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Posts posted by rapid

  1. I just noticed that I need 5 days of membership before I'm upgraded to a full account. :hrmm:

    I'm definitely worried about drooping which is why I'm avoiding a cheek reduction as I believe that's what its associated with? I posted pictures with the type of results I'm seeking here: # Would really like to know your opinion and thank you again mwol :smile:
  2. If you scroll down you can find angel82's response where she mentions that she wasn't happy with their post op service and I also recall another member that had a bad surgery at wonjin but couldn't find their post, I'm sure you probably scratched them off your list by now anyway - what mwol mentioned is quite scary!
  3. Thank you so much for the info mwol! I'm seriously considering Dr. Lee and would love if you could please pm me their experience as well?

    So far it seems I'll be checking Banobagi, Regen, and DARPS for my jaw reduction.
  4. Only some of the shots were photoshopped around the cheek area but to be fair there were other shots that looked legit and her transformation was definitely massive.
  5. WOW thank you SO much for sharing these, it's unbelievable how fast their recovery is! That first girl you posted looked amazing by week 2!

    Now I'm seriously considering DAPRS, I checked their website and their male patients look amazing as well - the quick recovery is really tempting!

    I'll be going to Korea around the end of this month or early January mainly for jaw and chin reduction, what about you?
  6. Thank you mwol although I get a "Referral Denied" message when I click on the links. If it's not too much trouble, any chance of uploading them via www.tinypic.com? I'm really curious to see the results! lol
  7. Wonjin were my first choice after knowing about them through a CNN report, I had a lengthy online consultation and booked an appointment but then I read a couple of warnings against them claiming that many of their before and afters were photoshopped and apparently lawsuits over botched surgeries so I couldn't go through with it, here's someone's experience:

  8. Thank you so much Hiyori!

    That's very good to know about EverM, I don't recall ever reading anything negative about their clinic either, the only thing is they won't do a lift as far as I know but I'm still interested to hear more about them.

    I'll check out AT Aesthetic right now and I'm trying to find out as much as I can about TL Plastic Surgery and Pitangui too :smile:
  9. Hello everyone, I'm new here but have been religiously following this thread for the past couple of weeks so thanks all for sharing your experiences and information.

    I'm a 30 year old guy and have decided to get my jaw and lower face done in Korea later this month, I have an obvious symmetry problem where one side of my jaw hangs lower and sticks out, the cheek on that side also protrudes and appears much bigger which overall makes my head appear large and swollen. I look good from the side however my front view is a problem whenever it's time for an ID photo as it always looks like I have something stuffed in one side of my mouth and my head appears tilted no matter how I hold it. It also gives me a grumpy expression that I hate.

    I have checked with numerous cosmetic and dental surgeons and the majority have agreed that it's a jaw and soft tissue problem that needs to be handled by a craniofacial specialist as I have tried botox but the change was minimal, therefore I decided to go for jaw reduction, genioplasty, buccal fat removal, and a lower lift as the skin is already sagging after loosing weight which I expect will worsen after these procedures.

    Initially I wanted to consult with Banobagi, Regen, and ID but after reading some of the horrid experiences some have had with ID hospital I decided to switch it with either EverM, Pitangui, or TL PS so I'd really appreciate feedback on those three for the type of surgeries I want.

    Here's a photo of a person with a problem that's similar to mine:


    And here are results that I like just to show examples of what I'm after:


    More on his surgeries: http://tlplasticsurgery.com/?p=2899

    One of my main concerns is I don't want to end up with a rounder/puffier face which can look cute on girls but not on a guy, that is why I do not wish to get zygoma reduction as that's an associated side affect. I also tend to shave my hair a lot and I'm concerned about visible scars.

    I will take a detailed photo simulation of the result I want which hopefully will clarify things better during my consultations, will also have a translator with me as I do not speak Korean.

    Anyway, I apologise for my lengthy post and I'd appreciate feedback on my clinic choices. :smile:
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