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Posts posted by susaki

  1. For hydro injection, I went to leaders clinic to ask, they said Tht is not suitable for me to do, they suggest my Korean cousin using a cheap Korean brand Tht can make her face look so watery but last for 1 mth only, and suggest my another frd to do a more exp one as Tht suitable her most, the dr claimed tht exp one can make her skin stronger.

    End up, dr suggested me to do a pdt treatment and laser treatment for my acne. And I only want to try pdt treatment first, I done pdt treatment before my nose surgery, and I think I make a super super super wrong decision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For nose, I can't feel any pain when I woke up from the surgery. But for my skin, omg, I feel super painful is like burnt!!!!!!!! N after I went back to the nose surgery clinic, and they help me to remove dressing, and the nurses there quite concern n worry abt my skin, I can feel Tht they really feel sorry for me from their heart.

    My skin a bit teared off when the nurses removed the dressings, but she already try her best to remove as light as possible, as my skin condition is quite weak, the doctors in leader clinic shud hv told me ahead Tht I can't do before nose surgery, but he keep on saying Tht doesn't matter, ask me to do before nose surgery is better.

    And my face now is like sun burnt, I'm quite down n worry it won't b healed:sad:
  2. I will heading to korea tmr night lol, i wont have time to consult dream, i change my list and finally make up my mind to visit 10 clinics, will update u soon, or u can give me ur kakao through pm:smile:
  3. So Young not a clinic, is a forum like purse
  4. thanks for ur info, i will ask dr in korea!! as my frd done it once in korea and she claimed is useless
  5. Actually, i know there are 4 different types of hydro injection: like only hydro, botox plus hydro, hydro plus PRP, etc.

    but i did ask my frd and she said should be alright to do all the procedures, i will update u gals this weekend :graucho::graucho:super excited, wish me luck!!!!
  6. They usually do tapered style and usually using incisional method, you can look at so young "希克麗", this is secret chinese name, now very famous among chinese forum. Good at eye revision too, but if you want to make parallel one, i don't know this is a gd choice or not. And this is my situation now, i want a more parallel one, that's why im going to jaedon and also teiump
  7. I am planning to do hydro injection with prp n fat graft in the coming week, may share my experiences with u gals:graucho:
  8. http://secretps.com/chn/01_introduce/doctor_jung.php
    This is website, this clinic is famous for eyes, but seems this dr leave secret as korean website no this dr already, wonder whether they not yet update the chinese version or not.
  9. i am going to April 31 next week too, mind sharing ur B&A with me or add my kakao???
  10. i read this too, but look at her old post, u can see tht she is a lot better than before
  11. Thanks and hope u recover well and plz update us
  12. Many china gals have went to fukuda to have ps, mixed reviews, plz be careful!! sad that u cant read chinese, have another china forum talk about japan ps as well as korea ps, is called hongfengbaobao
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