to do with rhinoplasty but I still have some questions:

    1) What are some of the best clinics and surgeons for rhinoplasty? The ones that I have seen mentioned frequently are:
    - April 31 (Dr Jae Hoon Kim)
    - JW (Dr Suh)
    - Dream (Dr Park)
    - MVP (Dr Seo)
    - ITEM (Dr Kim Jin-Sung)
    - Cinderella
    - JK
    - TLPS

    I have heard that prices are high for April 31, Cinderella and JW, but my main concern is that I get a good result (I really want to avoid having to get revision rhinoplasty).

    [Just in case anyone else is interested, I have read bad things about Wonjin and Grand. Also, even though YouTubers and bloggers heavily promote Banobagi (because they are offered free surgery), Banobagi doesn't seem to be highly recommended.]

    2) I have heard that after a few years, you may need to go back for rhinoplasty again because the nose may change. Is this only the case if you put material in your nose (e.g. silicon and cartilage)? Does alar reduction and bulbous tip reduction require anything to be put in the nose? Will I likely need to go back in a couple of years?

    3) I am thinking of going either in December or before April next year. December would be perfect because I have lots of days off then BUT I will only be able to spend 2 weeks in Korea and I doubt I will be able to consult different surgeons AND get the surgery done in one trip (because I heard December is really busy). Will I face this problem in January/February/March? I really want the consultations and surgery done in one trip.

    Also, how far in advance do I have to book consultations?

    4) Also, can someone confirm how long I have to wait after surgery before I can fly?

    Sorry for all the questions! If you can help with any of these, I would massively appreciate it.
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