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Posts posted by fabienne16

  1. To be honest it's your body and your choice. If you truly want it than I'd say go for It. I've stopped myself for the same reasons as you. But I've finally decided to tell them about my plans... At first they thought I was joking and they really didn't like the idea of me having DES.

    But after I've explained why I want to have DES and for how long I've wanted, my family came to terms with it. As long as I'm happy. They were afraid that I did it to look more desirable for people. But I'm literally doing this so I look desirable to myself.

    Maybe If you explain exactly why you want to do this and how you think it will effect your own happiness, maybe they will eventually come to terms with it as well?

    I just think it's better to tell the truth, jaw line surgery is a pretty big surgery. And I cannot imagine them not noticing it. If I were to have a daughter whom would have done such a surgery and Id find out about it I'd be pretty disappointed.

    Nevertheless I hope you will eventually make a decision that will make you the happiest. Good luck !!
  2. Thanks for your reply. But I haven't heard any good news about Regen. Lots of dishonest reviews. And I'm sorry if I offend you. But I have a slight hunch that you are a promoter... (please correct me if I'm wrong)
  3. Hi guys,
    I've set my goals on getting my surgery done January. Im planning to do DES, and probably ptosis correction and Eyebrow lift (my eyebrows hang really low).

    The clinics I'm visiting are View( even though they quote ridiculously high), Namu (who as if now has my preference.

    But I was wondering if people can share shortly their experiences with Uvom. Or maybe you can recommend me another clinic. Because I'd like to visit at least 3 clinics before deciding to do my surgeries.

    And has anyone done DES with dr Seo of MVP ever since the death that happened a few weeks ago? And if so, how did it work out for you ?

    Sorry for the many questions. But time is running up for me.
  4. I'm planning to go to Namu ( my preference) and View (not sure about this though, they charged me quite high for DES). I wanted to go to MVP as well. I heard good things about Dr Seo for DES. But after that death I don't want to anymore.

    View is pretty well known so I Think they might have partnership with hotel. Of Namu I'm sure.
  5. Thanks for your reply. I was thinking about getting a room for myself. I think I wouldn't mind after one week to be with others. But the first 2 or 3 days after the surgery will be rest day for me.
  6. I got an online consult via Kakao with View. They said to me that for my DES I had to pay 5 mill Krw and the around 9 mill KrW for endotine lift (forehead lift) I'm quite young and my eyebrows are hanging very low. Which give the impression as if I'm always angry.

    Is that a reasonable price or are they over charging..... To me especially after reading some prices here 5 mill KrW seemed pretty high for DES. Has anyone got experience with endotine forehead lift ? And if so isn't that pretty high charged as well?
  7. Gosh, this is the main reason why I have been holding back getting a surgery. I get really excited about a clinic and then I hear news like this. A girl dead because not of the operation itself but anestheasia (besides the fact that I'm afraid of my face and eyes being getting botched) I was considering this clinic as well. But now I'm doubting every clinic. I had contact with View through Kakoa and they seemed really nice. But View is just as popular and big as MVP. And from what I've read the big ones will eventually always fall and get negative reviews. Although I'm very glad this blog exist. Because now we can warn each other for clinics like this.

    I'm so sorry for the girl who died.... if only the doctors had more respect for her and were more competent....
  8. Woow, if anyone can identify the clinic please do tell. I actually was considering MVP next to View for my DES. But if this is the clinic than I'll be avoiding it.
  9. Hi,
    I have read a lot of positive reviews of these two clinics throughout the years. And I they're still positively reviewed. (correct me if I'm wrong). So I'm leaning towards them. (Of course I'll keep researching)

    Which doctors would you recommend for DES. I'm actually so afraid of this surgery but at the same time this is what I've wanted for such a long time. But the eyed are such an important part of the face.... I'm so afraid that something goes wrong and that it will not be reversible especially since I'm planning to do full incisional DES. I'm kind of forced to do so, since my eyelid are very fatty.

    I'd like to hear experiences on Kakoa as well, so please add me.
  10. Thanks for the reply. I'll take a look at your suggested clinics. I only wonder if they have translators there as well. Because they mainly get locals.
  11. Hi,
    I've been a lurker of this page for 2 years now. But I have wanted to do double eyelid surgery ever since I was 14 years old. That urge never left. I just really don't know where to start searching for doctors and clinics.

    I'm a student (which means I'm not loaded with money). And I live in the Netherlands. We don't have surgeons here whom are specialised in asian features.

    I would like to do the surgery in South Korea. I'll have to go alone.... which scares me. Because I absolutely don't speak the language and have no idea how to save myself in Korea. I'm also quite scared of my eyes getting botched. I've read lots of reviews but whenever I think I've found a few clinics that seem good to me I'll find negative reviews which make me hesitate everything.

    I would really love if you guys could help me with finding a good clinic who are specialised in double eyelid surgery.
  12. I want to do the double eyelid surgery too in Korea. But should I go to BK or OZ which one is more expensive and if my double eyeld surgery fails (which I'm really scared off :cry: )who's bettter in doing revision and will both of these clinics do the revision for free because it's their mistake or do I also have to pay for that revision if so that's just ridicilous. Some help would be appreciated.
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