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Posts posted by dreamii

  1. Hi MaiQ,
    Thank for your details and experiences, it very helpful. :smile:
    Anyway I have a question relate to sinecch.
    Just wondering how many box you took? Just one package right?
    When you start talking Sinecch, did you still take the medication from doctors normally?
    I'm about to order because I will be traveling soon :smile:
    And my surgery will also be similar to yours.
    In my country, for Bromelain, I can only find this one.
    I don't know if I should get Bromelain but I saw many suggestion that it does help.
    I'm just very excited and thank you heaps for everything ^^

  2. :smile: of course it will be worth it. Be strong. Eat a lot and get better fast ...

  3. Hi ngalaxiee,
    Hope you doing alright.. Just don't stress yourself too much.. Try to relax and the few days forward will pass by fast.
    Why you getting upset after surgery, is it because of the brow tattoo or angle reduction surgery?

  4. Hi ,
    I will do rhino revision soon.. :smile: my first rhino was also under sedation so im just curios if anyone will go through sedation for their revision again.. ^^ anyway I think would want to go through sedation again for my revision...
    Thank you

  5. Hi,
    I don't think many people will probably post the clinic or dare to recommend you to clinics because it suppose to be your own choices. South Korea has hundred clinics and I know it's hard to start pick few to go consult with, but for your best start now, you should start reading from our old posts because it is what I do for these few months.
    After that you'll start to notice which clinic to avoid and which one to go.
    Please don't share your information or believe to anyone who just pop up and tell you to go to this clinic or that clinics because they are probably the promoters.
    I'm sorry that this reply is not helpful but just want new members to be careful

    Good luck :smile:

  6. Thank K...
    Anyway pregnancy is just a plan, dunno if it could be happen or not lol. I'm not an expert. Haha.

    Anyway I will just go to my surgery plan first... Lol I will share my experience with forumers once I'm done with my consultations and surgery.. Without this forum, I might be go to those big factory clinics already... Or maybe hire a translator who will rip me off for nothing.. :smile:

  7. Hi,
    :smile: I think the face got bigger because of the pregnancy too, we out on too much weight. That's why sometime I'm amazed by those who got pregnant and their face remain the same size.

    For me it's different, even now if I put on few KiLo, my cheeks turn to be chipmunk right away... Lol I can't even find my chin because it become so small for my cheeks .. Liked a bulldog lol

    I dnt have much knowledge, but if you already give birth and want to lose some fat on the face, so maybe you can consider power V or acculift. K Couture and others forumers Have been sharing a lot of info n experiences to help each other's in order to become beautiful and satisfied. :smile:

    Anyway after my pregnancy plan, I maybe consider power v or acculift I mention to you too.. :smile:
    let see how big my face turn to be because I never been pregnant before. Haha

  8. Hi K,
    Haha yeah.. How could we live without Facebook nowadays.. I need my phone for Facebook, Instagram and purseforum. I cannot wait to share my experiences. lol

    I maybe consider power v or acculift after giving birth den.. Bcos dnt want to do it 2 times.. Lol
    I think those clinic really watch this forum because i got a direct question about my knowledge relate to PS ... So thank to you and others forumers that keep trying to warn us not share our info here.

    Anyway this coming trip I will discuss with doctor carefully, because sometime I feel that my face is not that big that have to go through that mandible jaw reduction. Or if he only recommend me to have power V or accu, then it'd be even better.. 😋

    Finger cross of my upcoming PS.. But thank god my hubby will take me there, at least I won't be alone..
    During and after surgery period, I guess people need a lot of emotional support. 😌

    Thank a lot K. Can't thank enough for being so active here 😁😁😁😁

  9. Yes I agree with kkim. I never heard of anyone doing fat graft on nose bridge. Please do more research before heading for surgery

  10. Hi K,
    Thank for replying. :smile: yes I often gain n lose weight around 2 or 3 kg too. But I'm worried if next year I plan to have a baby and of course the weight of that time will gain at least 10kg. :/ that's why I feel that maybe that surgery is not for me. Is it right?
    Anyway I'm heading in Seoul soon :smile:
    Very excited n also nervous :biggrin:

  11. Hi Mimi,
    That 2 procedure is really confusing... I read from a thread saying that: (I'm not sure power v or acculift) the fat of the face will come back after a few year or when we gain weight.
    Do you know which one of the 2?

    My face is weird and it annoys me. Wherever I gain weight, all the fat go to my cheek (between mandible jaw and cheek bone) which make my face look so chubby liked a chipmunk. :/
    I hope my fat go to where else except my face :sad:

  12. By the way kKhim, which clinic does dr.suh from? 😁

  13. Hi jacaranda,
    Pls share me how much they quote you as well. :smile: I couldn't get in touch with DA, sth wrong with their Kakao and Line :sad: ... Girin replied me but seem liked they dnt really understand English.

    Thank u

  14. Hi Wauwau,
    Thank a lot for ur replied :smile:
    Yes your are right... Everybody said the first few days is hell...
    1) I agree that DA is good with facial contouring, but not nose.
    2) also agree that vline n rhino together is a disaster...
    For 3 & 4, I will discuss again with the doctor and wil make final decision... Hopefully it will be okay but if not, I won't go through those 2 at once. Finger cross.
    Thank again for d help :smile:
  15. Hi guys,

    I was wondering of those who have nose job revision, after the surgery they will leave the cotton pad in your nostril right? During the few days after the surgery, I was just wondering how many day they leave the cotton pad and how how you feel after it remove? Is it hard to breath or feel very dried inside the nostril or it just normal liked nothing happen...
    Thank you
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