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Posts posted by pres30

  1. From his website photos they seem likely real and not photoshoped. They look really noticible with the changes. You can see the changes in the face shape, but they look like the same person.

    Maybe if they gave the patients makeup and styled their hair in the after it will look like the dramatic changes on different websites.

  2. Good tips, In the USA you can get Breast Augmentation for $3,000 - $5000 I'm not sure why Korea is so much more pricey when its cheaper for most other surgeries.
  3. I've heard they are good for contouring. Did you try and Bargain? From looking at what you got it could have been 5m for jaw and 3m for acculift. Total 8M . 12M seems really high for these services. You think it was translator commission?

    Well as long as your satisfied! Thats what matters
  4. There is a viral photo of a clinic with a glass case full of facial bones that they had in the lobby. Apparently they got fined . But I can't seem to find the name of the clinic.

    Anyone know the clinic's name?? They are in Gangam.

    Here is a link


    The photo is gross, but impressive of how much bone they can remove.
  5. Soong Sister, Its good to see this breakdown.

    I am interested in The Clinic, someone on here said they went there for V-Line. Did they seem like they are good for facial contouring?

    I like this type of setup because you can go right to the doctor and know who is doing the work.
  6. Interesting from the EverM website and from a few that posted on this board, EverM seems to produce very noticible results.
  7. Thats good to hear, where you able to get your surgery fairly soon after the consult?? EverM looks like a reasonabley prices facial contour center.
  8. Did you get a 2-jaw surgery , because you mention your cost came to 25 mil. Prices I have been seeing have been 10 Mil for v-line at Regen for jaw and chin. and 5 Mil for zyogma.
  9. Hi, Is EverM a good choice for dramatic results?
  10. After lurking and researching to the point of obsession. I've booked my trip to Seoul for the first week of October. I plan to stay 8 days and get a v-line or mandible surgery done with fat graft.

    I know 8 days is short and 2 weeks is recommended, but I have been reading of a few folks who did zyogma v-line and left after 7-10 days and got stitch removal in their home country. From what I have been following the second week post op is a more relaxing waiting period for the 14th day stitch removal. Anyone ever do V-line,Mandible, or Zyogma and return in less than 14 days?
  11. I wonder if GA is different in Korea than the States. In the States after GA i never felt the way you all describe. IT is nasty and uncomfortable, but more the feeling like bad cold,light flu.
  12. BOYIZZY, glad you toughed it out. What did you pay for the V-Line Surgery?
    On Seoul touchups website they list prices for surgeries, but they seem very high and inflated.
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