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Posts posted by pei-pei

  1. Hi Lacryssa, I am pretty new in here. Nice to hear you have a good result, could you please share your B and A pic to me? Please tell me which clinic and doctor for your surgeries.:P:P My E-mail address: [email protected]. Thank you! I am going to Seoul in Oct for my Nose revision, and I am still do more research in here.
  2. Yes, you are right. I should have to do more consultation before I make a decision which doctor I choose. Anyway, from mid October is still far and I have plenty of time to do more research.
  3. Hi Chris, how is your feeling? You have completed cartilage rhinoplasty for 10 days until today. I hope can share your good result!:cool:
  4. Hi Jentala, I won't think about Aone after I watched the video of their nose surgery. He use patient's bone that's true but the chopped or make the cartilage very small pieces then wrap it in patient's muscle membrance for patient's bridge. That is why your friend's friend's nose deform now. I think Shimmian and VIP, they carve the cartilage for the bridge, but not like AONE " make a sausage".
  7. board certificate is not 100% equal good skill, you agree?
  8. Hi Jetnala, Aone seems reliable, but their web site is only Korean. I can not understand. Do you think they have English or Chinese consultants in their clinic?
  9. Thank you for share your experience and your photos! Shimmian is my second choice. I am still thinking which one is more better. However, I am going to Seoul from Oct16 to Nov 03. Except nose revision, I maybe want to have a cheek reduction because is a little not balance inborn.
  10. I am going to have nose revision, and my first choice is VIP, second choice is Shimmian, the third choice is JW.
  11. Hi Cheon,
    Thank you for your reminder! I will do more research before I make a decision which clinic and doctor I chose. The JW seems OK for nose revision, and I think their price is lower than VIP
  12. Hi Scind,
    VIP gave me the revision rhinoplasty with cartilage is 12,000 USA dollars and the mid face grafting with Cartilage is $3,000 USA dollars. ???;)
  13. Hello everyone,
    I want to do a nose revision maybe with cartilage. I have a bad nose job in Beijing two years ago. My nose bridge used my fat injection, and I requested that made my nose looks smaller. After the surgery, my nose grew scar, my alar are not balance, nostrils are one bigger and other one smaller. That was my bad experience. I am thinking about VIP, does anyone has done the nose job right there and could share the experience?
  14. Hi, do not worry about the immigration. I heard the Korean clinics are very good for that(they usually make you a proof what surgeries you have completed in their clinics)
  15. I think that they off on Sunday usually.
  16. I am going to Seoul in middle of October this year for revision of my nose. Does anyone would like to go there during middle October? I have not make up my mine which clinic I will go, but the most I interest clinic is Beauty (Kr. Lee) , Shimmiana and Grand.
    Did anyone go there do the nose job there and please share the experience? coul Beauty(Dr. Lee) seems very expert for the nose but it very expensive(cartilage revision is $12,000. usa dollars)
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