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Posts posted by hj88

  1. Not a silly question. They definitely do this with filler (and it works!)

    I don't see why they couldn't do the same thing with FG. I'd be interested to know if you find a doctor who can do it:smile:
  2. I doubt you'll find any papers on dermal grafting for acne scarring. I got the treatment from the doctor who pioneered it and is writing the seminal paper on it. That's not to say other doctors don't practice dermal grafting though.

    There are potential complications to any procedure, which is why it's so important to go to someone who specialises in it.
  3. I just looked up the study you referred to.

    It seems to be targeting the same result as dermal grafting - that is, improving moderate to severe acne scars using your own cells.

    Given the results of dermal grafting are so good it seems strange to pay $7000 for this procedure (that's still in the trial phase) when you can have dermal grafts done for a few hundred dollars a cheek..

    Eh to each his own
  4. This sounds to me basically like dermal grafting.

    They harvest collagen behind your ear, then break up the scar tissue in your acne scar with a long needle before inserting the harvested collagen into the scar pit and put a tiny stitch in the graft.

    There are dermatologists that do this in Australia and the US (that I know of, I'm sure there are others though).

    I had this done many years ago to great effect.

    Costs nowhere near $7000!!
  5. 4mm is considered high for an implant.

    The bridge implant will not change the tip. There could be a step down from the implant, yes, but it might not be obvious. If your tip is otherwise fine you probably don't need to worry. Some doctors like to put cartilege at the tip (rather than implant).

    5 days post-op you are still usually quite a mess. You may even find you get swelling in the eyes and around your nose than hangs around for a week or 2. Do you know when you'll have your cast / tape taken off?
  6. I had a great experience with his clinic.

    He was lovely and very available to answer questions pre and post op (even to this day still responds to my emails!)

    His staff were all nice (though I doubt they are still the same girls since it's been so long). I recall a lot of his staff back then had surgery done by him and they would let you see and touch it hehe:P

    I took in photos of the noses I liked but really there isn't much point for nose as the main constraint the surgeon has to work with is your underlying nose structure. Dr Chuang gave me a great improvement on my real nose and got rid of the problems I didn't like. He did that very naturally and subtly.

    No one has ever been able to tell I had nose job (not even other surgeons). My scars are really tiny (faded so much they are basically invisible).
  7. I don't share my photos with stranger, sorry.

    I can describe for you though!

    My new nose is basically just my original nose but smaller, cuter and more compact minus the hump:smile:

    Don't worry - Dr Chuang has books and books full of BA photos in his waiting room so you will be able to see literally hundreds of his noses
  8. It can be really hard, I know. Especially when so many people on forums like this have their own agenda that they are pushing.

    I think meeting with the doctors in person and having them describe their methodology and how they will operate on you specifically is crucial. Most xlinics have english translators on hand so you don't absolutely need Korean:smile:
  9. My friend and I went to taiwan for our surgeries 7 years ago. She had her eyes done by Dr Chuang at Wish Clinic. She was very happy with the results
  10. If you are looking for a clinic with a perfect track record you will not find it.

    Don't focus too much on the reviews. Instead, look at the various doctor's methodology for the procedues you want and their experience with it.

    Then research as much as you can about the particular surgical methodology - benefits, downsides, potential complications etc so you know what you are in for.
  11. The ones to look out for are the ones with "의원" at the end of the Korean name. It just means they are not registered plastic surgeons but are clinics only. The law changed a few years ago to make them specify this in Korean so consumers are pre-informed.

    The ones with 외과 or 병원 at the end are board certified plastic surgeons or hospitals.

    Skin clinics are another category all together - 피부과 and dental clinics are also another category - 치과.

    I think your list covers places that are popular with both foreigners and locals.

    As I see it, the reason a lot of foreigners go to places with bad reviews on forums like this is either because:

    - they don't research properly
    - they go with an agent who reccomends the clinic
    - they trust the marketing hype
    -they think "bigger and more well known must be better"
    - they prefer the convenience
    - feel more comfortable because everything is in English
    - they are getting their information in languages other than English (ie Thai, Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese)

    Oh and for Korean language resources you may be better off searching on Daum or Naver
  12. This is a tough one.

    I think it may be possible and both of them will probably tell you it's possible (and to do the first surgery at their clinic first!) but in reality this probably wouldnt work well unless you had a few weeks between each surgery.

    I doubt either clinic would be too happy to operate on you the next day or anything.

    Also, Particularly for the surheries you are talking about - recovering from both of those at once would be a bit of a nightmare as you won't be able to breathe properly through your mouth or nose. People do them together though, so physically it is possible. Having done both at different times myself I literally cannot fathom how people combine them though. The only thing I had going in my favour after vline was that my nose way was free!! Hehe

    I've not heard of people doing them together at different surgeries either but again, it may be theoretically possible
  13. Oh i did my nose years and years ago, that's why:smile:
  14. Is this PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)? If so, those prices are daylight robbery...
  15. Uhh.. There are plentyyyyy of Caucasians who go for surgeries in Korea. I've seen them with my own eyes and asked at many different clinics too.

    Obviously there are more asian clients but the aesthetic differences are not as big as you think. While it is true that many Asians need implants or the bridge height raised, there are many Asians also who have humps and crooked noses to shave down and straighten. Any rhinoplasty specialist will be able to do both successfully.

    If you do some research here on TPF you will be able to find caucasian reviewers as well.

    I am caucasian:smile:
  16. Well I had my surgery at the beginning of May and I'd say sensation has returned 95% to my lower lip and chin.

    There is still about a 5% tingly sensation at my lower left lip and chin that has not completely returned yet.

    It is getting better every month, but the healing there has been very slow. Smile has returned to normal despite this though :smile:
  17. I'm western and I did my face contouring surgery at TLPS. You can read my review in my thread:smile:
  18. Oh no problem:smile:

    Good job with the Google translating too!

    Armed with this kind of information I would be shocked if the clinics continue to try and overcharge you so badly even if you don't speak a word of Korean..

    Which has been my point all along - knowledge is power with bargaining. Plus, the more you know the less you feel like a fool asking for a reasonable price (!!)
  19. I think only once for top-up otherwise they do it again and take fresh fat. The harvested fat definitely does not keep forever.

    IMO I think it's probably better to do it in your home country if you can't go back for a top-up. Plus, with all the flying back and forward for most people it's probably cheaper to do it at home as well.

    This is just MY opinion though:smile:
  20. It took a long time for the swelling to come down. At least 1 month before it started to look semi-normal and not so alien-like.

    By end of November swelling would have come down a lot but there would definitely still be residual swelling. The swelling will look much worse in photos than in real life too..
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