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Posts posted by nosey77

  1. I emailed pitangui pictures of my nose since I'm going to various consultations next week for primary rhinoplasty. They responded quickly and prices seem in line with most of the other clinics, 4-5k but thats because I need to have tip plasty, shaved down dorsal bump and also narrowing the sides of my nose. If you just need a silicone bridge implant for example you can get this done for under 3k.
  2. Hey thanks for posting that, I'm going to be going to item myself for rhinoplasty (primary) for consult and will probably go with them as well. Do you mind sharing what you had specifically done to your nose as well as the price? I'll be updating this thread as well once I arrive next week and if I decide to go with them, etc. Thus far I like how the actual doctor who will be doing my rhino responded to my email and didn't suggest anything other than what he thought was necessary.
  3. Anyone hate the idea of negotiation when it comes to ps? I understand that they need to see you face to face to analyze, etc, and also they know there's a lot of competition for your $$$s but not being a good negotiator or hating the process makes me nervous. Im going very soon for rhinoplasty and each place has quoted me via email between 4-6k (this is my first nose job) and that's IF they honor the price they quoted me (which is no guarantee from reading the posts of upselling when you arrive) as well as me not being fluent (and the confusion of not bringing my own translator bc it apparently jacks up the price?) makes me very confused. Oh well when in rome, haha. I guess not much you can do but narrow it down to 3-5 clinics and go with your gut instinct, pay in cash to avoid the 10percent fee, play hardball and ask for a discount and then finally hope they don't switch surgeons once you go under lol.
  4. As mentioned once you add airfare, hotels for 14 days min, and food, etc, the price is not significantly cheaper than in the U.S, but then again it depends. Rhinoplasty in the us averages about 6k, and depending on what you do in korea it goes from 2-7 for your initial primary, with a few places like TL and VIP even quoted at 10k+ And of course there's places in the US that charge 15-20k for rhinoplasty, celebrity surgeon types in affluent areas such as beverly hills, etc, bc they can.
  5. This really sucks and is one of the scariest things about getting ps in korea. Once you go under how will you know? Simply put you wont. It makes sense when you consider how common ps in korea is and how busy most of these clinics are. With the large numbers of international patients from china alone, there's just too many patients for their well known or star doctors to do everyone. I guess you can only hope that if this happens the junior surgeon is good as well since he's probably (or hopefully) had many surguries before yours to practice haha. In the end the best you can do is to at least stress that you want the doctor who did your consult (if you get to do that face to face before the surgery) is the one that will actually perform it.
  6. As a straight guy, I just want to say I've never heard any guy comment or make fun of a girl's calve muscles. I understand how many of you may be insecure about your calves for whatever reason, but even those of us who are "leg men" and that would be only 20% at most, don't really focus on a girl's calves. Perhaps we may focus on overall legs but imo unless your calves are so hugely muscular where they look totally out of proportion I'd advise you to save your $ and get a different PS that will be more appreciated and noticed from others. In the end, I realize this is a personal thing and I'm not trying to offend anyone in here who is seeking this but just wanted to add my 2 cents. I just found it strange that there is actually a calf reduction surgery and find it
    a bit unnecessary in the overall attractiveness of a female. Not even trying to make any of you feel better about yourselves but really, guys dont notice or care at all about calves. A girl having big or thunderous calves WILL NEVER be a deal breaker lol.
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