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Posts posted by north_star

  1. Hey thanks for the information. My crease is about 8mm when closed. Is this considered high? I guess the swollen look appears more obvious because my eyes are generally small. It looks like 2 sausages on top of the eyes ha.. In the mornings sometimes it could be 4-5mm when eyes are opened and by evening it drop by half. Looking forward to waking up with natural lids in time to come!
  2. Hi does anyone have any information about undoing ptosis correction? I had non incisional ptosis correction done but the shape doesnt look like what i want. I am waiting for the 6 mth mark before deciding my next steps. I feel like removing the ptosis totally but aint sure what that entails. Must it be through full incision? Hoping someone could share if you know anything about this.
  3. Hi walkingpenguins, what type of revision are you getting in May? epi and double eyelid? or ptosis as well? I'm just wondering if the crease can be revised without touching the ptosis and vice versa..
  4. Hi just chanced upon this thread and I have the same 'swollen in the mornings, better in the evenings' thing going on for close to 2 months. I did my non-incisional ptosis in January. The change throughout the day is quite drastic, maybe also because my crease is kind of high and so it involves more eyelid flesh. Just wondering how long it takes for the eyelids to 'stabilise' or is it gonna be a cycle that will keep repeating itself everyday?! If anyone had experienced this before, it will be great to hear from you!
  5. nope they are not getting more uneven compared to the previous photo I uploaded. Just keeping my fingers crossed for now! That time, apart from Teuim, I also went back to the clinic where I did my first surgery, but I was put off by the surgeon's attitude. So I decided to go with Teuim in the end.
  6. heyhey my eyes look different everytime I look so I will probably wait for it to stabilise abit before evaluating further and showing pics. from how i see it, the asymmetry seems to have improved somewhat.. previously it was uneven 95% of the time. now probably 80%? ha..

    I will wait for at least the 2 month mark. now it is still puffy and crease still too high for my liking..

    all the best for your revision in May!
  7. Updates @ close to 1 month..

    My crease has reduced by a tinnnny bit and visible swelling is gone, but my eyes still looks kinda puffy and feel tight. I can still feel a bulge at the upper lid area (right below eyebrows). I think there is also fluid retention at the upper and lower lid area, especially the lower lid (i.e.the part between the eyelashes and the crease). It is making it hard for me to put on eyeliner, cos I can still feel and see the swell. The fluid retention seems hard to get rid off, its been there since eons ago! Anyone had the same experience and could advise me on how long it takes for yours to be gone and any tips on how to get rid of it asap?

    And my eyes look different throughout the day. It starts off puffy in the morning, and looks its current best late at night. My asymmetry is also not constant, sometimes they look the same, but 95% of the time the left eye is larger than the right, not just crease size but also pupil exposure. I am really worried it will turn out uneven again.. my main aim of this revision IS afterall, to correct the unevenness.. and now I end up with this. sighhhhhh
  8. Oh I think I know what you mean about your inner corner.. hope your next revision will turn out great! To be honest, I am still rather bothered about my high crease (makes it look very unnatural) and I think the crease at the inner corners are too high, making my eyes look even rounder than before. I am still hoping that with time, the crease will lower and somehow the line along the inner corner will also lower, though I'm not sure whether that is possible. The asymmetry is another problem too, but so far it is not that obvious so I will just keep monitoring.. Apart from these, I do think the surgery went well, swelling came down quite fast, and no other complications.

    Oh, and about the partial incision, I think it was just to remove fats off the eyelids, the ptosis correction was done using the normal non-incisional method.
  9. There you go~ my eyes at 2 weeks, w/o makeup. Distance between my eyes was large to start off with, but epi did help a little. I also requested for the doctor to just cut a little of my inner corners, as I didn't want to look too different with sharp corners.

    There is also still a little asymmetry between the left and right eye too(my right eye was smaller before because it loosened), but I hope they will eventually even out.... *pray*
  10. yeah, but after epi the inner corners are extremely sensitive. My redness still come and go. So for awhile we just got to be very careful..

    This time round I went for partial incision + ptosis + epi. Had partial incision cos I wanted to remove some fats off my eyelids. :smile:
  11. Sure, I will show it to you when more swelling has gone down. Right now it still look sausage-like. :shucks:

    Thanks, all the best for yours too!
  12. hi oryza your eyes are looking great :smile: You mentioned your lids came down by at least half, which in my case, is exactly what I am hoping for! I am now a little less than 2 weeks past surgery, the major swelling has subsided but the crease is still awkwardly high and my lids appear a little sausage-like. :sad: I cant tell if the high crease is caused by the remaining swelling (which isnt alot from how it looks)..

    May I know if you did ptosis correction? And was it incisional or non-incisional?
  13. I know this is a little off topic for this thread.. haha but I am also considering nose filler myself cos of my flat nose bridge. Yours is looking real good!

    May I know what type of nose filler you chose? How long does it last and any side effects you encountered? E.g. I read from some websites that there is risk of fillers 'spreading' over time, especially the semi-permanent ones. Not sure how true this is though.. Hope to hear from you!
  14. Hey asiandreams, I did non incisional double eyelids at another clinic about 3 years ago. It loosened within 2 years and that's the reason why I did the revisional surgery with teuim this time round. Also, my right eyelid loosened more than my left so that prompted my revisional surgery.

    I think the burial technique works for some but for others with e.g. thicker eyelids, mongolian fold etc, it places more stress on the suture and cause it to loosen over time. For my case, my lids are not thin, but also not significantly thick. I think the bigger culprit could be my very severe mongolian fold because I did double eyelid surgery without epi the previous time.

    Hope this helps!
  15. Hmm.. I hope so.. anyways I shall wait for the 1 month mark before evaluating further..

    My epi area is healing very well, a little red but no visible scar or bump as some other people experience. I am also continuing to apply the cream and it helps to reduce the redness. I will keep you updated if there are any changes.

    My bigger worry is the scar along the double eyelid line because right now there is a very visible inward dent along the eyelid crease when I close my eyes. :sad:
  16. Hi all, its my first time posting on this forum :smile:

    I just did my non-incisional ptosis correction + epi at teium. Its been a little more than a week only but I am getting worried because of my high crease, which makes it look very unnatural. It could be due to the remaining swell, but as I observe the crease while slowly closing/opening my lids, it seems to be that the crease's position is kind of 'fixed'? Anyone has the same thoughts?

    I hope someone who has done the same non-incisional ptosis correction at the clinic could kindly enlighten me on whether the crease will lower and become more natural over time..

    Thanks in advance!
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